Love, Expired

Chapter 45: Wenwen is gone

When Jiang Yuxi woke up, the little lunatic was gone. Quietly, if it wasn't for the trace of last night on the sofa cover in the living room, he would have thought it was a dream.

Zhou Hao returned to the small house in Minlin District early in the morning. Only Sun Yiwen was at home, and Yan Ming was busy at work and went out early.

The two looked at each other silently, with infinite thoughts hidden in each other's eyes.

Sun Yiwen first broke the silence: "Have you had breakfast?"

Zhou Hao shook his head: "Not yet."

"Do you eat noodles? Or eat dumplings? I'll get them for you." Sun Yiwen said and went to the kitchen.

"Whatever you want."

Rare conversation, as if nothing happened between the two.

Sun Yiwen put ten celery pork dumplings, sprinkled some cilantro, and set them at Zhou Hao's table. He then sat down in a nearby chair.

"Want to go to which city?" Sun Yiwen asked.

Zhou Hao lowered his eyelids, patronizing the dumplings in the bowl, and said for a long time, "I didn't think about it."

"If you're outside, smoke less, don't eat those quick-frozen foods, and come back from work to cook yourself two dishes and cook some rice."

Zhou Hao nodded, choking in his throat and weeping, "I see."

After eating this bowl of dumplings for a long time, Sun Yiwen accidentally spotted the red scar on Zhou Hao's neck, and then thought about how he did not return all night, basically guessing where he went and what he did last night.

"Did you meet your ex-boyfriend yesterday?" Sun Yiwen wasn't used to calling Jiang Yuxi. Occasionally, Zhou Hao mentioned this person and he called him your ex-boyfriend.

Zhou Hao said indifferently, perhaps intentionally, "Well, go to bed with him."

Apparently, Sun Yiwen was hit. He stood up and picked up the tableware on the table. "I'll wash the dishes."

Soon, the sound of water clapping in the kitchen, Zhou Hao looked at the busy figure, and the hidden depression in his heart rushed to his heart. He moved his mouth and shouted, "Sun Yiwen."

When I heard the shout there, I turned off the tap and turned around.

"Why? Didn't we just say it before? Leave here and stay away from the bad guys?" He thought he wanted to understand, but now he is confused.

Sun Yiwen said frankly, "My father is not well."

If you are in poor health and need money, this explanation makes sense.

Zhou Hao clearly understood that his father and son's affection is the real family. He can only be regarded as a forced “relative”.

In the next few days, Zhou Hao prepared everything that should be prepared. For the rest of the time, he used it to date with Sun Yiwen.

Like all the little lovers in the world, they started a short and sweet two-person world.

The two went to the playground and played a thrilling roller coaster. Sun Yiwen yelled all the way, Zhou Hao was not happy beside him. He also went to a few movies. Before, the two had to save money and rent. In front of the movie theater, there was a doll catching machine. He clipped a hyaluronic acid duck to Sun Yiwen ...

On Sunday, Sun Yiwen dragged his black suitcase and left. It was Zhou Hao who took him downstairs and watched him get in a car. The driver was Ou Yi.

Coincidentally, Jiang Yudi also appeared at the time.

Until the car drove far away, Zhou Hao was still stupid standing downstairs and watching the car go away.

Suddenly, Zhou Hao thought of something. He ran like a crazy leopard in the direction of the galloping car, but the car turned a corner and disappeared.

He stood helplessly in a strange city. He just forgot to ask Wenwen: If one day he had money, would you like to come back?

Far away, no chance to ask. Zhou Hao looked at the blurred front in dismay.

"Don't watch, go back." Jiang Yuxi appeared silently in front of him.

"It's a ghost you guys did? Isn't it !? Talk !?" Zhou Hao suddenly came to his consciousness, but just as Sun Yiwen left, Jiang Yuzhen happened to come over.

Jiang Yuzhen was not deterred at all, and he even asked Zhou Hao, "What can he give you? Do you want to stay in that small house all the time? Going to squeeze the subway every morning? You ca n’t afford anything, you have to pick Soso saves the monthly rent !? "

When Zhou Hao heard it, "It's you ..."

Jiang Yuzhen was a bit scared by Zhou Hao's disappointed look. He tried to hold the hand of the lunatic, "Hao Hao ..."

Zhou Hao held that hand and slammed the nails of the five fingers into the back of Jiang Yu's hand, making five deep nail marks.

"You and Ou Yi, you will have retribution!"

Zhou Hao couldn't hear other voices anymore. He regretted him. He was so stupid. Why would Wenwen leave him for money? If he had known it, he would not have been mad to say such awful words.

