Love, Expired

Chapter 24: Video

When you think life is hard enough, it is actually just a small wave.

In mid-June, Zhou Hao took an experimental class to senior students as an excellent senior.

In his state, nothing can be seen on the surface. He still shaves every day, eats on time, and cleans himself up when he goes out. In fact, the inside had already completely ulcerated and bleeding.

Zhou Hao brought a systematic anatomy experiment to classify students and explain them one by one.

During the whole process, he sullenly smiled. The explanation is very meticulous and very professional. For him, it is tantamount to copying the texts and not having to worry about it.

If it weren't for Cheng Zixu to come and talk to him after class, he thought that many things later could have been avoided.

Zhou Hao didn't remember the specific situation at that time, just remembered that his hands seemed to be out of control and pushed Cheng Zixu aside, which happened to be at the entrance of the staircase, and the man fell down without standing. Fortunately, the stairs are not long, but my leg was hurt.

At that time, many students saw it, and they hurried Cheng Zixu to the school affiliated hospital.

Zhou Hao was also scared. He really didn't want to push that person.

He was restless all day, but he didn't ask which ward Cheng Zixu lived in? Is the fracture severe?

In the evening, as usual, he was off work, cooking, eating, sitting in the living room and watching TV for a while. There was nothing good to look at, that is, he could move a little at home.

Later, the door opened, Jiang Yuzheng didn't change his shoes, appeared in front of him, and stared at him darkly.

"Zhou Hao, do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes!"

Zhou Hao narrowed his eyelids and stared at the TV in front, without speaking.

Jiang Yuzhen was completely enraged by his disregard, and went to the coffee table to block the TV.

"A person like you is a disgusting person if you live."

Zhou Hao finally raised his head, blinked, and looked at his former family.

"You really are dead!" His Majesty Jiang Yu left.

Zhou Hao's eyes fell back to the TV again. He picked up the remote control and kept changing channels, changing with them. He felt boring and turned off the TV.

At night, he was lying on the bed, staring at the chandelier on the ceiling, somehow remembered when he and Jiang Yuzheng started. To this day, he has regretted this ending, and he regrets pouring all his love on a blind man.

If he were to be loved by another person, he would not be so lonely now; or, if he was not gay, maybe he was married, and his wife had given him many young relatives.

Let's start again, find someone to love and treat him as a loved one from the beginning. But he was so tired now that he couldn't move.

On the white dangling lights, as always, pink women appeared. He closed his eyes and stopped looking. Gradually, he fell asleep. When you wake up, the sun is rising and it is another day.

A new day, get up early, brush your teeth, wash your face, eat and go to work. Before Zhou Hao left, he smiled at himself in the mirror. He wanted to survive.

At the affiliated hospital, Zou Kai stood at the elevator on the level of the department, as if waiting for himself intentionally. Behind the intention is glee.

"Zhou Hao, why are you still coming to work? Why don't I ask you to take a day off, and you go back to rest."

Zhou Hao didn't lift his eyelids and wiped away from him. In the muddled days, his curiosity almost disappeared, and he was too lazy to ask what Zou Kai meant.

Zou Kai chased him up and stopped him. "Don't you know? A video from the school website last night?"

Zhou Hao's eyelids finally lifted up, and his expression was so weak that he was thousands of miles away. "What video?"

Zou Kai handed him his cell phone. "Look at it for yourself."

It's a sex-love video, the main character is himself, and the key parts are blocked by the mosaic, but I can hear the voice of Ta Sao-lang in the video, "Husband, hurry ..."

That was taken by Jiang Yuzheng two years ago, but the video camera only aimed at Zhou Hao.

That video was recorded by Jiang Yuzheng with his mobile phone. Only the face of Zhou Hao was recorded. He thought it was an expression of deep love, and even in order to cooperate with Jiang Yuzheng, he shouted even louder.

Now it looks like a joke. Absurd.

His "family" has been calculating himself deliberately.

