Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 63 The Four Major Factions Approaching Again

Ziqiao covered his face in pain, looking shameless in front of Jiangdong's elders.

He never imagined that he would be so wrapped up that even his aunt could not recognize him, and that he would be besieged by the four major factions just because his butt was exposed.

How come this Xiaoxue has such a good memory?

It's a pity that Lu Ziqiao's great reputation was ruined on his own butt.

Wait, he seems to have gained notoriety since last night?

That's okay. How much worse could it be?

After three months of public opinion heat has passed, I, Lu Ziqiao, will still be able to swing my dragon's tail and gallop my horse forward.

Guan Gu asked curiously: "Zi Qiaojun, the Garfield cat on your butt is..."

"You'll have to talk to my attorney about this."

"But where did you get your attorney?"

"So there's nothing to talk about!" Zi Qiao said and sneezed several times.

Seeing his miserable appearance, everyone didn't have the nerve to tease him any more.

It's not that I'm worried about what he's coughing up, but that he's going to spray his spit into everyone's faces later.

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop laughing. Is it that funny? Be serious." Zeng Xiaoxian pretended to be serious.

"Look, look at Teacher Zeng!" Zi Qiao gave a thumbs up to Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Teacher Zeng must be reliable, and then look at what you guys are making a fuss about."

"That is."

Zeng Xiaoxian straightened his tie proudly, trying to show off the reliability of a mature man, but the next words he spoke made Zi Qiao instantly break through.

"What about that, Garfield..."

Zi Qiao's eyes instantly opened wider than a bell.


A few people who were still holding back their laughter could no longer hold back their laughter.

"Damn, I wanted to say Zi Qiao in my heart, but I don't know why I turned into Garfield when I said it."

"But, but... the Garfield cat on the butt is really funny." Curry Sauce almost laughed so hard that he couldn't breathe.

Zi Qiao's expression changed: "That's enough. If any of you mention Garfield again, I'll get angry with you!"

"Okay, okay, none of us will mention it."

Zeng Xiaoxian calmed down again and asked the question he had been wanting to ask - "Since you were surrounded by the four major sects, how did you escape now?"

Speaking of this, Zi Qiao finally looked a little more free and easy like before.

He patted his chest lightly, stroked his non-existent long beard, and said as if Kong Ming was still alive: "The four major sects are coming fiercely, with great power, and they are invincible, but fortunately, I am not afraid of danger and am resourceful.

“I could see at a glance that they were not united and had their own agenda, so I just used a little trick to make them kill each other.

"Ha ha ha ha."

The three of them gave up on trying to find the answer from Zi Qiao, who never spoke human words, and all looked at Mei Jia.

"Don't listen to him. He is still fearless and resourceful in the face of danger. His legs were so scared that he had to hold him up."

Meijia never misses an opportunity to cause trouble for Lu Ziqiao.

"As soon as we heard Xiaoxue calling out the name Lu Xiaobu, we felt something was wrong. Ziqiao didn't even have time to get an injection, so she picked up her pants and ran away.

“But there were too many of them, and in the end we were surrounded by them near the bar.

"Originally, the leaders of the four major factions have already reached an agreement. Let the radical faction and the pineapple faction teach him a lesson first to vent his anger.

"Leave him with a mouth to vent his anger, and let the open-minded people ask the answers and leave.

"In the end, let the apple pie people fight over this rotten egg and rotten sweet potato."

"Isn't this good? You have asked what you need to ask, and you have vented your anger when you should be angry." Curry Sauce asked confused, "So what exactly is the problem?"

There was a hint of regret in Curry Sauce's tone.

It seems that it is a pity not to see Zi Qiao, a scumbag, die with a hatchet.

"What could possibly be the problem?" Meijia said scornfully, "It's just that those stupid women from Apple Pie softened their hearts after being tricked by him for a little while.

"He stood in the middle to prevent the radicals and pineapple faction from harming him.

"The radical women couldn't stand these idiots from Apple Pie, not to mention the pineapple pie men. They were all Apple Pie's ex-boyfriends.

"How can they tolerate their ex-girlfriend, who not only kicked them for this thing, but now also wants to stop them from venting their anger.

"Boy, that was a lot of noise."

Zeng Xiaoxian asked curiously: "Aren't there a few smart people who can stop me?"

I don't know why, but even Zeng Xiaoxian's tone revealed a trace of regret.

"Tsk." Zi Qiao muttered unhappily.

"Stop it, the people from the open-minded group have been trying to smooth things over. As a result, both the radicals and the apple pie don't like them. The radicals think that the open-minded people just stand and talk without pain, and the apple pie thinks that the open-minded people only pretend to be good people.

"The open-minded people are just open-minded, but they don't have a bad temper. They even got into a quarrel after being scolded by both parties.

"Not to mention that Lu Ziqiao is really not a fucking thing. One moment he forgot the name of this ex-girlfriend, and the next moment he confused the names of the two ex-girlfriends.

"The stupid women in Apple Pie are actually complacent because Zi Qiao remembered their names and failed to remember the names of other Apple Pie's ex-girlfriends.

“This time, let alone a quarrel between factions, all four factions started quarreling within themselves, and started fighting among themselves.

Then Zi Qiao and I quickly slipped out while they were huddled together and couldn't tell who was who. "

Meijia and Ziqiao looked at each other and slumped on the sofa helplessly: "What a nightmare..."

Xiaoxian Guangu Curry Sauce sighed with regret: "It's a pity that people are not united."