Isn't he a bad guy himself, always unscrupulous to hurt Wenwen's heart?

While sleeping at night, he found a card and a letter under the alarm clock on the bedside table. The handwriting on the stationery was very beautiful--

"Lao Zhou, I'm sorry.

When you saw this letter, I had renounced our agreement and became a thorough coward.

I have known you for two years, and it is the first time to write you such a nasty thing. You must not make a joke that our liberal arts are sour.

Don't go to please anyone anymore, Sun Yiwen is not worth it, your ex boyfriend is not worth it, you have to spend all your energy on yourself, and only think about how to eat well, how to sleep well and how to play well.

Stop smoking cigarettes, it hurts your body too much;

In another place, have a good relationship with the people around you, don't get so old;

You have a bad stomach. Be sure to eat three meals a day on time;

If you meet someone you hate, just stay away from them and get angry and hurt your body;

By the way, after moving to a new home, buy more green plants and put them in the home so that the air is good;

Just ask the two little ones, don't eat them too much.

There is a lake behind the People's Park in city a. When I was in a bad mood, I would always go there for a while, look at the lake, look at the sun, and look at the parents and children in the park. Put it down.

Lao Zhou, I'm sorry.

The card has 100,000 yuan, and the password is your birthday. Pay back the 5,000 yuan that is less stringent, and send it to your grandparents. You can organize the rest of the money and buy some money.

Don't worry about the source of this money, you should take it, this is the last thing your article can do for you.

Love yourself and treat yourself better, we will always be one family.

Little grandson

Zhou Hao grabbed the letter in his hand stupidly, grinned, and muttered in his mouth, "Everyone is gone, and he is using this sour words to coax me."

Suddenly, the silly smile disappeared, tears were already on his face, and he crouched and sobbed.

In his writing, he explained everything, and he was completely dismissed.

When Yan Ming returned from work, he saw Zhou Hao standing on the balcony alone. Sun Yiwen left last night, he thought, this man must be uncomfortable, Yan Ming walked towards Zhou Hao.

"What are you looking at?"

Zhou Hao turned his head, grinning at Yan Ming, "I was thinking, where am I going next?"

The atmosphere of sadness suddenly enveloped the two. It is inevitable to regret leaving life alone.

"When is it going? Is it time?"

Zhou Hao's head turned to the window again, "It's set, I'm leaving on Friday, but I don't think of where to go. By the way, I haven't asked you, changed a new environment, still adapt?"

Yan Ming nodded. "It's all good."

Yan Ming changed to a new job and moved to another newspaper as a reporter. Although not as well-known as the previous unit, his salary is not worse than the previous one.

The next day, Zhou Hao went to see the lake that Sun Yiwen said, and sat on a bench in the park all afternoon.

The wind is not strong and the lake is very quiet with occasional ripples. On the grass in the distance, many parents take their children to fly a kite. The kite flies very high and becomes a small spot in the sky.

Sitting here, Zhou Hao quickly recalled his life of more than 20 years in the form of a movie.

He had a memory for the first time and he was still a very small child. He sat on the front bar of his father's bicycle and followed his father to buy vegetables. I bought two saucey elbows, and when he got home, he took half of them. A carefree and heartless child, who should have grown up happily, made it himself, and made himself a fool.

And then the deepest memory is that at the hospital, his father was covered with a white cloth. The truck driver who lost the accident lost 30,000 yuan and went to waste. At that time, everyone had little money, and a working-class family was able to take out 30,000 yuan.

Later, it was his childhood and youth that he was least willing to remember. He lived in a small attic of less than ten square meters in the south for more than ten years until he went out to college. Who can I talk to? Looking for that dead woman? It's boring, it's boring.

Now he is a stranger who can't get into the big city, and he is going to a new place soon.


Going back at night, Zhou Hao met Jiang Yuzhen at the entrance of the corridor. He ignored it, brushed past the man, and climbed up the stairs.

Just as the door was opened, one arm of Jiang Yuzhen was caught between the door seams.

"Haohao, let's talk."

What to talk about? What can they talk about.

Zhou Hao ignored him and entered the house, and then Jiang Yuzhen forced himself in without taking himself as an outsider. At this moment, there were only two of them in the small house, and Yan Ming had not finished work.

Zhou Hao was busy with his own affairs, choosing vegetables, washing rice, and cooking. He trapped himself in the small kitchen, and Jiang Yuxi stood outside the kitchen, looking at him with a complex expression.

The words in my heart were brewing for a long time, and Jiang Yuzhen finally said, "Go back with me. If you don't want to live in Binjiang No. 1, let's change houses again."

