The autumn weather is high and clear.

After checking his wrist guard, Chad pulled up his sleeves to hide the brass knuckles embedded with pig iron under his sleeves and opened the tent.

The team heading south has been preparing for a long time.

Outside the Great Wall, the worker bee Woman and the young anti-slavery Xia Hong are directing the people in the engineering department to design a canal.

A big river flows through the Baimei clan’s residence, so the water and grass are lush.

It is high in terrain, and now it can be properly diverted to allow the water to flow through the downstream, just around the outside of the Great Wall. Although it cannot form a river, it is a large tidal flat.

It can also be regarded as a defense of the city.

On weekdays, rice can be planted - if it is a high-yield rice variety in the swamp, this amount of water is of course impossible, but if it is replaced with the newly promoted drought-resistant and salt-resistant new rice, it will be just right.

As for the direction of the swamp, it is said that there is a project called "West Water Eastward Transmission", but it is too far-fetched and is still in the preparation stage.

It cannot be relied on for the time being.

In addition to the workers working in the field, the most eye-catching thing is a huge beaked gorilla. It clumsily holds a customized four-meter steel shovel and is shoveling the earth with a grunt. Its efficiency is as high as an excavator.

Its originally snow-white fur is also covered with yellow dust and dirt.

A closer look reveals that the beaked gorilla's face is black and purple, as if it has a bruised nose and a swollen face...

It is the elder beaked gorilla.

It can't figure it out.

In the previous riot, it secretly saw the black-clothed man who supervised its enslavement "fleeing in panic" because of the disgusting smell.

It is strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

It has no power to fight back.

For a time, the elder beaked gorilla thought that its chance had come and it was ready to move again.

But when it jumped out not long after and bumped into the human, why did it get beaten again?

The injury has not healed yet.

The once kingly orangutan truly felt the viciousness of human nature and the trapping of law enforcement...

Now he is completely honest.

He works harder than his subordinates.

Ji Hai, wearing a black robe to cover his face, walked out of the pass and looked at the orangutan on the other side who was digging the soil like a motor, and was almost stunned for a moment.

He smacked his lips and blew the repaired bone flute.

As the call sounded, a large group of beasts followed him. There was no herdsman leading them, but they were arranged in an orderly manner.

When they walked, even the footsteps were not messy.

From the camel to the barbarian bull, they are all excellent pack animals bred and selected by major tribes.

Each of them is a precious treasure, and they are top-notch in terms of long-distance travel ability and carrying capacity; in the past, herders were reluctant to sell them to caravans, but only kept them for their own tribes to migrate and move.

Now, with the increase of Dingju villages, there is no need for these things - but it is still not easy to collect them.

In addition to saying goodbye to his friends, these are also what Ji Hai wants to deliver.

Among the people waiting.

There is the youngest son of the old herdsman, the animal trainer Kone, who has traveled between Shandi and Aikuang Town, and is also a foreign trade merchant of the Far Traveler Clan, familiar with the road and customs.

This time, he brought the herdsmen and warrior representatives, and he was quite excited: in the past, he had never had the opportunity to participate in such a large-scale journey.

Just looking at these hundreds of camels... With the past foundation of the Far Traveler Clan, at most they would raise one or two as the clan's signature skill.

In addition to Shandi.

The Ash Priest who accompanied Guo Lumeng before was also among them, but they did not wear church robes, but changed into ordinary herdsmen and travelers' clothes to cover the mechanized prosthetic limbs.

The removed mercenary armor was hung on the camel beside them, looking like a caravan bodyguard.

If they are bodyguards, the configuration of the second-level merchants in the Merchant Guild is probably no more than this.

In addition to these familiar figures, there is a face that ordinary people rarely see in the team - she is not tall, but she is wearing a workwear windbreaker, and the hem and hair tips are shaking slightly.

On the other side, Chad recognized that this was the mysterious spy who informed him of the location before, but this time Bo did not cover her face and was generous.

Although her uniform looks ordinary, the inner interlayer is carefully designed to fit any necessary items close to the body.

Chad is very familiar.

But it is a product of the Tech Hunter.

For some reason, in his eyes, this uniform is a bit old, not like a custom-made product in recent years, but it fits Bo quite well when worn.

There is no sense of disobedience.

This anti-slavery person hugged her chest and closed her eyes to rest. To be honest, even Bo herself did not expect that one day she would wear the uniform of the Tech Hunter.

She had kept this dress in case she needed to disguise her identity someday, and she had stored it with other suits, but she had never used it.

If she had known that she should have spent all her points before quitting the Tech Hunter, she would have at least exchanged for a new set... Bo thought, and suddenly opened her eyes and looked back.

A young man wearing a hat to cover his white hair and a dust coat came into her sight.

Lu Meng's outfit was exactly the same as when he first came to Shandi. There were even scratches on the hem of the coat from the arrows that scraped it when he fought against the Sand Bandits... Although it was not made of gold or iron, the quality was expert-level. Even if it looked like a layer of soft cloth, if it was really cut by a knife or stabbed by a sword, its material strength was not inferior to the armor of ordinary soldiers.

Of course, this is nothing compared to the masterpiece-level scabbard on his waist, except that what is inserted in it at this moment is not the inscribed blade, but just a straight blade of the same shape and quality.

The leather scabbard is made by tribal craftsmen, and it does not care about the gorgeous appearance. If it were not for Lu Meng's additional information display rewarded by B-level authority, and his own high level of forging identification of armor, ordinary people would really not be able to see the quality.

The appearance is very matching.

Seeing Lu Meng's arrival, Shandi and the people in the cult greeted each other, but the rituals of both sides were different.

Before he spoke, a gray shadow suddenly attacked from behind, and a big dog pounced directly on his back, with the dog's head on his back.

It was Xiaogu.

Lu Meng had discovered that after removing the white wolf module, Xiaogu's body would gradually transform into its original appearance, like Cinderella who had lost her magic - and once it was reinstalled, it would transform into a huge white wolf again.

When he transformed into a white wolf again, he didn't need the same growth time as before. He was a complete body from the beginning. The only limitation was the module slot itself.

And even if the module was cancelled, some of the improvements and changes that Xiaogu had obtained did not completely disappear. In terms of size alone, he had completely caught up with the largest subspecies of the same species, the Bone Buried Wolf, not to mention the closely related mountain dog.

His fur seemed to have become a little gray because of the combination of white and black.

This was good. The White Wolf King was strong, but it was a little too eye-catching... Lu Meng held its dog head and said:

"Let's go to the Skeleton Wasteland."

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