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean? Are you sorry that you didn't see me being dealt with by them?"

Zi Qiao's face was full of anger, even though he was a scumbag, and he really didn't treat his ex-girlfriends well.

But I'm still very loyal to you three, right? What do you mean by acting like you want me to die now?

Seeing Zi Qiao's expression downcast, Guangu and Curry didn't know how to explain it for a moment.

In the end, Zeng Xiaoxian, who had the best relationship with Zi Qiao, stood up and spoke: "Ziqiao, although I don't know what happened to you and your ex-girlfriends.

"But if men and women from four factions could be brought into being because of you alone, they would rather sacrifice their weekends and chase you all the way to where you live to seek justice and an explanation from you, and they have caused such a big problem. of battles.

"Do you think from a normal person's perspective, which one of you has the bigger problem?"

Zi Qiao looked ugly: "Even if I have a big problem, it is between me and them, and you..."

"It has little to do with us, and you are very kind to us. Is that what you want to say?"

Zeng Xiaoxian left his exclusive seat, sat next to Zi Qiao and held his shoulders.

"Yes, Zi Qiao, you are very good to us, so even if everyone in the world says you are a bad person, a scumbag, and a scumbag, we are still your good brothers and good friends.

"However, we are also normal people, and we have normal value judgments. We know who is right and who is wrong in a matter.

"A good relationship is a good relationship, but I still have to say one thing.

"You bastard is too much of a bastard when it comes to relationships!"

As he spoke, Xiaoxian punched him in the chest jokingly.

"Don't feel too wronged. It seems that we all expect you to be taught a lesson, but we don't expect you to be better.

"Actually, we are in a dilemma now. If we help you, we have a bad conscience. If we don't help you, we will be sorry for our relationship."

Lu Ziqiao's face was ashen and she didn't even want to look at Zeng Xiaoxian.

If it were normal, a shameless person like him would just smile and get over it.

But no matter how strong a person is, they will become strange when they are sick.

The south wind was like this, and of course Zi Qiao couldn't escape it.

People who are sick always hope that others will be more accommodating to them and put themselves in their shoes.

Even he himself knows that no matter what others think, he is the only one who is wrong.

"Yes, Brother Qiao, we can only watch the excitement. If Sister Yifei finds out, what do you think she will do?"

Curry Sauce saw that Xiaoxian's nice words were not listened to by Qiao, so he directly switched to intimidating attacks.

This intimidation attack has proven to be very useful.

When Zi Qiao heard this, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning. Just thinking about it briefly made him feel as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

If Hu Yifei really knew about it, with her jealous temper, her superiors would really have no control over whether her friends were friends or not, and whether they were loyal or not.

Before Zi Qiao could give the answer, Mei Jia was already sarcastic.

"I really want Sister Yifei to know. Then it won't be the four major factions besieging the love apartment, but Hu Yifei will beheading Zi Qiao with tears."

Zi Qiao was trembling all over. At this point, he couldn't tell whether it was because he was shivering because he caught a cold or because of fear of Hu Yifei.

He quickly asked: "Yifei shouldn't be free today, right?"

"Don't worry, she has been working all morning on Nan Feng's bowl of noodles with clear soup. She has done nothing. I think her head is about to explode."

Sekiya, who was born in a family of cooks, made a rough judgment: "With her current progress, it's impossible to go out unless she works until night."

"That's good." Zi Qiao let out a sigh of relief.

However, Ziqiao was only halfway angry when there was a violent knock on the door, which made her unable to get up or down.

"Is it this one?" A strange woman's voice came from outside the door.

"3602, that's right. The enthusiastic tenant said that Lu Xiaobu lives in this room."

"But no one inside responded?"

"Why don't the people inside open the door yet? If you don't open the door, we will break down the door!"

"What more should you tell them? Just break down the door and get in. How much does a door cost?"

"No, you can't break the door. What if Xiao Bu comes to open the door and you hurt him?"


"Who the hell are you calling stupid?"

"Whoever responds to me, I will tell you."

"Your mother..."


Taking advantage of the chaos outside the door, Meijia punched Zi Qiao directly in the chest, and Zi Qiao finally let out the half-breath he was holding.

"Damn it, Chen Meijia, you are so deadly! You are definitely seeking revenge with hatred!"

"Stop talking nonsense, they are all chasing you here, what are you going to do?"

Zeng Xiaoxian interjected: "Ziqiao, as the host of an emotional program, I still suggest that you make it clear to them, strive for their understanding, and say goodbye to the past completely.

"If you want to have a new life in the future, they are the ones you have to face and say goodbye to."

"That's right, Brother Ziqiao, the prodigal son will never be replaced by gold."

Meijia also looked at him quietly, holding the corners of her clothes with both hands.

Zi Qiao looked at everyone's expectant eyes. He knew that they were waiting for him to make a decision, and he also knew what kind of decision they wanted him to make.

Zi Qiao's heart began to waver, and he opened his mouth again and again. He wanted to say something several times, but he swallowed it back.

The increasingly urgent knocking on the door and the quarrel outside the door were like a death knell to him.

Finally he made up his mind, gritted his teeth and said firmly: "Mika...

"Let's run and climb over the balcony."

Meijia's hand holding the corner of her clothes instantly lost all strength and just let go.

Although it’s late, it’s fair to say, if I hadn’t written the 3,000-word acceptance speech, I would already have 10,000 words.

The author is handicapped and will work hard to add more updates.

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