Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 634: Same Kind (Combined Chapter)

There are seven hunters in Lake Town, and except for Liu Si, the remaining six have all had problems.

This is certainly because Wandering End is determined to win, has used the layout for many years, and is willing to pay any price... But in order for them to be selected and connected, and to be able to carry out such a series of operations... If you say that there is no problem with the branch of the technology hunters in the Lagoon Town of the Depression, who would believe it?

They may not want to target Lu Meng subjectively. It is likely that they are just outsiders and have no idea about the whole matter. It is just that someone in charge of the selection and review took advantage of it and thought it was a convenience, but unexpectedly poked a big hole.

After all, the action of Wandering End this time does not actually overlap with the interests of the Lagoon of the Depression, and may even undermine the progress of their cooperation with Kaidun City. No matter what, they will not cut their own flesh to make wedding clothes for others.

However, the fact that such a thing can happen shows that there are more undiscovered conflicts in places where the light cannot be seen.

Otherwise, Bo, who had a promising future and was highly regarded among the Tech Hunters, would not have taken the initiative to withdraw from the organization. Even if they kept in touch later, it was only with Black Scratches.

When she heard Lu Meng invite her to go south together, she subconsciously wanted to object.

It was as if she was resisting returning to that town.

However, when Bo heard the second half of Lu Meng's words, she swallowed the words of refusal.

Get back to the source...

Give it to the Depression Lagoon Town?

What a big tone!

But it just hit the bottom of Bo's heart, the most secret and unspeakable expectation.

"This trip south is mainly to solve the problem of Ai Mining Town - it would be best to take over its ownership." Lu Meng said, the former is a cooperation with Mr. Gray, and the latter is in his own interests, and the two sides are mixed together.

Even the anti-slavery people who aim to liberate all slaves know not to be the savior, and he is not doing charity or being kind.

It's not that I don't want to do it, but I can't.

"But whether it is mid-way supply or the final transfer... it is inevitable to deal with the Depression Lagoon."

As the original recipient, although this town is under pressure from the general of the United City to a certain extent, it is still the representative of the technology hunters in the entire southern continent and the largest base. If they really don't want to do it, everyone can coerce them.

There must be a mutual benefit.

From Bo's understanding and the clues revealed in the autopsy report, I am afraid that after taking over the Ai Mining Town, the Depression Lagoon will not operate and rebuild the city-state as carefully as the Ai Mining Hunters expected.

But it will be used as another circulation base for black extract...

This is also consistent with Lu Meng's memory of the future. Although it was not clearly stated in the background, from the details such as the price level of black extract in different cities and whether it was banned by law...the standards of Ai Mining Town and Depression Lagoon are the same.

The complete ruin of Ai Mining Town was also after the Depression Lagoon took over. It is not known whether the value was squeezed out or there was a mistake when it was transferred.

In addition, whether it is the situation learned from Bo or the future circulation of black extract and special blood rum, it is based on the fact that the swamp is still a free and unrestrained forest where the fittest survive.

Changing rice to hemp, institutional workshops are promoted on a large scale...

However, the emergence of Lu Meng and the replacement of the king of the swamp banned all this.

This is of course a good thing for the overall interests of the swamp people, but in the eyes of others, they may not think so.

Under the control of Shark Village, the production of black extract has been greatly reduced, and it is more than enough to maintain medical use... But to use it as a drug on a large scale as before... It is far from enough.

Undoubtedly, it cuts off people's wealth.

The changes in the first two years may not be significant, and the drug lords may still have stocks. As time goes by, once they find that the situation is not likely to "improve" under Lu Meng's rule, for the sake of profit, some people will inevitably take risks.

At that time, there will be many troubles again.

It is better to take advantage of this trip south and solve them all together.

Prevent trouble before it happens.

Bo's pupils slightly dilated, and a glimmer of light shone inside... If Jager was here, he might be surprised that his old partner, who always had a cold face, actually showed his true feelings.

She had helped train in Shandi for quite some time. Previously, this anti-slaver used her stealth ability to track down the "escaped" Dengli and tipped off Chad to create an opportunity.

Now the combat level of the Shadow Department in reconnaissance and counter-espionage has improved, and Bo has nothing to teach.

