Love, Expired

Chapter 66: Back to Suzhou

The next day, Jiang Yuzhen first got up from the bed. He went out and bought it early. When he arrived at the dormitory, the two were still sleeping. He was hesitant to wake them up, the cell phone alarm rang, and the two opened their eyes at the same time.

"Brother Hao, I'm so sleepy." Qian Weicheng turned off the alarm clock and lay down with his eyes closed.

Zhou Hao sat up there reluctantly, shaking his head vigorously, "Qian Weicheng, hurry up, you won't be able to catch up with sleep."

"Ah, kill me, I don't want to go back ..."

Zhou Hao just wanted to turn his head to look at the boy, and found Jiang Yuyu, sober.

"What time is the plane? I'll see you off later."

Qian Weicheng heard the sound, his eyes narrowed, and his mouth still had a strange tone of yin and yang. "Oh, Mr. Jiang, why are you here?"

"Yesterday you two were drunk. I brought you back. What time is the plane?"

"Nine o'clock," Qian Weicheng said.

Jiang Yuchen looked at his watch. "It's eight o'clock, you move fast."

Zhou Hao is still in a state of chaos and doubt, but time is not waiting. Like Qian Weicheng, he ran to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth, and then packed his luggage in a hurry.

The clothes were not stacked, and all were stuffed into the box. Momo glanced around the dormitory to see what else fell.

Zhou Hao found the pile of solitary models in the corner.

Jiang Yudi also saw the hesitant gaze of the lunatic. He kept silent, his heart tightly twisted. Then he saw the little madman still packing the pile in his bag.

When Zhou Hao raised his eyes, he happened to meet Jiang Yuying looking at the bag in his hand. He tried to explain, "I like the model a lot, and staying here ruins your money."

Jiang Yu's face remained calm, and her heart had already set off a joy.

Jiang Yuchen drove them to the airport, but fortunately there was no traffic jam on the road.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang, we're gone." Qian Weicheng got out of the car and waved at Jiang Yuyu.

Before Zhou Hao got out of the car, Jiang Yuhuan turned his head and handed him a small bottle of xylitol. "When your ears are uncomfortable, chew two capsules. I won't get out of the car and send you. When I get to the place, report me a peace. "

"Well, I'm gone, goodbye." Zhou Haola drove the door.

"Haohao." Jiang Yuxi stopped him suddenly, "I will miss you ..."

Zhou Hao smiled at him and waved his hand.

The two went far, only to find that the breakfast they bought was still in the front passenger seat, and they were not given to them.

But he thought that the nine o'clock plane should be provided early, and then he drove back with peace of mind.


The soup in the pot was still being cooked. Zhou Hao was preparing to sprinkle some seasoning, and heard Qian Weicheng roaring, "Brother Hao, you called, without showing your name—"

"You help me pick it up—"

"Oh, well—"

The words of the two people echoed in a high-pitched ending, echoing in this small apartment of sixty square meters.

It's been a few days since they returned, and the two returned to their former leisurely lives. Well, Qian Weicheng, is still playing mahjong to find objects, and occasionally come to Zhou Hao's house for dinner. This kid was more depressed recently, because Grandma Wang of the door went out with her husband and traveled. She has been away from home and asked about her granddaughter.

Zhou Hao dipped the soup with a spatula and tasted a little salty. A bit of salt was left. Qian Weicheng suddenly appeared at the door of the kitchen.

"You don't eat?"

"Eat, I'll eat another place."

Zhou Haoxin said whether the boy was sick, and the ready-made meals were not eaten, instead of having to change places, but then he thought, maybe someone helped him to make a blind date, he might sneak to go to sleep.

"Let's go, slow down the road. By the way, whose phone was it?"

"If you sell insurance, life accident insurance only costs 1,000 yuan per year. If you are seriously ill or have a major accident, you can get ..."

"Okay, let's hurry." Zhou Hao interrupted him immediately.

After the sound of closing the door, the home was restored to quietness like water. Fortunately, the meatballs were crackling in the pan of the kitchen, and Zhou Hao had no time to experience the sudden silence.

About half an hour, someone rang the doorbell outside the door, Zhou Hao put his hand on the apron, walked over to open the door.

"Let's not change another place, why ..." Zhou Hao's smirk was on his face, trying to tease Qian Weicheng, but when he looked at him, he was completely stunned.

There was a black trolley case beside Jiang Yuquan, and a large cardboard box on his right arm. He wore a black jacket, the same style as the one sent to Zhou Hao.

Zhou Hao was too surprised.

"I'll take a look at you." Jiang Yuzheng said first.

Zhou Hao stepped back, "Come in, I just happened to be busy."

"Here it is for you." Jiang Yuzhen passed the contents of his hand, Zhou Hao took it without any hesitation.

Jiang Yuzhen put on his shoes and entered the house. He stood stupidly between the living room and the dining room and looked around.

