Love, Expired

Chapter 20: Go to the hospital in the middle of the night

Jiang Yuzhen didn't stay overnight. He came out of Building No. 5 and immediately ran to Building No. 2 where Cheng Zixu lived. Some things can't always be so confused.

In this confused night, he desperately wanted to fix the complex relationship between the three.

Kick the lunatic out, changing from three to two. He thinks so.

Standing outside the door, he knocked on the door a few times before no one responded. He dialed the phone again, and soon, Cheng Zixu was sleepy and came in the sky blue home clothes to open the door.

"It's so late, why are you here?" The doorman rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up quickly.

Jiang Yuxi suddenly hugged the person in front of him, and used the arm that had just passed Zhou Hao to hold the person in her arms tightly.

"Date me."

Cheng Zixu didn't push Jiang Yuxuan away. He was like a bird, and he shrank into Jiang Yuxuan's arms. However, what happened at the moment made it difficult for him to accept it, and it was still the last word, "I haven't considered it well."

Jiang Yuzhen let go of him, his eyes were hot, and he kissed like a storm.

Unlike the last time the dragonfly drank water, this time he asked for it like a wolf, squeezing the taste of the other's mouth a little, and sucking it into his mouth a little.

With deep affection, his mouth rolled from Cheng Zixu's mouth to his shoulder, his collarbone ...

"Don't do this!" Cheng Zixu pushed away the crazy man.

Both gasped slightly, Jiang Yubi's eyes shifted from confusion to enthusiasm, and his eyes were scarlet. "Do you know what I have done for you ..."

Cheng Zixu has not recovered from the delusion, and there are still messes left on his lips.

Jiang Yuzheng has turned away.

So late at night, he tried his best to establish a relationship with him, and tried to get rid of the triangular relationship. He was afraid that he was addicted to the inability to extricate himself, and slowly got used to that lunatic, completely forgetting love.

When did it start? It was the last time Zhou Hao was killed in Taishui. He noticed the seeds of germination in his heart.

He would be happy because the madman's distress would not die. He talked about breaking up, but he longed for the madman's persistence. He even thought about hiding Zhou Hao from Cheng Zixu.

These dark and confused ideas deviated from morality, and he could only think about it and couldn't do it at all.

His car was still parked downstairs in Building 2. When he walked back to get the car, he looked up and looked at the few lights in the whole building. On the fifth floor balcony, he saw Zhou Hao staring down.

The eyes of the two separated the distance between the sky and the ground.

Jiang Yuzhang returned to the apartment, Zhou Hao heard the movement, and walked back from the balcony to the living room.

Mutually secretive.

"You went to Cheng Zixu? What did he say?" Zhou Hao asked lightly.

Suddenly Jiang Yuzheng's eyes gathered from Zhou San to Zhou Hao's face, and he found that he was not getting to know this person.

Zhou Hao grinned, "He didn't agree."

Jiang Yuyan shuddered and said nothing.

Zhou Hao felt a little tired, sitting on the sofa and lighting a cigarette. When he swallowed the cloud and vomited, his nerves were paralyzed, and he continued to laugh at the people in front of him in the tone of the elderly. "You talk about you, let's live a good life, but you want to find the crime? Are you too cheap? "

Pretend not to be confused, to pretend that you don't care, only you can hear it, the apex of your heart is broken into fragments, crackling, listen to it, the fragments are broken into tens of millions.

The living room was as quiet as standing water, and the two seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding, silent with each other.

The night was already deep, Zhou Hao crushed his cigarette **** and wanted to go back to the room to sleep.

"I don't care about you."

That tone is like dealing with a prodigal who will never be home. Although I look forward to seeing you, I can do nothing about it.

Suddenly, Jiang Yu's hand was stunned, and his heart lost his beat for a moment. He raised his eyes and asked, "I'm going to sleep. What are you doing?"

Jiang Yu's deep eyes stared at him, confused and depressed, "I don't understand."

"Don't understand why it's my fart?" Zhou Hao shook his hand away and smiled. "Difficult, do you want me to teach you how to chase that girl?"

Sentences are thorny, three points into the wood.

Jiang Yudi didn't talk, he dragged Zhou Hao into the room with his hand, and was still in bed.

"What the **** is you **** crazy!" Zhou Hao was angry, struggling to sit up from the bed.

Jiang Yuchen leaned over and pushed down the people on the bedside, holding his wrists on both sides and bullying himself ...

The reluctance at first, but later turned into a puddle of water, has long been in the rough tenderness of the person. The range of motion was large, Zhou Hao climbed the life-saving driftwood, and sunk with him in the sea.

Zhou Haohong eyes, tearing the heart, every muscle in the body is convulsing, twitching ...

At this moment, no one was more apprehensive than him.

In the third grade, the class uniformly collected money to make custom class uniforms to participate in the school's recitation competition. They all wore t-shirts with small round neck collars. Below the boys were little shorts and girls were skirts. He went home and asked his mother for money, but his mother didn't give it.