As for assassination, not to mention that the Shadow Department has the foundation of swamp ninjas, even their Red King himself has done a lot of assassination before, so Bo doesn't have to worry about it.

So, Shandi really doesn't need her for the time being, and now the other party has given her the opportunity to go south together, which is more than she wants.

"Okay...wait a minute." The anti-slaver was about to agree, but suddenly remembered something and asked hurriedly: "Does Mr. Hui know about this?"

"Of course." Lu Meng smiled, "Otherwise why would he keep you in Shandi."

In addition to the ronin Diu and Bo, there are several anti-slavers who stayed in Shandi, such as the young Xia Hong who is good at mechanical engineering and Meng Ling who is good at topographic mapping.

Mr. Hui has carefully considered the stay or departure of each person, taking into account the balance of the needs of both parties. For example, except for the heavyweight Diu, the rest of the people who stayed in Shandi are not good at combat, but have their own strengths in production development and other fields.

After all, it is a power that has been operating for decades. Its foundation is not comparable to Lu Meng's, and it can be regarded as technical support.

Among them, Bo is somewhat of an exception. She can certainly be a teacher and can be regarded as able to exert her abilities. However, as an anti-slavery fighter who has been deep in the enemy's rear for many years and reconnaissance and exploration, Bo's actual combat ability is not weak.

A battlefield that really suits her.

It is not the rear.

Bo is well aware of Mr. Hui's characteristics of knowing people and making good use of them. She was a little confused about this at first, but thought that perhaps it was because she was familiar with Lu Beiyou, and out of consideration for cooperation and contact, she made this arrangement.

It is reasonable.

She has no objection.

It's just that now with Lu Meng's invitation, Bo suddenly realized... Could this be the real arrangement of the old bee man?

"When he left, the first step of the plan had not been completed. Even if he told you in advance, there would be no other benefit except increasing the risk of exposure." Lu Meng stood on the top of the city, looking far to the south, "and he knew you would agree."

To know people and make good use of them.

The premise is to know everything.

Mr. Gray had never interfered with the Southern Tech Hunters' career because of his deceased comrade and the consideration of the struggle strategy. But that didn't mean he didn't see it.

The same was true for Bo's origin and her wishes.

The other party governed seriously.

But it was not that he didn't understand people's hearts.

In late autumn, a cool breeze from the grassland blew over, again on the top of the city, making Lu Meng's cloak and Bo's hood rustle.

At this time, the wandering tribes often prepared hay for the livestock for the winter, and at the same time migrated to prevent the snowstorm and terrible white disaster brought by the cold wind.

Although the wind now is not as terrible as this, it is enough to leave a layer of frost and ice on the grass after the morning... But when it blew on Bo's face, she didn't feel cold at all.

Instead, there was a hint of warmth.



The bee prince retracted his gaze.

Stober's adventures are spread across the vast mountains, with dangerous terrain and few people, which is a good place for them to hide in anti-slavery activities.

But correspondingly.

The speed of information transmission will also be slower, which is an inevitable price.

But perhaps it is precisely because of this reason that he is forced to consider problems at least three steps ahead, so as not to miss the opportunity.

This struggle lasted for decades.

Only then did the name of Gray Gray come into being.

After listening to Mr. Gray's explanation, the anti-slavery people were still somewhat doubtful.

On the one hand, the interests of various forces were involved, and the dark and unclear places gradually unfolded, making them feel that the situation was becoming more and more complicated, and the burden and responsibility on their shoulders were becoming more and more important, and it was inevitable that they were emotionally agitated.

On the other hand, it was also because in the face of such a complex situation, the two of them actually unraveled the situation, sorted out the situation, and formulated a response method.

Even Mr. Gray, whom they trusted... was not the leader.

- To some extent, this fact was more exaggerated and unbelievable to the anti-slavery people than the above situations.

"Well." Mr. Gray did not hide it at all and admitted it frankly.

His face was wrapped in bandages, and there were burn scars all over his face. But at this moment, he twitched a little - pulled by the corner of his mouth.

Whether the anti-slavers could find it or not, I am afraid that even the bee prince himself did not realize that he felt so relaxed and happy.

