
Meat fragments fell like blood rain all over the sky.

The flesh-cleaver is a special attack on humanoid creatures, and is most suitable for cutting bones and flesh, so it can split Xiang Feng's reinforced body in an instant - the lack of suitable armor is its biggest weakness.

However, Lu Meng's knife only cut Xiang Feng open, and it was the arrow shot by Romi that really shattered him.

The exploding eagle crossbow arrow only touched Lu Meng's chest at this time - but it had become soft and powerless, and it penetrated only an inch, not even enough to massage.

With a click, it fell to the ground.

Romi's hand suddenly trembled violently.

The flesh and blood on the ground were still wriggling, the white mucous membrane and the bloody granulation twisted, trying to entangle with each other, and the lower body of the giant was twitching, showing unparalleled vitality - but their owner was already dead, and no matter how hard they struggled, it was useless.

The black-robed youth stood among them, dark red dew condensed on his dark robe, and finally washed away by water.

Like bathing in blood.

The Lord of Blood with a knife in hand!

At this moment, the siege of the tech hunters was still at the last moment: Wang Chi of the Shak blocked his retreat, Julie rushed forward with two knives, and Wen Jin, who was holding a long knife, waited for an opportunity to move...

--Be careful!

Julie, who was the first to react, wanted to shout.

At the same time, she stopped her body.

The weapon appeared inexplicably in the hands of the Lord of Blood, but the length of the flesh-chopping knife was short, so it could only attack Xiang Feng who hit him, and took this opportunity to change the formation...

But, at this moment.

The black gold chopping knife in Lu Meng's hand suddenly disappeared.

Just like its sudden appearance.

No trace.

- Is this magic?

There was no time to think and organize words, but such questions were the deepest voice in everyone's subconscious at this moment.

However, no matter Wang Chi, Julie, or Wen Jin, who was the farthest away, they did not relax at all.

Instead, alarm bells rang loudly.

A chill far surpassing the previous threat.

It surged!

Wen Jin swung his sword fiercely, and the blade condensed his skills of almost a lifetime; Julie crossed her swords in front of her chest and leaped back with her nimble body; and Wang Chi's frenzy level was directly raised to the highest level, reaching the level of Kral in the past, reaching the peak and falling into the abyss...

A moon wheel.

Suddenly lit up in the center of the hall.

It was an arc formed by the blade!

Lu Meng grasped it with both hands... He grabbed a samurai naginata that was about ten feet long, and the wind turned like a wheel while dancing, whistling through the air!

Blood flowers bloomed.

Julie's arms and Wang Chi's chest were immediately split open, like a beautiful flower field.

Only Wen Jin blocked it with a sweep.

But he was pushed back several steps by the tremendous force contained in that moment of contact.

His face was pale.

Not because of injury.

But because of fear.

In the past, there was a samurai commander who wielded the same long naginata and advanced across the battlefield of Shark Village, unrivaled at the time... But his might at that time was not even a fraction of Lu Meng's now!

Romi's heart trembled... The flesh-cleaver was heavy in structure and limited in length. If the Lord of Blood used some kind of sleight of hand to hide it from everyone... Although it was incredible, there were still some extraordinary people who could do it.

However, this was a long weapon of more than three meters.

How could he hide it!

Tech hunters sometimes carry special folding pistols, but they can only deal with temporary needs, and the strength of the joints will not be enough after all... But the opponent's long weapon is obviously not in this category.

- B-level module.

The authority to directly act on physical rules outside of itself.

Among them are modules dedicated to the accelerated construction of bases, rapid medical treatment and other time concepts.

There are also items stacked and weight reduction related to the concept of space... If it is dedicated to the base, it is a storage enhancement, and if it is used for individuals, it is a backpack enhancement.

Today, Lu Meng only needs a simple and concealed thief backpack, but it can hold almost anything he usually uses, and it will not affect the battle due to excessive weight.

——It is already quite difficult and slow to improve his current [Strength] attribute. If he simply uses the method of increasing weight to train, the cost-effectiveness is not high.

If possible.

Everyone wants to relax.

But if you think that he has relaxed his vigilance and despised the enemy because of this...

Those who think so.

are truly arrogant!

——Fear swept everyone's heart in an instant.

If they are comrades, they will see a miracle that changes the situation.

But if they are enemies.

What they see is the sign of destruction!

Just like Lu Beiyou himself.

The Red King...

Or the Lord of Blood!

Several hunters in Lake Town couldn't understand why he suddenly had a deadly weapon in his hand when he was clearly empty-handed... They didn't expect that the previous intelligence never mentioned that Lu Beiyou could use long weapons, but this long naginata was also used to perfection in his hands.

Although it was blocked by Wen Jin... But you have to know that Wen Jin has been immersed in samurai swords for many years and has been transformed. In terms of skills in this field alone, there are not many warriors of the same level who can be completely stronger than him.


A roar came, roaring everywhere.

——If we were to say who among the people besieging Lu Meng had the least fear in his heart and was the easiest to control, it would undoubtedly be the Shek man Wang Chi who had entered a frenzy state, because he was already unconscious.

Only that little fighting instinct told him that the black-robed human in front of him had suddenly become more dangerous since he held a weapon.

It had risen to a level that was enough to overwhelm him.

But the advantage of frenzy was that even if you knew you were no match for them, the wildness surging in your bones and blood vessels would help their owners find the only chance of victory.

Wang Chi's chest bone plate cracked, and the granulation tissue grew vigorously, grabbing the edge of the wound and trying to close it... But before it could heal completely, the beast burst out.

Long weapons also have their weaknesses.

That is close combat.

As a technological hunter, although Wang Chi is a Shek, he doesn't follow tradition very much. His uniform is embedded with ceramic armor, which is enough to withstand one or two hard slashes.

As long as he pounces before that...

With claws all over, he swung out a steel whip——



Wen Jin and Julie spoke at the same time, but Wang Chi, who had gone berserk, could not listen to anyone's words, including his teammates.

The two tech hunters realized the problem the moment they opened their mouths, and could only grit their teeth and pounce forward together...

But it was too late.

The long naginata, which was about ten feet long, disappeared again in Lu Meng's hands.

Replaced by...

A heavy ten-handed sword!


The symphony of metal and iron was deafening.

This weapon, the same as Huo Buyang's, was a blunt weapon like the opponent's steel whip, and now it was smashed together fiercely.

Two strong men collided.

Only the strong will win!

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