"It's not me, the people inside aren't me." He put on his proud mask and turned to escape.

Zou Kai couldn't let go of his life, and chased him up again, "Zhou Hao, I don't think you're in a good shape. Go back and rest."

Zhou Hao didn't hold back. He punched Zou Kai with his fist, his eyes were red and bleeding. "You are driving me crazy !? You are happy !?"

The hysterical vent roared, I don't know who it was.

Zhou Hao went to the inpatient department to check Cheng Zixu's ward number. On the top floor of the VIP ward, he rushed up madly. Hearing the movement of the door, Jiang Yuzheng and Cheng Zixu both looked up at Zhou Hao outside the door.

His former family, who threw himself naked in the sun, is now in a honey pot with his little lover.

Zhou Hao was stimulated by the pictures he saw.

All the questioning and abusive words were carried back by himself, he closed the door lonely and went out. He wandered in the corridor with a sorrowful expression, and Jiang Yuxi chased out.

"Jiang Yuyu ..." He froze and called, "I ..."

Without saying a word, he rushed over like a lion with mad hair, and jumped on Jiang Yu's back, as if in the past, his arm stuck to the man's neck, biting and punching.

Kill you bad guys, I ’m a lunatic, I do n’t break the law, kill you bad guys, I do n’t break the law ...

Jiang Yuxi silently endured Zhou Hao's vent. In fact, the video was posted last night. He regretted it only after one night ...

Zhou Haojiao's fist on Jiang Yuxi gradually lightened and faded away. He scarletly eyed, lowered his eyelids, and turned away step by step. The back is slow and weak, and his steps are stuffy and heavy.

At this moment, Jiang Yudi knew that Zhou Hao hated him.

Unlike the previous anger, this time it was real hatred.

He didn't like the ending, even if the man beat him up, he felt better. He wanted to catch up, but just after this thought, Zhou Hao's figure had disappeared.

In the later days, Zhou Hao seemed to have evaporated, and never appeared in anyone's sight. In the past, several cards were swiped every month, and there were no bank prompts.

Jiang Yuzhang lingered under Building No. 5 countless times, but his stagnation. He wanted to rush up and say sorry to Zhou Hao, but he was afraid and apologized for no reason, and gave that person hope again. That person would stick around like a dog skin plaster, and he couldn't shake it off.

The video turmoil was turbulent and was later deleted. The past was also very fast. Only people who knew Zhou Hao still remembered this.

Jia Lin has also heard of this. He just feels that his dead party is too much. Where is this human work? At a certain time, he also specifically invited Jiang Yuzhang out. It can be seen that Jiang Yuzhang's mental state is not very good.

"Are you really planning to be with Cheng Zixu?" Jia Lin asked.

Jiang Yuzheng didn't answer.

"Let's be together together, anyway, you and Zhou Hao are impossible, you have made people too miserable."

Jiang Yuzhen trembled in his heart, only then did he realize that his mistakes could not be made up. That little lunatic will never come over again to punch and kick, he won't run away after plucking his legs, and will not blow his hair or make chicken curry again ...

"Jia Lin, I love Cheng Zixu." There is no other way, the only way is to love Cheng Zixu, so he can get out of this mess.

Jia Lin knew everything and smiled, "I understand."


Zhou Hao took a long vacation, locked himself at home, turned off his mobile phone, and took out three meals a day. Listening to the Brahma, I kept reading in my mouth—

"I often research that complaining is a sea of ​​bitterness. The more you complain, the more sad you feel, so that you are either sick or in trouble, or is it a sea of ​​bitterness?

Controlling people is hell, one point is managed, others hate one point; management is very important, others hate one, not what is hell?

It must be reversed, the talents that can lead people can be the debts of the world, and do the human way. It is God who is capable of man, and Buddha who is capable of being an adult. "

No one can save him, no one can save him.

He read and read, and read it aloud again and again, his mind calmed down, and his hatred faded.

Read again. Read on. He wants to save himself, he wants to live well.

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