Love, Expired

Chapter 48: Fly to City A

Seeing that the day of departure was getting closer, Zhou Hao was still what to do, but Qian Weicheng had no idea to ask East and West. After a while, I asked Zhou Hao what the weather is like in A city, and what clothes to bring; and then I asked, where is city A fun and what is delicious.

Actually, it may not be just asking. Zhou Hao knew this person, he just couldn't keep his mouth open, he had to make a few noises to make him comfortable.

In other words, Qian Weicheng has a shattered mouth of a middle-aged woman.

This is exactly the man who is the mother-in-law. Zhou Hao has been very comfortable in the past three years. He has nothing to do with him, and this day has passed.

In the past few days, Qian Weicheng ran to Zhou Hao almost every day, insisting in his mouth that the two of them would be brothers who share the same suffering.

Zhou Haobai gave him a glance, where is this and where?

Qian Weicheng was very dissatisfied with Zhou Hao's disdainful look, and dead skin continued to whisper: "Brother Ha, you think, when you are in city a, is there only me by your side? Do you have a headache and brain heat? Only me to bring tea and water by your side? Think again. If you get to the metropolis and you do n’t hold it, what will you do if you get caught in the police station? Is it the only brother I can rescue you? And ... ... "

Qian Weicheng also wanted to say, but was interrupted by Zhou Hao, "Cheng, I beg you, don't be foolish, we are just going to study, how can you be told to go to the battlefield to die? And also, can you kid look forward to my order? "

Qian Weicheng looked black.

It was embarrassing to be broken.

Master's account, pets pay!

Qian Weicheng stretched his poisonous hand towards the two orange cats, randomly picked one from the cat's nest, and held the cat's armpit with a tiger's mouth.


Zhou Hao looked up and saw the painful constipation in Er Mao's face.

"Ah, hey, take your claws away." Zhou Hao yelled.

"I don't do anything, just talk to your cat and increase your relationship."

"That's just public on your hands."

"Let me go and see you, am I the kind of beast!" Qian Weicheng shouted loudly, in order to show innocence, quickly put the cat back to the nest.

"Brother Hao, how old are these two big fat cats?" Qian Weicheng came together.

Zhou Hao continued to flip through the book in his hand, without raising his head. "The young four-year-old, the big one is unclear."

"The big one was picked? I didn't see it, you are so caring."

Zhou Hao's eyes were slightly blurred. He paused and said, "I didn't pick it ... my subject picked it."

Qian Weicheng didn't have any thoughts. At this moment, he didn't want to blurt out and asked, "Such a loving sister-in-law, because you are separated from someone because of a different place? Or, she thinks you have no money?"

Zhou Hao lowered his eyes, and his thick eyelashes covered a sad shadow.

Qian Weicheng saw that Zhou Hao didn't answer and thought he was right. Now he started arguing for Zhou Hao. "This kind of woman may be divided. One day you fly Huang Tengda, you should ignore her! Brother Hao, you also Don't be too sad, your life-long event has covered me. There will be women in the future, you start first ... "

For a long time, Zhou Hao squeaked, "He's not that kind of person."

"Why else?" After asking, Qian Weicheng suddenly realized what, and glanced at Zhou Hao's second child.

Men's hidden pain can not be mentioned.

Zhou Hao fell into silence and turned his eyes back to the book in his hand. The sound of Salsa's page turning covered his desolate thoughts.

He hasn't thought about Sun Yiwen for a long time. In recent years, he has deliberately refrained from thinking and restrained deliberately. He almost thought that Sun Yiwen was the man he had imagined.

The sudden mention now completely overturns previous efforts. It turned out that there was a boy named Sun Yiwen in his life.

So kind and beautiful boy, how is he doing now? Is he just like himself, and all the people he has met in the past three years are good people?

Qian Weicheng probably felt the oppressive atmosphere, and suddenly he was poor, so he randomly found an excuse and left Zhou Hao's home.

In the house of Liu Shiping, only Zhou Hao was left. He walked towards the two little ones, bent over and picked up the small one, and smoothed its hair. "Er Mao, do you miss him? I am a little bit ... miss him. "

Er Mao vigorously met Zhou Hao and strongly agreed with the host's words.

