Love, Expired

Chapter 62: Homecoming (two) double more

The first rays of sunlight slanted into the mulberry trees behind the Xiaotupo, and the sleeping village gradually woke up. The men and women who got up early started to get busy with their meals, and the young people at work rode on the small electric donkeys and hula lacrossed the country roads. The morning frost had stained the little chicken nest in the yard.

When Zhou Hao came out of the hall, he saw Jiang Yuying squatting beside the chicken nest. He frowned, asking in doubt, "Jiang Yuzhen, what are you doing?"

Jiang Yuzhen turned his face, his face was full of novelty, "I'm watching if the chicken inside lays eggs."

Zhou Hao's face softened, he walked over and squatted aside. He was a fan of Jiang Yu, slightly mysterious, "Let's take a look. Did you lay eggs today?"

Talking, Zhou Hao stretched his arm into the henhouse and groped for a while, which really made him find an egg.

"Here you are." Zhou Hao passed the egg to Jiang Yuquan.

The sun shone into the courtyard, Jiang Yuzhen's side face glittered, he held the egg on his hand and smiled.

When he smiled, Zhou Hao's face cooled down in an instant. "Jiang Yuyu, go to the house to pack and I will take you to the city in a while."

Jiang Yudi thought that the lunatic was going to take him around the city, and he asked, "Where?"

"Where to go? I'll send you to the city. You can find a way to the airport yourself, and you will go back today."

Jiang Yuzhen bowed his head, ignored Zhou Hao, and took a long time to say three words, "I won't go."

"What are you doing in my house! You can't do anything and eat rice from my house."

Zhou Haoming made a serious statement, but when he reached Jiang Yu's ears, the man laughed secretly.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhou Hao was puzzled.

Jiang Yu frowned with tenderness in his eyes, "I don't eat for nothing, I pay for food."

"Am I sending you some money?"

Jiang Yuquan was speechless.

Both stood up from the ground, and Jiang Yuzheng still held the egg.

At this time, grandma also got up, and without a crutch at this moment, she was extremely slow and walked back to the kitchen.

"Let's eat the soup today." Grandma said cheerfully.

Zhou Hao helped grandma, "I'll make breakfast, you go to the room."

Grandma refused to let her do it. Zhou Hao had no choice but to let her.

Jiang Yusong also entered the kitchen. He had never seen a stove in the countryside or a straw piled up in a hill. He was curious about everything the little lunatic had touched.

Zhou Hao also wanted to repeat the old saying, but Jiang Yuchen became smarter--

Where grandma goes, he follows. The little lunatic can never drive him away in front of his grandma.

After having breakfast, Zhou Hao was bored reading in the room. The window of that room was facing the tree outside, half of the light was blocked, and the light in the room was very dim.

The little lunatic was still wearing the newly bought army green down jacket. He sat on a small wooden bench and read a book, and two fat cats were walking around the room.

Jiang Yuzheng brought a small wooden bench to the side of the lunatic and did not disturb him. Quietly, Jiang Yuzheng occasionally glanced at the people around him, but never made any noise, so they spent the morning quietly.

After eating at noon, Jiang Yuzhen was washing the dishes, and Zhou Hao went to the mulberry forest alone.

This was the place where he was most at ease. There were no noises and noisy crowds. He still sat on the original small slope.

Jiang Yuyi searched the village several times before he found the figure of the lunatic. From a distance, the usual tall man became a pitiful little shadow at this time.

Jiang Yuzhen walked over and sat beside him.

"Haohao, what are you looking at?"

Zhou Hao was silent, his eyes still looking forward.

For a long time, about half an hour passed, Zhou Hao asked Jiang Yuzhen calmly, "Jiang Yuzhen, how is Sun Yiwen doing well?"

The cloud in the tone was light and light, as if it had broken the vicissitudes of life, and no longer had strength. Jiang Yuzhen is most afraid of this madman in this state. He would rather this person yell and curse at himself rather than being so old now.

"I really don't know." Jiang Yuzheng was true.

Zhou Hao turned to look at him, "Don't be afraid, I didn't want to be with him."

"Haohao, I really don't know."

Zhou Hao shook his head and smiled helplessly. In just a few seconds, he changed his face, stood up and pushed Jiang Yuzhen to the ground.

Everything happened too suddenly, Jiang Yu looked at the lunatic erratically.

