Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 655 Downtown and Mechanic

In the past, when Bo was a technology hunter, she was actually not very restless. After she discovered this secret passage that could bypass the guards, she did not report it. Instead, she covered it up so that she could travel at any time.

It's like when you were at school and found a loophole in the fence that could be climbed out, you didn't need to report it to the security guard, but left it to your brothers to share it with.

However, the Red King separated from them and actually arrived here one step ahead of him.

Could it be that he was actually from the Depression Lagoon? But Bo searched his memory, but could never find a similar figure.

Fortunately, we have been together for so long.

The anti-slavery man had long since learned not to ask questions about things he didn't understand.

"However, it will take some twists and turns to get to the inner city of the Tech Hunters from here, right?" Lu Meng said. They were on the lower level of the oil production platform. Because the equipment had long been abandoned, no one had come to repair it for a long time, and the ground was covered with moss and Escaped rats.

Naturally, there is no lighting. Fortunately, these people are all very powerful, so they can see it as day even if they are in the dark.

"Yeah." Bo nodded, "This is the settlement of drifters. The Depression Lagoon Town provides shelter for them, but does not manage it. On weekdays, most technology hunters don't care about how the drifters live... unless something big changes the pattern. , otherwise it will not be known to the people above.”

The underworld of the Depression Lagoon.

When technology hunters occupy the upper level of the oil production platform, which is large enough to bathe in sunlight, the abandoned drilling wells, underground pipelines, old equipment on the lower level...the entire dark lower city belongs to the drifters and other residents.

Lu Meng, Chad, and Bo, apart from Lu Meng himself, the other two are all related to the technology hunters in the depression lagoon. Bo used to be one of them, and Chad is still a registered member. He suddenly appeared and was recognized. The possibility is very high.

Today, the depression lagoon is facing the risk of being liquidated by the headquarters. If it is exposed at this time, it will cause a lot of trouble.

Chad and Bo noticed that the big dog named Xiaogu was not following Lu Meng at the moment, and there was no trace of it around.

At this time, Bomo touched a rocker on the wall and pulled hard.

With a heartbreaking grinding sound, an ancient cable car circled along the track and stopped in front of the three people.

"Do you dare to come?" she smiled.

Below the platform, the sound of turbulent waves in the lake could be heard faintly, but it was completely dark.

It looked like an abyss.

And I don’t know how old this cable car is. It must have at least passed the safety inspection period and is crumbling on the rusty steel cables.

"What are you afraid of?" Chad muttered and climbed up on the rope.

That's what it says.

But when he stepped on the bottom of the car and listened to the crunching sound of rust, which echoed through the elevated platform, he still felt a little unsure.

Although he is a registered technology hunter, he is the type who often goes out on missions. He only regards the town of Depression Lagoon as a supply base, but he is not too familiar with it.

After Chad sat firmly, he turned back to look at Lu Meng.

No one was seen.

When she turned around, she saw that he had already sat next to her, taking the time to look into the depths in the distance. He looked more like a tourist enjoying the scenery than he was diving into.

The tech hunter's heart skipped a beat.

It's really like a ghost.

A little scary.

Bo was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on her face, and she saw some clues.

The anti-slavery man pulled the rocker again, and with the sound of tearing steel, the purely mechanically driven ancient cable car started shakingly.

Bo ran a few steps quickly, caught up with him, and got into the car steadily.

"Teacher, I brought this person here." Apprentice Lu Dai saluted respectfully, with a braid hanging on his chest.

Shi Cha and others looked around uneasily. Their pack animals had already been placed, and ordinary members and entourage were waiting outside. However, what was waiting for them was not a reception hall, but a huge laboratory - the area of ​​which was almost the same. The living room was not smaller than Shi Cha expected.

However, looking at the bottles and jars on display in this laboratory, they are just tissue anatomy samples of some living things, from organs to limbs, with names that you can't recognize, everything is there.

Shi Cha even saw a human face in one of the bottles.

He was secretly frightened and took a step back, feeling that he had stepped on something again.

