Chapter 875

Yes, she was set up on a blind date by a child.

No, it's three little kids.

When I reached the second floor, I saw Jun Xie and his sister sitting on chairs from a distance, talking around a man.

That man... looks familiar.

When Jiang Ke was thinking about it, Bo Ye had already pulled her to the front of the three people, exchanged glances with Jun Xie, and immediately said, "Hello, Uncle Su, my name is He Bo Ye, and this is my beautiful aunt." Auntie, Jiang Ke."

Jun Xie immediately said, "Aunt Keke, this is my uncle, Su Yunjin."

Hua Yi, who was eating sweets, said: "Brother said that I want to make you a couple today."

Jiang Ke and Su Yunjin looked at each other, inevitably embarrassed.

Su Yunjin stood up and extended her hand to introduce herself, "Hello, I'm Su Yunjin, doctor. I should have met you before."

Jiang Ke also smiled, "Yes...ah, I've seen you before. By the way, my name is Jiang Ke, a medical student."

Then there was silence.

The three children looked up at them.

Su Yunjin smiled politely and said, "How about taking them to play today."

Jiang Ke's personality is not difficult to get along with, so he immediately agreed.

Anyway, I just came out to play today.

With their children, the first choice for the two of them was to go to the amusement park.

These children are very smart, remembering their original purpose, and are always ready to run away, giving them a chance to be alone.

Jiang Ke and Jiang Ke were a little reserved at first, but slowly, they started to talk about medicine and opened up the topic without much embarrassment.

As a result, the children were concentrating on playing various children's projects, and the two of them chatted outside the venue.

Bo Ye kept an eye on the movements of the two adults and turned around to ask Jun Xie.

"Look, is there any drama?"

Jun Xie thought for two seconds, touched his chin with his little hand, and said, "Just talk and laugh, it should be fine."

Bo Ye said, "Then I'll take a photo as evidence."


In a blink of an eye, Bo Ye took several photos.

In the blink of an eye, a few hours passed and it was dinner time.

The two walked out of the playground with their children, planning to have a meal before sending them home.

After choosing a restaurant, Jiang Ke took the children to wash their hands.

After washing, the children went back to the box to sit down, and she took care of them in the bathroom for a while.

In the box, Jun Xie was asking Su Yunjin questions.

Bo Ye lowered his head and sent a message to Nan Yunchuan.

After changing hands, I sent out several photos.

"Brother Nan, do you want me to help you find a girlfriend? I have successfully helped Aunt Keke find a boyfriend."

Brother Nan is still single, he still remembers it.

Not long after I sent the message, I received a reply.

【where are you? 】

Bo Ye told him the address without reservation.

When Jiang Ke came back from the bathroom, Su Yunjin gave her the menu and asked her to order.

After getting along for more than half a year, I have to say that Su Yunjin is still a very good person.

Jiang Ke thought for a while, maybe fate is so wonderful.

After ordering, she turned to chat with her children.

It didn't take long for the food to arrive.

Su Yunjin takes care of Jun Xie and Hua Yi, and she is mainly responsible for Bo Ye.

The two of them would occasionally speak to each other.

Suddenly, the door of the box was opened.

Jiang Ke looked back curiously, his eyes widening instantly.

People stood up instantly.

"Brother Nan!" Bo Ye shouted, slipped off the table and ran towards Nan Yunchuan.

At that moment, Jiang Ke reacted and immediately fished the little guy back.

She wasn't sure who the person in front of her was.

Judging by his eyes, it's Nan Zhen.

If it were Nanzhen, would he hate Wen Xi and He Yan's children?

It's very possible!

Thinking of this, Jiang Ke hugged Bo Ye tightly and stepped back.

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