Zhou Hao squinted his eyes, and his nose was out of breath. "It's really boring."

Jiang Yudi tried to get up from the ground. When he supported the ground with both hands, he was poked by an iron nail in the woods, and his palm was pierced with a small opening.

This nail has been lying here for many years. The wind and rain have rusted it.

Jiang Yuxuan had a calm face and said nothing. Zhou Hao felt weird. He grabbed Jiang Yuxuan's hand and asked him, "What's your hand?"

"Scratched by an iron nail." Jiang Yudi pulled his hand back and said coldly.

Zhou Hao stopped talking. He glanced at Yan Yuyan's face, and spoke for a long time. "Sorry, I didn't mean it."

Jiang Yuzhen sighed in his heart, forget it, what kind of anger he had with the little madman, this is his retribution, let it be.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt."

"I'll take you to the hospital. You have to break the needle."

They both got on the bus at the intersection of the village and went to the nearest city hospital of Chinese medicine. On the way, Jiang Yuzhen kept peeping at the little lunatic and saw him dumb and wondered what he was thinking.

He reached out and grabbed the little madman's hand, and the little madman turned his head to look at him, and in his eyes was a kind of self-grief that no one could understand.

"I'm fine, it doesn't hurt at all." Jiang Yudi said.

Zhou Hao blinked. "That hospital is very close to where I used to live."

Jiang Yuxuan's heart hurt uncomfortably, he clenched his hand, "Would you like to go back and see?"

Zhou Hao was uncomfortable, looking out the window, and familiar streets appeared in his eyes like a marquee. The wet, dirty, small county towns of the south, no matter how many teenagers, look like this scary.

"Don't watch." Jiang Yuzhen's hand suddenly fell in front of Zhou Hao's eyes, blocking his sight.

Zhou Hao leaned on Jiang Yu's shoulders because he wanted to close his eyes and rest for a while.

In the quiet afternoon, the two people sat in the back position, the road was unobstructed, and the bus slowly drove to the destination.

Zhou Hao's eyes were still closed, and he murmured, "Jiang Yuzhen, what perfume do you spray? It smells good."

During the talk, the madness in the mouth of the little madman spit out between Jiang Yu's neck. He felt a little crispy-numb in his heart. He enjoyed the skin close at this moment, and even his voice was emotional. The hoarse, "It's cologne."

Zhou Hao opened his eyes, as if deliberately teasing, blowing a soft breath into Jiang Yu's ears, then he laughed and asked, "Is it tickling?"

Jiang Yuxuan rolled his throat and looked sideways at the little lunatic, "itching."

Zhou Hao had no expression, and he resumed sitting upright and looked out the window.

Moody, Jiang Yudi never really understood him.

Arrived at the hospital and hung up the emergency department. Zhou Hao took a seat on the bench in the corridor and took out his mobile phone to play the fun. Jiang Yuzheng was in line to register. While standing in line, Jiang Yuzheng looked back at the little lunatic. The person had nothing to do with himself.

"Zhou Hao." Jiang Yuxi called him intentionally.

Zhou Hao looked up, "Huh?"

Hu Yu temporarily gave a reason, "I want to drink water. You help me buy a bottle of water."

Zhou Hao should get off, but he was back soon. Instead of going out to find a small supermarket selling water, he went directly to the nurse's station and asked for a glass of water.

"Give you water." Zhou Hao passed the water without raising his eyelids, and his attention remained on the game he played.

Jiang Yuxi took the disposable paper cup with the words "Qingshui Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital" printed on it, and was sullen in his heart. I just want the lunatic to care about him, who knows that this person's care is so perfunctory.

"I'm not drinking anymore," Jiang Yu said dumbly.

Zhou Hao glanced at him and murmured in his mouth, "Isn't it something you want to drink."

Jiang Yuzhen turned around and continued to line up.

Zhou Hao walked back to the bench, sat down, and lowered his head and played with the phone. Jiang Yuzheng has also finished registering, and he walked to the lunatic, "You accompany me in."

"Go in yourself," Zhou Hao raised his chin and pointed forward. "Just in front."

That's all, what can Jiang Yuzheng say? He glanced helplessly at the little lunatic, and finally went into the consultation room by himself.