The young nobleman turned around and saw a pair of dark blue eyes staring straight at him, filled with bloodshot eyes, like hungry ghosts that chose people to eat.

Shi Cha almost screamed.

But he was pulled back by Su Cheng.

"I'm sorry." The warrior quickly pressed his master's back and signaled.

When Shi Cha came back to his senses again, he realized that the person in front of him was a living young man, but his face was haggard and half-dead as if he had lacked sleep. The bloodshot eyes came from this... He happened to step on his shoe.

The young man had messy hair on his head. It could be seen that he had temporarily washed himself up, but he still couldn't help but take on the shape of a permanent chicken coop.

"Hello... Wolf." The young man yawned and introduced himself, "No need for extra courtesy."

Shi Cha hesitated to stop the family gift he had prepared, and was secretly frightened at the same time.

When he came to the Depression Lagoon in the past, he had also heard of the name of this chief mechanic. Whether among drifters or technology hunters, Wolfe has a considerable reputation, and is even respected as a master... but he didn't expect the real person to be so young.

According to Shi Cha's stereotype.

The other party is at least in his seventies or eighties.

The strength of the mechanic itself is generally not high, and there is no situation of stimulating the potential of the body and getting younger as he gets older, so the other party's appearance should be his real age.

In fact, looking at his work and rest and spirit... maybe he has aged prematurely.

"Teacher is a genius." Seeing this, Lu Dai, who was standing on the side, smiled, as if he had long been accustomed to the surprised reactions of others when they first saw Wolfe.

The station mechanics who can be sent to various relay stations are not unvalued by the end of the world. On the contrary, they are all capable of being independent and can independently lead the team to support local technology hunters.

And many mechanics, because they feel that they can no longer improve their academic fields behind closed doors at the end of the world, they request to be sent to local areas. This qualification is quite valuable, and I wonder how many people are waiting in line.

Among all the relay stations, the Black Scratches and the Depression Lagoon are the most special.

Let’s not talk about the former for now. The latter is the base center of the entire Southern Technology Hunters. Being able to serve as a resident mechanic, or even the chief among them, is definitely not an ordinary person.

After being surprised, Shi Cha and others soon figured it out.

But they didn’t expect that after hearing his disciple say this, Wolfe patted her head: "How many times have I said... Don’t use the word "genius" to insult me."

There are thousands of geniuses in the world.

But there is only one Wolfe.

"..." Everyone was speechless.

Lu Dai’s age looked not much younger than her teacher, and she was considered a peer, but after being taught a lesson like this, she could only touch her head and retreat to the side with tears in her eyes, not daring to refute.

She was also wronged.

Her vocabulary was poor, and she really didn’t know what adjective to use to call this teacher except genius - if just mentioning his name, everyone in the world would know it, then Wolfe really hasn’t reached this level.

After all, he is young, and although he has talent, he has not accumulated enough experience. He has not yet won the Iyo Prize, the highest scientific research honor at the end of the world.

Wolfe is collecting information to prepare for the next Iyo Prize, but it seems that the project has reached a bottleneck, which is why he has been a little anxious recently.

The young mechanic ignored his apprentice. He walked forward and looked at the "Shi Cha caravan", but directly skipped Shi Cha, the leader.

Finally, he stood directly in front of a person.

"Rudai said that you are from Shandi?" Wolfe said, "What's your name?"

"... Nan Ding, Mr. Wolfe." The person being asked was a lady, "Indeed."

She was the intern under the supervision of Dr. Zhong, and this trip was responsible for maintaining the mechanical limbs of the transformed warriors.

However, Wolfe's next sentence surprised her:

"You are from the Embers Cult."

"Has that heretical sect spread to Shandi-"


Two ember warriors came to protect Nan Ding. Their weapons had been removed, but the steel arms alone were enough to crush the unarmed mechanic in front of them.

But they didn't dare to move next.

In the corner of the laboratory, a faint light flashed, and two harpoon guns were automatically aimed at their direction - this weapon used for city defense was actually installed by Wolf in his own laboratory.

