Love, Expired

Chapter 27: Back to city A

Seeing Jiang Yuzhen again, Zhou Haogang just returned from his hometown, and it was already late August. It was in the community. The man and Cheng Zixu were coming out of Building 2. He also happened to pass through Building 2. The three ran into each other so silently.

After catching the train for three days and three nights, he was very tired. He was so tired that he was lying all over his body. He just wanted to lie down and sleep, but there was still a lot of work to do.

As for what kind of eyes Jiang Yuzhen was then, he was not in the mood to look.

His eyes were staring at Cheng Zixu's legs, he could run, he could walk, he could stand, he could bend, nothing.

Exactly nothing happened, and he felt even more absurd. If this man is stunned, or has broken his leg, he can relax a bit.

It wasn't that Zhou Haocheng cursed others, it was just that he always tried to find a reasonable explanation for the wounds on his body. The so-called "trauma" means existence. If existence is reasonable, then this hurdle is considered to have passed.

For this leg, his dignified shroud was torn apart mercilessly, exposed to the public eye, and seen by strangers in this city, they must have killed him behind a joke.

But now, Cheng Zixu is jumping like a rabbit.

Jiang Yuzhen understood his gaze, and there was vagueness and guilt in his eyes.

After brushing around them, Zhou Hao went to the former apartment. He had to pound his stuff out.

Opening the door of the apartment, Zhou Hao changed his slippers habitually. He roughly glanced around, thinking in his mind: take clothes, books, toothbrushes, what else? Seems gone.

After four years, he didn't have much.

Zhou Hao flattened the clothes in the cabinet one by one on the bed, and stacked them one by one into the trolley case. He heard the movement at the entrance and heard the footsteps getting closer and closer.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Yuzhen stood at the door of the bedroom.

Zhou Hao turned back, took out the key from his pants pocket, and handed it over, "The key is returned to you."

Jiang Yu froze and didn't reach out to pick it up. Zhou Hao pulled his left hand over and put the key up.

The two hands slightly touched each other, and then separated, Jiang Yuxi realized his loss. That hand was no longer the hand of the past, the kind of hand that could poke him all over. Now, it is just an object with only life.

"Yu Xun." Cheng Zixu walked over.

The two in the bedroom turned around at the same time, and saw a slightly apologetic man, "I didn't close the door and came in."

Zhou Hao turned his head to continue packing, regardless of the people behind him, the world is quiet now, he just wants to hurry and sleep well.

Things were almost packed. Zhou Hao took out a pack of condoms from the bedside table and threw them to Cheng Zixu. "Your man used the rest."

Cheng Zixu's face was red and white, Zhou Hao stared blankly at the boy in front of him. There was no sense of revenge in his heart. On the contrary, he felt very boring. Everything in front of him made him feel depressed.

Zhou Hao dragged his suitcase and left this apartment, which has been living for more than four years.

"All my arrogance comes from my inferiority, all my heroism comes from my inner weakness, all my vibes are full of suspicion. I pretend to be ruthless, but actually hate my affection. I think the meaning of life is Wandering around is just a cover up that no place has been found so far. "

I don't know where to look at this sentence, it now surfaced repeatedly in Zhou Hao's mind, turning into a powerful melody, lingering in his heart ...

In the final analysis, he lived too much, pretending to be stupid, and made himself a clown in the eyes of others. Why bother?

Childhood is over, and the woman is dead. He should live the rest of his life.

"You go back first." Jiang Yu downed Cheng Zixu and chased him up.

In fact, Zhou Hao didn't know where he was going. He only had 300 yuan left, and he could only drag a suitcase on the street aimlessly.

August night was dull and windless. Passing by a convenience store, he went in and bought a bottle of water and a piece of dry bread.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the emperor's capital was still bright and colorful. There was a crowd of people everywhere, and it was noisy. Zhou Hao found a seat nearby and sat down. Just drank the water and ate the dried bread.

He ate very quickly, and the bread in his hand was not enjoyment, but was forced to survive. Bread crumbs lingered around his lips, he couldn't care less about rubbing, and hurriedly drank the remaining bread with water.

After eating, he drew a hat out of his luggage, pressed the brim down, and blocked half of his face. He fell asleep on the bench.

Jiang Yuyi drove the car and followed the man all the way. At this moment, he found that he was curled up like a tramp on the endless stream of roads. The complex emotions in his heart were even beyond him.