Since entering [Stober's Adventure], the anti-slavers are safe, but correspondingly, the outside intelligence is also blocked.

But out of an inexplicable premonition, Hui just believes that the human youth has realized his first step of the plan: to alienate the north and south of the empire and give the merchant servants a painful blow.

Don't think that the other party seems to have just failed in the arrangement, and it seems that there is not much loss.

But at their level, every arrangement must mobilize huge resources and involve multiple forces. Not to mention that it is empty, even if the final result fails to meet expectations, it is considered a heavy setback.

Even the merchant guild.

Mobilizing resources is not without cost.

This time and time again weakening, a little bit becomes a lot, when the quantitative change becomes qualitative change, even a huge empire may collapse in a moment.

Of course, the follow-up may not be so smooth.

For the merchant's favorite, the blow was even greater: not only would he have to spit out the edge town he had already swallowed, but his personal prestige and the trust of his superiors would also be diminished.

This was fatal.

Add to that the harassment from the sword-wielding lunatics inside the United Cities... If it weren't for Mr. Gray's maturity, he would have almost laughed out loud at the thought.

There was no need for the anti-slavers to take action.

They would just fight each other.

The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend... but I didn't think so.

They are just blades in my hands.

Struggle has never been a dogma.

Senior anti-slavers like Diu have broken through the first level in the world's concept, but have fallen into another dogma to some extent.

But at Mr. Gray's level, he broke through it again and reached a higher level.

Otherwise, he would not have led.

However, the biggest surprise of this trip to the Flash Land was not the heavy damage to the United Cities.

But he discovered that the Red King was also a person on the same level as himself.

——Strictly speaking, such people are rare, but they are not absolutely non-existent.

For example, the chief advisor of the Shark Kingdom, and his great enemy... Long En.

But what is really rare is.

Lu Beiyou is not an enemy.

Bayan has similar ideas and is dedicated to the country, but his political foundation is quite unstable. He almost relies on the trust of the queen. He lacks public support in the country, whether in the warrior class or the general class.

Only the newly cultivated emerging businessmen, professional bureaucrats, and refugees are satisfied with the atmosphere of the new policy... and there is also a certain religious group to help.

Changing customs is also in progress.

But after all, it is still in the embryonic stage.

Once a flaw appears, the building will collapse in an instant.

Therefore, after Mr. Gray investigated and understood, although he removed the Shak Kingdom, which may return to the plundering clan, from the category of imaginary enemies, he still maintained a certain degree of vigilance and did not think of contacting the kingdom under the new policy state, waiting and watching.

In contrast.

The support that the Red King obtained in the swamp and the grassland of the flash land... is really something that the hornless man will never envy in his lifetime.

In this way, he can effectively eliminate the malpractices and implement the major policies.

As for the president...

Not to mention.

Mr. Gray had communicated with the human youth: Long En is best at borrowing a knife to kill someone, so he can stay behind the scenes and continue to expand his trusted forces.

South United City.

It was the knife in his hand in the past.

This time, it backfired.

Lu Beiyou's approach even has the meaning of using his own method to counterattack others.

Back and forth.

It is a double loss.

Because of his strategy, Mr. Gray also felt the joy of borrowing a knife to kill someone for the first time... It turns out that Long En used to be so happy.

From the means used.

This Lu Beiyou... is Long En's "kind".

The bee prince chuckled and pulled his thoughts to the plan that should be executed at this time.

The other party's next step.

It should be to go to Ai Mining Town.

However, in the competition around Ai Mining Town, the first step of acquisition was originally the least controversial - even the depression lagoon did not lack the funds to "buy" directly from Kaiton City.

What they really lacked.

is the ability to rebuild later.

If the Sorrowful Mine Town cannot be rebuilt, then all we get is a ruined city.

That’s why we have to ask for support from the Black Scratches, but the limited support materials and engineering capabilities conflict with the plan to build a new relay station.

That’s why we have a conflict with the Sorrowful Mine Hunters.

Now it’s almost certain that Shandi will get support from the Black Scratches.

But I don’t know how that person will solve the vacancy in the Sorrowful Mine Town?

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