But once it was launched, they would all be shot to the sky.

What a madman.

Almost at the same moment, Nan Ding raised her hand to stop her men. She said, "How did you recognize it, sir?"

From clothing to appearance, they covered their mechanical prostheses very well, and they were not exposed, and could not be detected by the naked eye.

"Your footprints." The mechanic said lightly, "Fortunately, my laboratory is not often cleaned..."

The two warriors looked down unconsciously, only to see that their soles were not dry, and the water mixed with a little dust did leave marks.

And the two rows of marks were of different depths.

They just modified their left and right arms, and their center of gravity was slightly deviated when they walked, which was reflected in their footsteps... But this was only an extremely subtle difference. If Wolfe hadn't reminded them, even some veteran warriors would not have noticed it.

A trace of cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Don't worry, I'm just saying that." Wolfe gently withdrew from their attack range, pulled out a chair and sat down as if no one was around, "Besides, I've heard of you a long time ago."

The report on the Ash Cult had long been transmitted from the relay station of the Shek Kingdom to the Mechanic Headquarters and the End of the World.

He also paid keen attention to it.

"I just didn't expect that the speed of your spread was a little faster than everyone imagined..." Wolfe thought, "I guess it's not completely spontaneous, right?"

If we talk about the spread of the sect.

There are only two paths:

Bottom-up and top-down.

The Ash Cult is also doing the former work, such as Bard's poetry singing and the many missionaries they sent out... The one that the Black Knight Griffin met was one of them.

But so far, the latter path is faster.

The distribution of the Ash Cult almost overlaps with that person's sphere of influence.

Strength is the basis of faith.

"No wonder. I was wondering at first. My calculations shouldn't have such a big mistake..." Wolfe chuckled. He was talking about the predicted range of the beast disaster. From the depression lagoon to the entire skeleton wasteland, many people used his forecast as a reference.

As a result, this genius mechanic's prediction rarely came true.

He asked the merchants in Shandi to solve his doubts.

For this kind of academic master.

Every step of the calculation is correct, but in the end, the correct result cannot be obtained... This feeling is more uncomfortable than killing him.

There must be,

factors that I didn't consider.

"But this is not surprising." The young mechanic didn't even ask about the details of Shandi. He made a judgment based on the spread of the Ash Cult. "With his involvement, it's normal that I can't calculate it... Lu Dai, see him off."

"Eh?" Shi Cha, who was ignored, was stunned. "Are you letting us leave now?"

"What else?" Wolfe looked cold to the noble leader.

He was not mean, but he was not interested.

The reason why he spoke to the lady before was that he noticed that when she scanned his "collection", her eyes were very particular about the places where they fell, and those parts were the key to research.

Once was a coincidence, many times was familiarity.

It showed that she was a fellow traveler.

That's why he was interested in chatting with her.

As for merchants and warriors...

What does it have to do with him.

If there must be other reasons, it is that Wolfe also dislikes the style of those law enforcement teams.

Mechanics respect the local watchers.

But recently, the other party's people seem to be a little crazy.

Could it be that he was not in the depression lagoon and failed to properly control his men?

As a mechanic, Wolfe's actual management of the relay station and the town was not within his authority and consideration, and he was not clear about the specific situation.

These mundane affairs would only affect his scientific research and the progress of his impact on the Iyo Prize.

Nan Ding's eyes condensed, and he withdrew with several soldiers, Shi Cha and Su Cheng, and the female apprentice Lu Dai hurried forward to see him off.

Before she left, she seemed to have realized something and looked back at her teacher in surprise.

Lu Dai had just vowed in front of everyone that his teacher would not make mistakes.

But he did not expect that.

He actually admitted so easily that the previous calculation was wrong... at least there was a situation that he had not considered.

This had never happened before.

The person who could make him make a mistake...

Wolfe did not respond to the disciple's gaze. The young mechanic yawned again, as if he had finally got the answer to his long-standing troubles, and fell asleep on the table.


After a while, a slight snoring sound came from the laboratory.

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