"Zhou Hao." Jiang Yuxi stood in front of the seat.

Here comes the disturbing fly.

Zhou Hao lifted his hat reluctantly, showing a tired tired face, his tone was very cold, "Why?"

Yeah, why do you catch up? Ask him why he suddenly moved out? Still ask him, what did you call yourself a month ago to say? Or do you want to apologize? Jiang Yu suddenly stopped talking.

"What about my card?"

This person did not say, Zhou Hao had forgotten. He got up from the bench, flipped the backpack next to his feet, and pulled out a black card from a small pocket inside the bag.

"Yeah." He handed it to Jiang Yuyong in a daze.

Jiang Yuxi stared dumbly at the person in front of him, obviously he did not mean this, but he still reached out to receive the card, and if they touched with their fingertips a few times, with a cool familiar touch.

After such a trouble, Zhou Hao couldn't continue to sleep on the street, because he had good face, especially in front of the enemy.

"Where?" He took out his cell phone and called Yan Ming. "I'll go and stay with you."

Without paying any attention to the person in front of him, he carried his schoolbag, dragged his suitcase, stopped a taxi, and prepared to go to his strict residence. But was inexplicably stopped by Jiang Yuzhang.

"Fuck!" Zhou Hao didn't hold back, swearing, "What do you want?"

Jiang Yu pursed his lips. "What did you do to me last month?"

"I'm looking for many people, I don't remember."

"July 16th."

Zhou Hao blinked hard and said indifferently, "I'm bored, and I want to find you."

"Why can't I walk?" The driver's brother urged impatiently.

"Walk around." Zhou Hao pushed Jiang away, and as soon as he hit the cushion on his buttocks, Jiang Yuxi grabbed his arm.

"He won't go."

The driver glanced at the two people outside the car, stepped on the throttle and headed for the crowd.

"Where are you going? I'll send you." Jiang Yuxi's hand was still clenching his wrist, without any intention of loosening it.

Zhou Hao is so tired, too lazy to argue, "Zijinming County."

Jiang Yuzhen paused for a moment, but there was not much fluctuation.

It was a wealthy villa area, and it was located in the imperial capital, with a house of at least tens of millions. Zhou Hao has followed him for more than four years. He knows exactly what friends this person has and what they do.

They got into the car and drove east. The windows were tightly closed and the air conditioner was on.

Zhou Hao opened the window on his side, lit a cigarette, and looked out of the car window. The bright street lights flashed around, leaving only a bunch of strange lights flashing on his retina.

Jiang Yuyi glanced at the silent man beside him, his grim profile, his eyes trapped between the shadows under his hat, his chin, and his lips full of scum on his head.

This person likes cleanliness most, has a little cleanliness, and he can't tolerate his lack of borders. Even if he went downstairs to buy a dish, he had to clean up in the bathroom for a while. Now, the image is completely disregarded.

There was an awkward air flow between the two, and there was nothing for a moment. Jiang Yuzheng opened the radio, which was an emotional column. The hostess held an intellectual sweet voice, and told the hidden philosophies in marriage and love in each section.

"... As Man Wei finally said to Shi Jun, 'We can't go back', the fate has separated for more than ten years, and it still exists, but each other's feelings have been with time, with each other's identity, and with the world. Fading away, maybe this is in line with the original intention of Zhang Ailing's creation-"Half-Life Fate." The fate only lasted for half a life, and in the second half of life you and I have no intersection ...

I forgot about the people I love, and forgot about the people I love ... "

The sound stopped abruptly, Jiang Yuxi turned off the shitless audio of the shit, glanced at the person on the right, and saw that he was still in a daze.

The car turned from Chunjiang Road and then went straight for about five minutes to reach its destination.

Zhou Hao pushed the door and got out of the car, went to the trunk to pick up luggage, and the wheels murmured on the ground.

Jiang Yuxuan looked at the departing person, and his heart was inexplicably irritable. It felt like he was trying to hold the water in his palm. It always flowed a little clean from the fingers in all directions.

"Zhou Hao." He shouted into the distance.

Zhou Hao turned and looked at him inexplicably.

Jiang Yuzhen didn't speak, suddenly stepped on the accelerator and left.

In fact, he still owes Zhou Hao, I'm sorry. He dare not say. Because he was afraid--

If "sorry" is useless, then they are really enemies.

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