The winter is severely cold, and there are not many people in the emergency department at this moment. A few nurses at the nurses station are whispering whispers, and they look at Zhou Hao from time to time. Of course, Zhou Hao, who is focused on playing games, would not know. In the eyes of the little girl, he and Jiang Yuzhen have become the object of heated discussion-

Two handsome guys, one to accompany the other to see a doctor. Even they have already begun to make up for whoever attacked, but their opinions are very different. A said that the mobile phone was an attack, because it was very proud, and he did not like to care about the little lover; B said that the line just attacked was obviously a black belly attack, and Ao Jiao was sneered. Others asked her what she laughed, she Hidden Gong and name, maybe mutual attack ...

Soon after, Jiang Yuxi stepped out of the consulting room, started paying the bills, and took the medicine. He finished all this in silence. His body stood a few meters away from the lunatic and looked at the lunatic silently.

A similar scene reminded Jiang Yuzhen of the night many years ago when the little lunatic leaned against the armrest of a hospital chair, exhausted and helpless.

At this time, Jiang Yuzhen squatted down like he did in the past. He said softly to the lover in front of him, "Hao Hao, I have to pay for it."

Zhou Hao put down his mobile phone and stood up. "Let's go and go to the infusion room for an injection."

Jiang Yuzheng had a little ecstasy, and he asked again, "Are you going with me?"

Zhou Hao stretched out his squatting Jiang Yuyan, "Well, go."

After the injection, the doctor explained the dietary precautions and repeatedly told him not to drink.

Out of the hospital, they walked to the bus platform one after the other. The people in the county have a very slow lifestyle. Even walking, they are in a slow state.

At this time, there were three elderly people waiting on the platform. They didn't know each other, and they talked to each other for a while. What they talked about was just how good or bad his grandson was, whether he could test the county's key points, and ah, what kind of lessons did your family make up? What interest class was there.

Zhou Hao was listening with his ears. Actually, he didn't want to listen, but those people's voices were too loud. A tongue-in-law dialect in the south wandering about the bus station in winter.

He suddenly asked Jiang Yudi, "Jiang Yudi, have you attended cram school before?"

Jiang Yu froze. He couldn't understand the dialects here, and naturally he couldn't understand the conversation of the old people. Thinking was jumping too fast, he couldn't react. Well, the little lunatic asked him what he did.

"No." He was telling the truth. His family was all tutors and one-on-one tutoring.

Zhou Hao smiled, "I didn't, but I did better than them." Then he lowered his head again and was quiet.

Hearing here, Jiang Yuzheng was understood, and this man got into the dead end again.

"Haohao, it's still early, let's go watch a movie together." Jiang Yudi tried to reverse the thought of the lunatic at this moment.

"What movies are there?" Zhou Ha asked.

Jiang Yuzheng felt half a success. He hurriedly flipped on his mobile phone. "One is an agent, and the other is an ocean explorer. The others don't seem to look good."

"Do you have deep sea phobia?" Zhou Hao asked extremely seriously.

Jiang Yu said softly, "No, do you have one?"

"I don't have it, then look at that ocean adventure." Zhou Hao lifted up and pointed, "Walk down this road and make a turn, there is Hengdian Movie City over there."

It was during the weekend that there were so many young couples watching movies. They chose the back position, bought a large bucket of popcorn and two glasses of cola. It was Zhou Hao's money.

The shocking opening sound effect sounded, and then a blue sea appeared on the screen. The sun above the sea level was bright, but the sea was surging. Several dolphins were jumping on the water, and the heroine Karen appeared holding a surfboard ...

Jiang Yuxi secretly turned his face to look at the lunatic, and it was a little funny to see him look nervous. He took the lunatic's hand, put it in his ears, and said, "Don't you say there is no phobia, are you still so scared?"

The subwoofer's voice was deliberately suppressed at this moment, exuding a kind of sexiness unique to mature men.

Zhou Hao ignored him, eating popcorn one by one.

The first few rows of them were probably a student couple, and the two of them sometimes quietly discussed a few words. When the movie scene switched to a dark, deep-sea world, Jiang Yuzhen saw that the boy secretly kissed the girl, and the girl turned around and touched her cheek, giving the boy an angry look.

It's good, the youthful boys and girls, agitated with shyness and joy in their hearts, the hormones in their bodies exude.

Jiang Yuzhen remembered that he was eighteen-nine years old, and beside him, there was a weird little lunatic. He was tangling with him every day, cooking for him, blowing his hair and ironing clothes ...

