Love, Expired

Chapter 14: sick

It was getting colder and colder, the doors and windows of every house were tightly closed, and the house was heated. Walking around from the outside and back to the house, the temperature difference was so big that it made people doze off.

Zhou Hao is like going into hibernation, always feeling physically sleepy and not getting enough sleep. I took a temperature and found that I had a fever.

After taking two days off from the teacher, I lay at home and ate all the food. Jiang Yuxi almost came, and Zhou Hao would not call and question again, because he knew that the question could not be distinguished.

However, when people are sick and weak, they always hope that someone close to them can take care of them.

He finally called Jiang Yuzheng and got through the third time.

"I'm sick, you come to see me." Zhou Hao always opened his eyes and never concealed his purpose.

"No time."

"Just come down from work, you don't have to poke the fruit."

Jiang Yudi didn't like to play tricks with this person, he just pressed the phone.

There was a "beep" busy tone from that end, and Zhou Hao knew that the tenderness he occasionally longed for failed again.

But don't worry, he can walk and eat, he can take care of himself.

In the evening, takeaway arrived. He put the takeaway box on the table and planned to go to the balcony to smoke. As soon as the cigarette was taken out, he saw Cheng Zixu coming out of a car, and then, a hand was stretched out to pass him the scarf.

In fact, Zhou Hao didn't see anyone in the car, but he knew it, it was Jiang Yu's car.

The smoking interest disappeared for a moment, and he returned to the restaurant and opened the take-out box—the sticky sweet polenta inside. He took a sip with a spoon, which was too sweet, and Zhou Hao felt that his throat was choked with suffocation.

The porridge was dumped into the trash can, and the hot porridge became a dumpling, and still scorched poorly.

Zhou Hao squatted down so idle, staring at the sticky porridge in the trash can, he still could not hold back, and took out a cigarette to smoke.

"Hoo--" He spit out a cigarette, and the irritability in his heart did not dissipate, but he became more concentrated. For a time, he felt only a breath in his heart, unable to get up and down.

When Jiang Yuzhen came in with a black trench coat, he saw Zhou Hao squatting beside the trash can, with no smoke between his fingers, squinting with his eyes.

The cigarette butts became hotter and hotter, and became shorter and shorter.

"what are you doing!"

Zhou Hao lifted his head, saw the person clearly, and grinned at the corner of his mouth. Just now he was so focused that he could not hear the opening of the door. He wiped out the short cigarette butt, and threw it into the trash.

"Isn't that empty?" The nasal sound was heavy, like a "humming" husky.

Jiang Yuzhen heard the stress in this man's throat and asked casually, "Are you better?"

"Can't die."

There was nothing wrong with this, but I felt sour no matter how hard I heard it. Of course, Zhou Hao himself would not admit that he was the master of death and suffering.

It didn't matter if Cheng didn't admit it, Jiang Yuzheng heard it anyway, and the person was not very happy.

Jiang Yuzhen stopped looking at him, glanced back, and saw the takeaway box on the table, and the thick gruel in the trash. He took off his trench coat and was still on the sofa in the living room. Then went into the kitchen and scooped up rice to make porridge.

Zhou Hao felt incredible, everything in front of him was weird. Jiang Yuyao cooking rice? Still for his sickness? I really felt like he was dreaming. He didn't even dare to say a word, for he was afraid that the words that broke in would surprise the dream.

Zhou Hao completely forgot the little jealousy just now. He was a little surprised by Jiang Yuzhen's anomaly, and enjoyed it very much.

He walked to the living room, and there was still some cold air from the man's windbreaker. Zhou Hao straightened the windbreaker and sat tightly next to the clothes. He turned on the TV to cover up his inner restlessness.

It was a variety show on TV. The host's exaggerated voice pierced his eardrum, and he felt that excitement in his heart passed a little. From time to time, he looked in the direction of the restaurant to see when the man came out of the kitchen.

Look, look, for a while.

After about twenty minutes, the eyes of the two were inadvertently connected. Usually a thick-skinned person, at this time, looks like a kid who is just beginning to fall in love, and quickly lowers his head, waiting for that person's next words.

"The porridge is fine."

"Oh, okay." The tone was not salty or light, probably only I knew how my heart had experienced a fluctuation just now.

Zhou Hao drank two bowls in a row, completely unlike the sickness and appetite.

Jiang Yuzheng was speechless all the time, just playing with his mobile phone. When Zhou Hao finished eating, he spoke.

"I have something to tell you."

Sucker heart suddenly became tense again.

"What is it?" Zhou Hao asked casually.

The two were right at the ends of the table, facing each other, and they could see the changes in their facial emotions clearly.

"I like Cheng Zixu."

Slightly-heart beating, suddenly fell from the softest place in the heart nest, falling to pieces, broken bones.

"I know." Zhou Hao's expression of "militarization" management was very calm at the moment.

"I can't like you for so many years."

How scary-naked, there is not even a ridiculous word in it, how can it hurt so much!

"Let's stop the loss in time," Jiang Yuxi said calmly.

