Love, Expired

Chapter 54: Drunk

Qian Weicheng felt itchy these days and wanted to go outside and relax chicly. Two people, he didn't want to be lively, so he brought Zhang Luo, a colleague from the hospital who went to study in city A together, and wanted to wait for the exam to come back. He planned out the schedule, went to drink and eat first, and then went to sing.

Zhou Hao is not as lonely as he used to be. He basically follows the flow. Whatever you do, he will follow.

Before Friday, Qian Wei's achievements asked Zhou Hao a pass, which restaurant in city a is cheap and the key must be affordable.

Zhou Hao really thought about it carefully, and then he came to realize that he had hardly had any affordable restaurants. Jiang Yuzhen was rich, and he could spend it vigorously at that time, regardless of the price. Later with Xiao Sun, the two of them lived tightly and hardly went out to eat.

After Zhou Hao thought about it, he casually said, "Want to go to the night market, it is economical and lively."

When Qian Weicheng heard it, he immediately applauded, "I suggest, just go and get it."

After completing the test on Friday, the dozen or so people came out of the hospital and took the subway to the snack street in Dongping District. A dozen people gathered around a long, large table, all of which were ordered according to a hundred per capita.

This is an old street in city A. I do n’t know how many streets have been renovated in the urban planning, but this street is only missing. When people come here, in addition to being comfortable, they also have a bit of nostalgia.

Otherwise why not go to Xiping District, Nanping District, there is no snack street.

The night market opened, and the orange and yellow lights joined together, and everyone's interest gradually started to stir up. When the skewers came to the table and the beer opened, everyone started chanting the mountains and saying everything.

Qian Weicheng's romantic history has been passed to other subjects. Everyone chased him intentionally and asked: Did the beauty in surgery catch up with her? Qian Weicheng shouted loudly: Go and go, all while staying. Everyone laughed.


Zhou Hao couldn't drink a lot. He was filled with more than three bottles of beer and always felt bloated. Qian Weicheng is "not a thousand cups drunk", this beer is nothing to worry about.

After three rounds of drinking, the strong-stiff people are still eating; the defeated people are drunk into a pool of mud, and they can no longer find the north.

Eat and drink, among a group of people, including Zhou Hao, drunk four people. Taking advantage of Jiuxing, everyone was ready to go to ktv, roaring two throats. Zhou Hao came up with great energy, and his head was uncomfortable. He hugged Qian Weicheng and muttered, "My head ... it hurts, I want to go home, I want to go home ..."

Qian Weicheng thought about it, but he couldn't take him there, maybe he was going crazy. So he asked everyone to go first. He first sent Zhou Hao back and waited for a while to join the big army.

"Ho, Ho, let's go back first, oh, don't lean on me, I can't move you."

Qian Weicheng vigorously helped Zhou Hao to go forward, and at the intersection in front, he could hit the car. Helplessly, they stood stupidly for a quarter of an hour, just don't come to the car.

Qian Weicheng was anxious, took out Zhou Hao's mobile phone, found Yan Ming from the address book, and from Yan Ming, he came to the phone number of Zhou Hao's ex-boyfriend. So, he poked at it with great vigour, and was full of demeanor, as if a chief had given the order.

The phone was quickly connected.

"School brother, it's me, Zhou Hao is drunk, and now ... I'll see where this is," Qian Weicheng looked up at the sign while holding Zhou Hao, "Oh, we're in the old road in Dongping District Street, right in front of the night market. "

"I'll be right there." Jiang Yuzhen answered very simply.

After waiting forty minutes, Jiang Yu's car arrived. Zhou Hao is still drunk and unconscious. The whole person is like a koala, climbing Qian Weicheng's tree.

Qian Weicheng finally looked forward to the savior, "You can count, man, I will give it to you." Then, he pushed Zhou Hao into the arms of Jiang Yuchen.

Jiang Yuxi quickly hugged the little lunatic, and looked down, the little lunatic was leaning softly on his chest. Looking up again, Qian Weicheng has gone far.

"Zhou Hao, Zhou Hao." Jiang Yudi tried to shout twice.

The drunk man was pouting, wondering what a good dream was, and grinning smirk.

Jiang Yuzhen laughed abruptly, holding him ready to go in the direction of the car, but the little madman suddenly exploded, "Don't go, carry me, you crouch, carry me, ...

Where did Jiang Yudi meet this little lunatic who looked like this?

Who knew that the little lunatic had been lying on his back, intending to climb up. Can't climb up, a little anxious, and started muttering again, "Squat, squat, I tell you to squat."

Jiang Yuxi squatted down, and the little madman sat down contentedly, giving a vague command, "Go home, back, me, go home."

At this time, it was almost ten o'clock, Jiang Yuyao carried the lunatic, walking along the outer edge of the sidewalk, step by step. The trees in the green belt passed slowly around them like a turtle.

Of course it is not home. The home is too far away. It is impossible to walk on two legs alone. He could only find a hotel nearby, and the two of them would stay overnight.