In the next scene of the deep sea attack, Jiang Yuxi also pecked the rice with his mouth and touched the left face of the lunatic. Zhou Haoguo really did exactly the same thing as the girl. First, she reached out and touched the left face of the kissed person, then stared at the person next to him.

"Can you stop? You don't see it, I still have to watch it." Zhou Hao was really upset.

Jiang Yubi secretly pouting and laughing, how could she hear such an insulting scolding so pleasantly?

Unconsciously, their youth seems to have just begun.

At the end of the movie, the two went around the pedestrian street nearby. There are not many decent shopping malls or chain restaurants in the pedestrian streets in the county, but there are a lot of street snacks.

Leaving aside the hot and spicy food that Jiang Yudi had invited a few years ago, this is the second time that Zhou Hao invited Jiang Yudi to eat, but the consumption level is not too high. The two went to a beef fanhouse and ordered two bowls of beef fans. Zhou Hao specially explained that one bowl was not spicy and one bowl was spicy.

When the waiter brought it up, the two bowls of beef fans turned back. Zhou Hao pushed Jiang Yuzhen, who was not spicy, to pick up another bowl and **** it up.

Jiang Yu looked at the little madman indifferently.

Zhou Hao lifted his head and glanced at him, "What the **** are you? Eat."

Jiang Yuzhen then looked away, wiped his chopsticks with a paper towel, and learned how Zhou Hao looked, sucking up.

It turned out that the little madman remembered everything. The more I remember this and the more so considerate he is, the more Jiang Yudi thinks he is an asshole. His heart was filled with anguish.

It was almost eight o'clock when they returned, and the two were still standing in the cold wind waiting for the car.

"Let's fight back," Jiang Yuchen said.

Zhou Hao did not speak, and continued to stand still.

Jiang Yuxi sighed helplessly, knowing that the madman's temper has come up, forget it, and wait with him.

"Isn't it cold?" Jiang Yuxi exhaled as soon as he spoke.

Zhou Hao shook his head, but in fact, he was too cold. Under his jeans, he wore a pair of autumn trousers and no velvet pants.

Jiang Yuxi came to him, pulled him down to the top, put on his clothes and hat, and grabbed the two hands of the lunatic, and put his breath in his mouth.

"feelling better?"

Zhou Hao froze. He blinked and pulled out his hand. He doesn't like being too close.


When the two lay in bed at night, Jiang Yuzhen realized that everything that happened during the day had the same beginning—the money that the lunatic paid for it. Even the money for going to the hospital, the lunatic later wanted to return it to him.

Jiang Yu's eyes stared at the back of the lunatic, confused, and he couldn't guess the truth here. He put his body over and caught the man.

"Haohao, are you asleep?"


Suddenly, Jiang Yuzhang seemed to realize that something was missing. He desperately held the lunatic tightly, and then rolled his lips between the lunatic's neck and the flames.

He hoped that he would set off a fire that would never extinguish, letting their desire and love burn endlessly.

Adult men have desires, and Zhou Hao is no exception. His body has dried up for many years and has been dry and mottled.

He swam Capricorn between his bodies as Jiang Yuzheng, the temperature of his palms pressed against his body, softly lit a fire, and gradually, his palms moved elsewhere, and a fire was set on fire ... As he got bigger and bigger, Zhou Hao's breathing became rapid and heavy. He turned over and looked at the man in front of him, his eyes moisturizing uncontrollably.

He was moved, touched by his own male-desire has not dried up because of his age.

"Is that okay?" Jiang Yuzhen couldn't get any better, his voice became rough, and his impulsive love-desire was leaked out in every word.

Zhou Hao was still breathing heavily, and he even had a hard time speaking, "Well ... come in ..."

The bodies of the two have been separated for many years. In this dilapidated earth house, they finally intertwined again, desperately rushing into battle, killing, shouting, desperately trying to kill each other in this inexplicable desire.

Afterwards, Zhou Hao turned over and turned his back to Jiang Yuyan. Jiang Yuxu stubbornly held the lunatic and imprisoned him in his arms.

"After the injection, can't drink, can you make love?"

Zhou Hao's drowsiness came up, and he passed in vaguely, "I have done everything, and now I ask, it's late ..."

In the middle of the night, I could hear the cold wind blowing outside the house, and the even breathing sound of the people in my arms. Jiang Yuxi secretly kissed the lunatic again in the dark, and then slept peacefully.

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