Later, all the students stood on the stage in a jerky, uniform and neat clothes. He was wearing that dirty school uniform, hiding behind the curtain under the stage, staring pitifully at them ...

Husband, you see how bad she is. She owes me, she's sorry for me ...

So can you ...

Treat me well ...

Can you……

Don't be like my mother ...

He floated on the turbulent rapids, and the waves slammed him and hit him. The pink woman in the distance drifted away, he could n’t catch it, he could only hold the driftwood on his chest, swaying, swaying in the sea where he could not see the edge ...

It is never Jiang Yuyu who restrains people, but himself, a helpless self! He gave his mother's uncommon life to Jiang Yuyu, but this man was equally rare.

Who else can scarce him in this world ...

The image in my head stopped with the movement of the person.

After a fierce battle, Zhou Hao's buttocks bleed, which should be **** fissure.

The shocking red dyed the sheets into a small patch of red sea, and Zhou Hao settled down, staring dullly at the red.

Jiang Yuxi wiped away the sticky marks on each other casually, and put it in front of the curled up poor man's mouth, and kissed him apologetically.

Zhou Hao didn't respond. He blinked, raised his head, and the blinking light turned into a childhood pink. He blinked hard again, and there was a small attic in the south and a rainy day in the south.

Jiang Yuzhen crouched on the bed, his desire for atonement was very strong, he did not understand why this person always liked to stare at the white chandelier.

Once again, he followed Zhou Hao's gaze and still saw nothing.

"I'll take you to the hospital."

Zhou Hao crouched down on the bed, motionless, and for a while, the huge delirium in his chest was exhausted, and the cry was pinched in his mouth, and finally sprayed-thin out, choked out in the dark ...

He whimpered, "My husband, I miss my dad ..."

Jiang Yudi didn't expect him to be like this. This man has always been arrogant and unwilling to concede anything. It is stubborn and hateful.

Right now he was panicking and had no idea. He had to kiss the person in front of him indiscriminately.

There is no such thing as a lip-tooth match that can make up for the sin of recklessness.

Tears swallowed into his mouth, salty. He even cheated, "Hao Hao, obedient, let's go to the hospital?"

I didn't expect such a word, Zhou Hao cried even more, her face ugly kinked together ...

Tired of crying, Zhou Hao's eyes stared, his eyes were like a mentally broken patient, cold and resentful, "You hug me ..."

Jiang Yuxuan stopped him.

In the middle of the night, the doctor examined the wound slightly, and then looked at the two men who came along, and roughly guessed the reason. With professional ethics, the doctor's expression was well controlled, and the case was written down.

"The back is a little bit cracked, so I need to sew a needle and take some anti-inflammatory drugs."

The two took the bill to pay the bill. In the summer, there were more patients with acute gastroenteritis at night, and there were many people waiting in line.

Jiang Yudi placed Zhou Hao on a seat in the corridor, followed behind the crowd, and lined up.

After paying the fee, Jiang Yuzhen turned and walked back.

Standing in front, looking at the end of the corridor, he saw--

Zhou Hao leaned on the seat, his two arms hung weakly on the armrest, and when he looked at it from a distance, the tall figure usually became very small and small, and shrank into a lonely group.

Jiang Yuzhen felt that his heart was suddenly acupunctured. He walked over quickly, squatted down, and patted the tired person gently.

"Zhou Hao."

Zhou Hao opened his eyes and looked tired, "Are you ready?"


"Let's go."

After the pale conversation, Jiang Yuzheng lifted him up and asked the nurse where to sew the needle. The nurse pointed to the sixth door on the left.

Zhou Hao felt panicked and took off the mask. At the place where the stitches were made, Zhou Hao went in and Jiang Yuzhen waited outside.

After entering the door, he regretted taking off his mask, but did not expect to run into a classmate.

"Zhou Hao!"

Zhou Hao was anxious to bury a pit and buried himself at the moment. He passed the treatment bill in his hand without speaking.

Li Xiao took the list, "What's the matter at night?"

"The stool is bleeding. The doctor just said that he was going to sew a needle."

"Let me see."

Zhou Hao didn't respond. Like a piece of wood, he took off his pants according to the instructions, lay on the examination bed, and half-tucked his buttocks.

"You don't look like hemorrhoids?"

"It's either hemorrhoids or some blood in the stool."

Li Xiao gave him some local anesthetics and then sutured several wounds.

Zhou Hao lifted up his pants and said "thank you," and pulled Jiang Yuxuan away from the hospital.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Yuzhen didn't go back. They were in the small apartment and slept until the next day, when the east turned pale.

Perhaps it was the psychology of atonement. He was much gentler with Zhou Hao this night.

What sin?

Desire-seeing blood;

Abandoned soldiers to protect the army, from three to two.

Within a few days, Zhou Hao was homosexual in the school and spread to a small area. They all said that the medical department was homosexual, had an **** fissure in the middle of the night, and was sent to the hospital with a nose and eyes. People just listen to it and don't believe it.

Of course, Sun Yiwen also heard about it.

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