"You miss him too ..." Zhou Hao muttered to himself.

Er Mao stretched out his fat claws and scratched Zhou Hao, as if to comfort the sad host.

Putting down the cat, Zhou Hao went to the balcony and smoked a cigarette.

I haven't smoked in a long time, and after taking the first sip, he's a bit choked.

It turns out that old habits will be replaced one day.

That's it, don't think about it, hopeless thinking is more terrible than anything.

The cigarette in his hand burned out, and the suffocating thoughts died in the cigarette.

When Zhou Hao sat back to his original position to read a book, he was a completely new person.

That night, Zhou Hao had a dream—

He and Wenwen once again went to the mulberry forest behind their hometown. They sat side by side on the small soil **** and watched the ants move in the afternoon. The summer sun is diluted with a large mulberry leaf, and there are occasional cool winds. The time is slowly passing away, and the blink of an eye passes in the afternoon. At dusk, his grandmother stood outside the mulberry tree and shouted: "Waer, go home for dinner!"

When waking up the next day, Zhou Hao, as usual, first opened the curtains, and his mind still had a blurry dream last night.

He and Wenwen should have a dull little life together. One of them didn't kill, the other didn't steal, and they didn't want to make any great fortune greedily. They both wanted to live on each other's lives. Failed to reach.

In these years, Zhou Hao read a lot of Buddhist scriptures, and now he wants to understand--

Maybe it was because of his karma in the previous life, that he has suffered in this life and cannot complain.

In the Dharma, we pay attention to cause and effect. Who made you kill and set fire in your life?

Taking back his thoughts, Zhou Hao started a new day, brushing his teeth, washing his face, and making breakfast.

After everything was over, Zhou Hao ate the breakfast and hurried on his bicycle to the hospital.

Everyday is so hurried, it seems that this is a common problem among young people, and less than the unit at the last minute. Their director always criticized them for these little young people: you can't get up ten minutes early! Must be so hurry!

When he arrived at the hospital, Qian Weicheng was chatting with the little girl in the department. Hey, he heard his smile all the way.

"Doctor Zhou, early!" The little girls sing in unison.

"Early!" Zhou Hao nodded at them.

"Haoge Haoge, walk around and tell you something!" Qian Weicheng pulled Zhou Hao into the corner.

"What is it?" Zhou Hao asked.

Qian Weicheng blushed, "I didn't go out of your house yesterday, and then I saw the old lady on the opposite door, oh, the old lady was pulling me, not to mention the enthusiasm, I chatted with the old man for a while. Then, guess what? "

"What's wrong?"

"Her granddaughter is here." Qian Weicheng said more and more embarrassed, "Brother Hao, you are not authentic, you haven't told me that there is a granddaughter in her family? I found it yesterday. "

"Speak the point."

"Well ... can you help me get a line?"

"Don't go to harm the little girl, others haven't graduated from college." Zhou Hao shouted, and then walked with long legs.

"Brother Hao, Brother Hao, I'm serious this time! It must be serious!" Qian Weicheng chased Zhou Hao's heart sincerely.


On the day of going to city A, it was the rainy season in the south. Dr. Dong from the same department drove them to Suchuan Airport.

There was a light rain on the outside, and the wiper was "booming", and a mist of water burst out in front of the window. Looking out of the hazy window, the whole Suchuan is dark. Like Zhou Hao's state of mind at this moment.

After Xiao Dong delivered them, Zhou Hao thanked his sister again and again for temporarily adopting two big fat cats for him. When he returned, he must invite her for a big meal for three days and three nights.

Xiao Dong smiled softly, waved at them, and turned around and drove away.

Two suitcases dragged a short mark on the slippery ground, and soon the mark was covered by scattered rain. They didn't support the umbrella, and they ran faster.

After entering the airport lobby, both of them were covered with a thick layer of water mist. Qian Weicheng quickly rushed with his hands and saw Zhou Hao in a daze, and helped him rush a few times.

"Brother Hao, what are you talking about?"

Zhou Hao shook his head, "Nothing."

At 11:10, the plane took off from Suchuan and flew to city A, 900 kilometers apart.

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