The cool breeze at night, with a sense of autumn, was blowing on the two. Zhou Hao wore short-sleeved arms and raised his hair straight. He was drunk and didn't know it, just drilled to the heat source.

At this time, Jiang Yuzhen only felt that the little madman was desperately sticking to his back, unconsciously, and there was a rash of itching and itching in his body, and his mind was completely confused.

"Do you know, my family, Da Mao, Er Mao, now, much, heavy?" In a word he said blabberly.

Jiang Yuzheng answered his words, "How much?"

"Da Mao is already twenty-five pounds."

"It's time to lose weight."

Zhou Hao was clever and suddenly sad. "If you want to lose weight, Wenwen won't recognize it ..."

Jiang Yuzhen's body suddenly froze. He looked at the lights in front of him, dimly forming a virtual scene.

At this moment, he felt a little tired, so tired that he didn't want to tangle with the little lunatic on his back. Does n’t the little madman love Sun Yiwen? Then let Sun Yiwen take him away. The two of them have gone far. It is better not to let him see it.

"Haohao." Jiang Yu shouted hoarsely.

Unexpectedly, the little lunatic answered ignorantly, "Why."

"You are so heavy."

As soon as Zhou Hao listened, he was happy, giggled, and pushed **** his back again.

Jiang Yuxi smiled helplessly, and the thought just now disappeared inexplicably.

Don't leave the lunatic to anyone in his life, he can't wait to break all the way back for the lunatic, so that the lunatic can only depend on him ever since.

Turned around the intersection in front, there is a hotel not far away.

After entering the hotel, Jiang Yuxi dumped Zhou Haojiu on the bed and took off his shoes. After finishing all this work, he was too tired to breathe.

Suddenly the little madman straightened up, hugged Jiang Yuzhen, and even sprang up, "sleep together."

Jiang Yuzhen obviously felt a heat flow from his lower body, his throat knot rolled, which was a sign of desire coming. He didn't look away, deliberately not looking at the little lunatic.

"Sleep, I call you, sleep." The lunatic started to point again.

Jiang Yuxuan and he both lay on the bed. The little lunatic kept his hug and didn't let go. Jiang Yuzhen's heart was violently undulating, his eyes dared to stare at the ceiling.

The little lunatic started to make inroads. He opened Jiang Yuzhen's clothes and put his head on the chest. Then there was no movement, and he started to sleep.

Jiang Yuzhen's fire was set alight by him, and he rolled over and pressed up.

"You're too heavy." The little madman frowned, muttering dissatisfied.

Jiang Yu was stubborn-panting and asking, "Who am I?"

The little lunatic opened his eyes hard and blinked, "You are a puppet."

All Jiang Yuzhen's desires completely receded after hearing this sentence. His throat was uncomfortable for a while, speechless, and it was a long time before he laughed at himself, "You are drunk ..."

In the middle of the night, the little lunatic had fallen asleep, Jiang Yu tossed around and turned over and over again. He got upset and went to the bathroom to smoke a cigarette.

In the small confined space, the thick smell of tobacco soon permeated him. He deliberately paralyzed his nerves and indulged himself in recalling the two years.

Eight years ago, how young they were, they could have unlimited energy to experience the love in the verdant period, but they were in the cold war with each other, tossing those years down.

Wasted for eight years ...

The next morning, the morning sun was shining through the curtains. Zhou Hao opened his eyes and rubbed his temples. Yesterday's hangover was too hurting. He didn't remember anything, even how he got to this hotel inner.

He reached out his cell phone and called Qian Weicheng.

"Where are you?"

There seemed to be sleeping over there, stupidly saying, "Brother Hao, let's talk about something at night ..." I stunned the phone.

Zhou Hao got up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. After a while, he went to the front desk to ask, and he knew who had brought him here. Halfway through the toothbrush, the door of the hotel suddenly opened. Zhou Hao stepped back and looked out--

Jiang Yu walked in with breakfast.

Zhou Hao's thinking couldn't keep up with reality at all. He hurriedly brushed his teeth without washing his face, so he went out.

"How are you here?" Zhou Hao asked.

Jiang Yu explained expressionlessly, "You drank too much yesterday. Your colleague asked me to pick you up."

Zhou Hao wrinkled his eyes for a moment and thought, there was still no impression. Jiang Yuzheng did not lie to him, it is estimated that this is the case.

"I bought it early, and I will take you home after eating." Jiang Yuyi turned his face without looking at him again.

Zhou Hao went into the bathroom, rubbed his face with cold water fiercely, and looked at the vague self in the mirror. He suddenly felt a sense of weakness.

After having breakfast, he and Jiang Yuzhen went to the hotel front desk to check out. Jiang Yuzhen was always silent, and just walking on one leg, Zhou Hao followed.

After walking for a while, Zhou Hao didn't hold back, "Where's your car?"

Jiang Yuzhen's eyes were unusually calm, "over the night market."

At this point, Zhou Hao's mind only appeared some vague sections. He seemed to remember something that happened last night ...

"It's the subway station in front of me. I'll take the subway and go back without you."

Jiang Yu pursed his lips with a dull look, "anywhere."

Zhou Hao turned his head and left.

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