Love, Expired

Chapter 33: Little lunatic

Douban's "The Years of Mr. and Mr. J", was moved to Weibo by the marketing account, read a lot, commented polarized, and pity small swearing, or blunt small scum. Each has its own reason, and its mouth is on others.

The post became popular on Weibo for a long time. From the bumpy love in their story, it was derived from the bi-sex-relationship between men and men. It spread widely, even Jia Lin saw it.

There are many hidden hints in it, Jia Lin quickly thought of Zhou Hao and Jiang Yuzhen. If anyone is familiar with them, it is not difficult to guess who wrote the post.

He spent a morning quietly, and read the post roughly from beginning to end.

Zhou Hao's emotions for the past four years are all recorded on it. Looking at it throughout, there is a black depression. There are only a few little sweets in it, mostly bitterness that can't be expected, and the man's dark childhood.

He even understands Zhou Hao's feelings for Jiang Yuzhen at that time. Behind his crazy possession is actually his redemption--

The man tried to save himself more than once, but in the end, he failed.

"Well." He had always been displeased with these disease-free moans, but this time reading and reading a little pitiful to Zhou Hao.

He pulled out his phone and sent a WeChat message to Jiang Yuhuan—

"Are you free? Come sit out."

Inexplicably, even Jia Lin himself could not figure out what kind of mood he was at the moment and sent such a sentence to Jiang Yuhuan. Probably sympathy, that man is too pathetic.

For a long time, Jia Lin did not receive a reply from Jiang Yuquan. Just as he was preparing for it, Jiang Yuzheng replied to him--

"Okay, where is it?"

The two met at the cafe. Jia Lin arrived first. The moment the glass door of the cafe was pushed open, Jiang Yuzhen walked in. Jia Lin knew that this person didn't really love Cheng Zixu much.

The onlookers were clear and the authorities were lost.

"What to drink?" Jia Lin asked.


Jia Lin beckoned and the waiter came over.

"Two cups of American, thank you."

"How's it going? Buddies haven't been together for a long time."

"Just like that." Jiang Yuzhen's fingers clasped together unconsciously.

Jia Lin's eyes fell on his hands, and a short stare seemed to see the slender hands through a hole.

After watching it for a long time, the time is condensed. At this moment, the waiter brings two cups of coffee.

Jia Lin bored the coffee with a small spoon, very light and light.

"What are you doing to me today?"

Jiang Yu's words broke the embarrassing silence between the two.

Jia Lin raised his head, with no expression on his face, but his eyes were faintly entangled.

Would you like to tell him? How to tell him? Jia Lin's head was very messy. In the end, after thinking about it, he didn't have to go this muddy water.

The matter between Jiang Yuzheng and Zhou Hao has been in a mess for so many years. Where can he just sort out the mess with a few words and the pitiful truth he thinks? You shouldn't mess up anymore.

"It's okay, I haven't seen you in a long time, come out and sit with you."

Jiang Yuzhen didn't doubt, or he was too lazy to doubt. The unsatisfactory life day after day has long caused great physical and mental fatigue, and he really has no extra energy to care about other things.

When the lunatic was still in the past, they were always noisy, and even often operated by hands, he didn't feel so tired. At that time, every day seemed to have endless energy to do-love, to fight with the little lunatic Zhou Xuan.

Outside the glass window of the cafe is a cold and quiet world, adults, children, and even the puppy with a wagging tail are silent.

The sun came in through the window, warm. Looking at the winter landscape from the balcony, this is the same.

Looking at it, the snow scene is the same everywhere. So is the snow scene of Zurich in memory?

Jia Lin looked at the man who turned his head to the window, perhaps a friend of friends, and he easily guessed Jiang Yu's thoughts.

"Are you okay with Cheng Zixu?" Jia Lin asked deliberately.

Jiang Yuzhen stopped looking at Jinger outside, he looked up at Jia Lin, his eyelids twitched slightly, "It's fine."

"I heard that Zhou Hao talked about a small subject."