"Wash your hands and come and eat."

The dishes were served. Zhou Hao put the cardboard box sent by Jiang Yuying on the sofa, untied the apron, and went to the kitchen to serve two bowls of rice.

During the meal, each of them had their own concerns. Jiang Yuzheng picked a meal with chopsticks, and then looked at Zhou Hao, but his eyes were hidden and he did not dare to stand in front of others.

"What do you always see me do?" The sensitive little madman noticed.

Jiang Yu bowed his head slyly, avoiding the questioning of the lunatic.

After eating, Zhou Hao stood up to clean up the chopsticks, Jiang Yuzheng took the first step, "I'll wash it."

Zhou Hao glanced at him and did not argue with him, leaving him to go. He sat on the sofa and unpacked the cardboard box brought by Jiang Yuchen. Inside was a gray airplane model, bf109k4, a fighter model of the Second World War. Zhou Hao put the small plane on the TV cabinet in front of the bedroom, and put them together with those brought back from City A.

He squatted down and touched these small models with a gentle touch. A soft mouth was suddenly opened in his heart, and the damp memories that drowned in it gradually flowed out with the mouth.

He has always been an easy-to-satisfy child and has not changed.

Whether it was the young grandson who sent him a sweater or Jiang Yudi who sent him an airplane model, he would remember his life forever.

Good child, scars forget the pain. He is a real person, sometimes he does n’t even understand why he does n’t like so many people, and why so many people have to isolate him.

Jiang Yu leaned against the door of the bedroom, staring at the little lunatic who was immersed in his thoughts. His heart began to ache for a long time. Don't look back and walk back to the living room.

There are several pots of green potted plants on the balcony. The wet and cold weather in early spring has not affected the vitality of these plants. These are all crazy lunatics placed at home to purify the air according to Sun Yiwen's account. Of course Jiang Yudi didn't know. He stood by the green plants and lit a cigarette.

It was noon, the sunlight was warm and gentle, Jiang Yuxuan turned his head and looked back at this sixty-square-foot cottage-

In the small room lived a man who pleased him and distressed him. Young and vigorous, he missed the love given by the man. At that time, he didn't understand what love was, and they always had an endless fight.

Probably love is company, stumbling, noisy, but can always lift your infinite passion.

"Jiang Yuyu." The lunatic came out of the bedroom.

Jiang Yu extinguished the cigarette in his hand and walked back to the living room. He looked at the little lunatic with no words, but there was no word in his mouth.

The affection accumulated over the years, exposed to the flourishing sunlight, is exposed to this sixty-square-foot house.

"Thank you for your gift." Zhou Hao was really grateful to him.

Affectionate like the thousands of rivers and rivers rushing down, converging in a small hug. Jiang Yuzhen walked quickly, and suddenly held the man in front of him, "You like it."

Zhou Hao's weak hand was changed, and he moved back and hugged the man in front with the same strength.

Jiang Yuxi was encouraged, and he clasped the little madman's shoulder with both hands and kissed him. The moment his lips were close to each other, Zhou Hao crossed his face.

Jiang Yu froze for a few seconds, his chest seemed to be slightly panting, "Sorry, I'm so anxious ..."

Zhou Hao shook his head and said nothing.

The two sat on the sofa, Jiang Yuzhen flipped over the book resting on the coffee table, with a calm tone, "Do you like reading recently?"

"Well, look at the book, it's very interesting."

"I used to see you read professional books, but now your interest has expanded."

Zhou Hao also picked up a book, flipped through a few pages, and returned to him with a smile. "The book is a good thing. Life is occasionally in a bottleneck period. There are always words in the book that make you feel the same. Read a few times as if There is nothing wrong with it. "

Jiang Yu stared blankly at the unfamiliar little madman in front of him. There are probably two kinds of personality in this man. He is a pathetic little boy, and a mature man who sees the world at this moment.

It used to be a small and poor victory, but later, it seems that mature men are gradually gaining the upper hand.

Little lunatics are really changing little by little.

"I went to the company yesterday. I didn't drive. I took the subway. When I went back at night, I took the station. Later, when I saw that the terminal was exactly Min Lin, I went there. You guess what I saw?"

Zhou Haorao was interested. "What?"

"I saw a young man carrying a guitar, and I was thinking, is it the one you said, I went over and asked him, have you been here a few years ago? The young man froze, presumably I was a neuropathy , But he still talked to me, he said he just came here half a month ago. "

"That must not be the one I said."

"Well, definitely not." Jiang Yuzhen looked at the little madman very seriously. "Hao Hao, like I said, that person may have found his way."

This topic was too heavy, Zhou Hao paused and thought for a moment.

"Maybe some people have no way at all, Yan Ming told me, just let it be, just do whatever you want ... do you eat fruit? I'll cut it."

Jiang Yu nodded his head, still thinking about the little madman's words in his head.

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