Zhou Hao's face gradually changed from nothing, to a mockery. The one-in-one room was all ironic and teasing. In face it was he who won, but his heart had long since broken into mud, and he lost defeat.

"Stop loss? I don't."

Zhou Hao lit the second cigarette tonight and took a deep breath. "Jiang Yuyu, I remember I said, if you dare to be with him, I will destroy him. Let's walk and see."

"Then you can try it? I promise, you won't be able to go to school."

Jiang Yuzhen slowly stood up, reached the opposite side, and supported the table with his arms. "Your parents are not easy for you to go to school, don't let them chill out. You can't get a job, and drop out of school halfway. You have been studying for a few years Even for nothing. "

Zhou Hao's eyes blinked hard, but her eyelids fluttered uncontrollably and murmured weakly, "I'm already in the abyss, what am I afraid of ..."

Zhou Hao said something from the bottom of his heart, and he was probably completely helpless.

"Follow you." Jiang Yuzhen went to the living room and took a trench coat and left.

Bending to change shoes in the porch, Zhou Hao walked over like a ghost.

"Jiang Yuyu," Zhou Hao suddenly hugged Jiang Yuyu from behind, holding his ears, "Let you go, unless I die ..."

"You really should go to the doctor!" Jiang Yuxi opened the door and left.

There was some porridge left by the man in the kitchen pan, and Zhou Hao fell into the sink. The sound of "brushing" water sounded, and the thick white porridge grunted into the gap, slowly. Gone.

Two days of sick leave soon disappeared, and Zhou Hao packed up and went to work. Internship rotation, Zhou Hao went from the inpatient department to the outpatient department, and got up earlier in the morning, but fortunately there was no night shift.

In the crowded outpatient hall, at first glance the crowd was crowded. Zhou Hao happened to go to the outpatient pharmacy to help the teacher, and saw a person lined up at the window, very familiar. If you think about it, it's the boy you saved before.

The child's long line was boring, and boring everywhere, and saw Zhou Hao, beckoning excitedly. Zhou Hao didn't want to be close at all, pretending that he didn't see it, and turned and left.

Who knows, the kid's team didn't line up, ran over, "Zhou Hao!"

Sun Yiwen smirked the white coat on the man and smiled, "So you are a doctor."

"How do you know my name?"

"Last time, a man called you."

"You have a good memory."

Zhou Hao put his hands in his pockets and walked away with his long legs.

"Yeah." Sun Yiwen chased after him again, "You helped me once, I haven't invited you to dinner. Noon, I invite you to eat at noon."

Zhou Hao ignored him and took the elevator to leave. Sun Yiwen was very happy, silly for a while, and then returned to the line.

After that, Zhou Hao could meet the pretty boy on the first floor of the outpatient clinic every thirty-five minutes. As long as he appeared in his sight, he would immediately run over and run away when he had a pile of food.

Just like today, Zhou Hao looked at the Hamburg Coke in his hand, and then aimed at Sun Yiwen, whose cat was not far behind the crowd. Instead of throwing things away as trash, he walked over.

"You have so much money to spend." Zhou Hao raised an eyebrow, then handed the plastic bag in his hand to Sun, "I don't eat junk food."

Sun Yiwen's eyes darkened for a moment, and then he looked up and asked naively, "What do you like to eat?"

Zhou Hao didn't like playing routines, he asked straightforwardly, "Are you trying to bubble me?"

"No ... no." With his head bowed, the corners of his mouth slightly curved. "You are a good man."

Good guy? He really was the first time he heard someone describe him that way. Zhou Hao looked up at his watch, it was already eleven twenty.

"Let's go, you ask me for a meal."

Surrounded by ecstasy, Sun Yiwen nodded and said, "Okay, okay."

There is a good hot pot restaurant near the hospital with authentic taste, but when the two went there, there were more than a dozen numbers in front. Come on, hot pot is not enough. Sun Yiwen suggested that he knew there was a good Japanese food nearby, so the two went to eat.

The two ordered a full table, Zhou Hao said enough, Sun Yiwen still stupidly pointed at the menu, this one, and that one.

"Your money is coming from the gale?"

Sun Yiwen was thin-skinned and blushed. "The first time I invited you to dinner, the first time ..."

There is shyness that can't be hidden in the eyes, which should be a sign of likes, or at least a sign of goodwill. Zhou Hao clearly saw it.

"Bring the phone over." Zhou Haochong opened his hand at Sun Yiwen.

Sun Yiwen passed the cell phone for unknown reasons, Zhou Hao took it, lost a series of numbers, and slid past the flat and smooth wooden table.

"This is my phone number."

There is still a large series of gentle numbers on the plane. Sun Yiwen dialed it, and Zhou Hao's cell phone rang soon.

"Hey, is Zhou Hao?" Sun Yiwen asked joyfully.

Zhou Hao cooperated with the childlike trick, stuck the mobile phone to his ear, and stared at the person at the table, "Yes."

"My name is Sun Yiwen."


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