Jiang Yuzhen didn't talk, and looked out the window again.

The sun shined a halo of softness on his side, soft and peaceful, his mind gradually settled down, no longer abstract, but concrete-

He missed the lunatic and he wanted to meet him.

He thought foolishly, Jia Lin stared at him foolishly, and looked at, Jia Lin was completely disturbed by him.

In the end, Jia Lin didn't hold back and spoke up.

"Yu Han, I saw a post on the Internet in the morning." Jia Lin took another sip of coffee and was a bit cold. "Do you know who wrote it?"

Jiang Yu's eyelids slowly opened and widened, and a faint light of hope appeared in his eyes.

What is he looking forward to?

Jia Lin went on to say: "It was written by Zhou Hao."

Jiang Yuxi burst into joy that was difficult to control. "What did he ... write?"

"From the time you met and wrote about breaking up, you go back and search for" The Years of Mr. J and Me "."

The joy on his face disappeared, and Jiang Yuzhen slowly lost his thoughts. No one knew what he was thinking now.

The cherished friends among friends, completely lost effect in the heavy atmosphere at this moment. Jia Lin didn't know.

"Yu Han, do you know? Zhou Hao's father passed away when he was very young ..."

There was a brief silence between the two.

Jia Lin continued: "He followed his mother. His mother and his stepfather were not good for him ..."

Jiang Yuxi raised his ears and listened. When he heard that everyone was not good for the little lunatic, his thoughts stayed here, and he could no longer hear the voices. Jia Lin also said a lot, he couldn't hear a word.

He became groggy and dull all over.

"I went back."

He did not return to his current residence, but went to Binjiang One. In the empty home, he sat on the sofa and found the post Jia Lin said.

Seeing the tail from the beginning, his mind was blank, and he couldn't even remember who the lunatic was? Who is he? Who are they? ...

Chaos, confusion, and a remorse that cannot be frozen.

For a long time, Jiang Yuzhen's consciousness was restored, and the previous fragments were thrown into his mind in a mess.

Every time the little madman is in a state of infatuation, he will be called by her "husband and husband". How does he become a husband? Forced people alive to that share, and sent a knife to pass.

In this apartment, the little lunatic is always clean and neat, and when he enters the door, he has to change his shoes. Things must not be littered. He really takes the house here.

In that earthquake, the little lunatic came back and asked him madly. Later, the little lunatic smashed him with a pillow. The little lunatic also said ...

The little madman also said, "I'm using you as a family member."

Too many things, Jiang Yuzhen completely put himself in the cage of remorse.

If I knew the poor and miserable life of the man ... if I knew it ...

What can he do? What can 19-year-old Jiang Yudi know? Can he understand the poor little lunatic? Can he treat the lunatic well?

Now sitting on the sofa is twenty-three Jiang Yudi. After the New Year, he became twenty-four Jiang Yudi.

Can they understand little lunatics? Can they be good to little lunatics?

Self-blame, guilt, and boundless thinking, Jiang Yudi successfully wrapped himself into a deeper cage.

This night, he didn't go back. He stayed in the home of his and the lunatic, and was lying on the bed where they used to be.

At eight o'clock, Cheng Zixu called and asked why he didn't come back?

He stuck the phone to the eardrum, "I won't go back today."

He didn't sleep all night. As soon as he closed his eyes, the shadow of a child appeared in the dark eyes, wearing a dirty school uniform, and hiding in his own small attic timidly. Downstairs was his mother. , Stepfather, and Langzhong's sister.

He was so small and so obedient, he lay down on his old desk to do his homework. Tired of writing, he ran to the stairs of the attic again, hiding in the dark, staring at the family of three downstairs ...

The little lunatic in the picture is only eight years old, he is only eight years old!

The next day, Jiang Yuzhen didn't go to the company. He carefully cleaned the family, and he didn't miss a corner. He went to the bird and bird market and bought two pots of spider plants to go home.

The original gardenia tree that died was still there. He moved it to the balcony and basked in the sun.

The lifeless home finally got a little angry.

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