Zhou Hao thought about the life he experienced from beginning to end in an afternoon. This is a big project that takes a lot of effort. He is very tired now and can't do anything to deal with the man in front of him.

Jiang Yuzhen did not give up, and continued, "Change to a bigger house with a bathtub in the bathroom. Can we both try in the bathroom? Didn't you say ..."

"Patter ---" A potato threw over and smashed into Jiang Yu's chest.

Zhou Hao turned his head and looked at Jiang Yuxi fiercely, "Shut up! You are disgusting!"

Jiang Yuzhang pulled the corners of his mouth weakly. "What did you say?"

"You make me sick!"

This sentence completely annoyed Jiang Yuzhen, he kicked Zhou Hao out of the small kitchen, threw it on the sofa, bullied him, and clamped the limbs of the lunatic with his own body.

Zhou Hao's eyes were anxious, and his eyes were almost red.

Jiang Yuzhen is no better than him, but also a pair of bloodthirsty eyes, "I'm disgusted? The person who threatened me with the video was you! Zhou Hao, you ask yourself, who is the one who provokes us?

The emotion on Zhou Hao's face collapsed instantly, and his movements softened.

Jiang Yu's heart hurt so much that he couldn't stand the little helpless expression of biting and gnashing his teeth.

I can't help but feel hopeless.

"Haohao, stop making trouble with me ..."

Zhou Hao blinked at him, steadfastly pulled a hand out of the clamp, and stuck Jiang Yu's neck. It didn't take long for Jiang Yuzhen to squeeze that hand down again.

Every time I went up and down, it was dark. In Jiang Yuzhen's eyes, he could only see the poor man with fists fluttering under him. The little lunatic's expression covered with grief and indignation seemed to kill him badly.

Even the air condensed into a turbulent wave, impacting Jiang Yuzhen's heart. For a moment, he wanted to just let it go. The little madman would go with whomever he loves, he didn't want to care about him.

But unwillingly, if he doesn't know the past of the lunatic, he can still force him to have sex-the two are embedded in each other's body, maybe the hatred will be resolved.

Now he can't do this. The person under him is no longer a lunatic. He has become the little poor of his childhood.

He is here today to pick up the poor and go home.

Jiang Yuzhen straightened up and let go.

Zhou Hao climbed up and scuffled with the perpetrator. He had scarlet eyes and wanted to kill the bad guys in this big city, but after countless fists hit him, he was a little tired and didn't want to hit. He remembered what Wenwen had told him in his letter and asked him to love him well.

He returned to the bedroom, sat at the bedside, and took out Sun Yiwen's letter and read it several times. He wanted to listen to Wen Wen's words, not to get angry, and to hurt his body.

Jiang Yuzhang just dared to stand outside the door and look at the poor little backside by the bed. He didn't know what was written on the paper in the hand of the lunatic. He only saw that the lunatic had stared at the paper. long time.

Suddenly, there was a key twisting sound outside the door. Jiang Yuzheng looked back and it was Yan Ming who came back.

Yan Ming's expression was slightly wrong, and she wondered why Jiang Yuzhen was here. He changed his shoes and shouted, "Zhou Hao."

No one responded.

Yan Ming walked to the door of the bedroom, only to find that Zhou Hao was also at home, just sitting on the edge of the bed stiffly.

"Zhou Hao." Yan Ming shouted again.

The dazed person still didn't respond to him, the sensitive Yan Ming immediately smelled the unusual breath, it seems that the two must have been unhappy before.

"Have you cooked? If not, let's eat out."

Zhou Hao gave a little reaction, folded the paper in his hands, put it in the drawer, and stood up and walked out of the bedroom.

"No cooking today."

Yan Ming said with a smile, "Several manuscripts some time ago, I got the manuscript fee, let's go out and celebrate."

Zhou Hao narrowed his eyes and nodded, "Huh."

From beginning to end, Jiang Yudi became a transparent air between the two.

Zhou Haoqiang pretended to laugh and scold in the past, and talked to Yan Ming with a smile and went downstairs. Jiang Yuyi followed them closely. At the end, he grabbed Zhou Hao and said to him, "Hao Hao, I'm sorry ..."

Then, he cast his eyes on Yan Ming again, and seemed to be saying, "Please beg your little madman well, tonight he is too pathetic."

Jiang Yuchen drove away.

Yan Ming tentatively asked Zhou Hao, "You just quarreled with Jiang Yuzhen?"

Zhou Hao could not pretend any longer, squinting and squinting, "Crazy dog!"

Minlin District, far from the city, is also a time of bright lights.

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