Love, Expired

Chapter 69: lifegoeson

Jiang Yuzheng was picked up every day by the car. The previous four rounds have become the current two rounds. They have swept across the city one after the other.

After a long time, everyone in Zhou Hao's department knew Jiang Yuzheng. Even better people asked Dr. Zhou who the man was. Zhou Hao smiled wryly, saying only that he was a friend. As soon as they didn't ask them to be famous, they turned to Qian Weicheng, who was usually playing hahadi.

In May of Huaihua, the soft and waxy sweetness of the city is filled.

Jiang Yuxi made a drink bottle, filled it with water, broke a branch and dipped it, and placed it on the TV cabinet. The wind outside came in from the balcony, sniffing carefully, the scent of Huaihua filled the entire living room and could not be scattered.

Grandma Wang's granddaughter graduated and entered a certain four major professions.

A while back, Grandma Wang knocked on the door with her homemade roll cake, which was opened by Jiang Yu. Zhou Hao was away from work.

The old lady smiled when she saw everyone. She asked politely, "Is Xiao Zhou here?"

"He went to work."

"Is Xiao Zhou free tomorrow? I happen to be at home. You both come to my house for a meal."

Jiang Yudi was not used to the enthusiasm of others. He declined the invitation. "No, the dishes at home are not finished."

"Hey, it ’s eating. In fact, my grandmother just wanted Xiao Zhou to meet my family, Qian Qian. I want to let the two children know each other, and my Qian Si graduated this year.

Jiang Yuzhen heard that, the old lady wanted to match the little lunatic with her granddaughter, and his face sank immediately.

"This is not good, Xiao Zhou already has a target."

Grandma Wang asked anxiously, "Who? I lived at the door, but no girl came."

Jiang Yuzheng was very serious, and Shen Sheng said, "He sneaks up at night."

The old lady saw Xiao Zhou every day. When she moved here from this guy, she was very pleased. She looks good. She is still a prestigious university and her job is good. Where can I find it? What happened, from her first year as a granddaughter to her granddaughter graduating from college, this matter turned out to be yellow ...

The old lady sighed and couldn't stop laughing, but soon she looked at Jiang Yuzhen again, "Young man, where are you from? Where do you work?"

Grandma Wang's southern Mandarin sounds like it can't be cooked with you anymore. Jiang Yu frowned. "I'm not a local, I'm at home."

"Take the rolled duck cakes and eat them hot." Grandma Wang took out the contents and walked back to her door in a few steps.

From the eyes of this old man, Jiang Yuzhen felt a deep disgust. She must think that she was a casual eater and supported by Xiao Zhou.

To pick up Zhou Hao from work at night, and mention the daytime incident, Zhou Hao remembered Qian Weicheng's request. He wondered, and had to find time to talk to Grandma Wang about it.

It's better to choose another day, just today.

When he got home, he went and rang the bell on the opposite side, and Grandma Wang invited Xiao Zhou to come in.

In the language of Zhou Hao's beautifying elements, he shaped Qian Weicheng into a family-friendly, stable and professional man. He usually has no other hobbies. What's the disadvantage is that this child is too honest and can't fight back or scold.

As soon as Grandma Wang heard that, it was okay, and honest people couldn't afford it in society. As soon as Zhou Hao thought, the cow was really making a big splash, and hurriedly round the field, saying that the child was honest at home and was very rampant outside.

Grandma Wang pursed her lips and said, "Okay, okay, come and have a meal tomorrow."

The night was already deep, Jiang Yuzheng turned over and over again and couldn't sleep. Zhou Hao was annoyed by him, and moaned, "Don't move, stop."

Jiang Yu opened his eyes simply. He reached up to the little madman's mouth and pecked gently. "What do you say to the old lady at the door?"

"Stuck, don't bother me."

"If you don't say it, I won't sleep."

Zhou Hao didn't open his eyelids. He turned around and muttered, "You love to sleep or not."

This dumb goose was the first time to be coquettish, but people didn't appreciate it at all. Now he can't sleep at all. With his eyes open, let him not be wronged.

At noon the next day, Grandma Wang called the children all together. A small round table was set up in the living room. Six people could sit even when they were crowded. Grandma Wang was next to Grandpa Wang, Jiang Yuzhen was next to Zhou Hao, and Qian Weicheng was sitting opposite her granddaughter Qian Qian.

In advance, Zhou Hao told the boy Qianding Dengwan, don't talk much, pretend to be old and calm. Qian Weicheng also changed his suit specially today, the size is obviously not fit, it is too small, and he has a small black bag diagonally across his body.

When Zhou Hao saw him, he asked, "Where did you get this kid's clothes?"

Qian Weicheng was already nervous, and he was squeamish, "Let's borrow it."

"What is your aesthetic?"

When Qian Weicheng didn't like it, he retorted, "Don't you let me pretend to be stable? My mother said, the more soil the more stable, this is my mother's spur on me."

"Xing Xing Xing, you are right about everything, but what's the matter with your bag?"

"Are you nonsense! I don't cross my bag, where do I put my phone key?"

"Let's do it ..." Zhou Hao's help, "I'm afraid people and girls will treat you as insurance salesman."

"Ho, what are you talking about ..."

Compared with Qian Weicheng, who is "mature and stable," Grandma Wang's granddaughter is just like a fairy.

Qian Weicheng is a gimmick. Don't look at the women and women who usually carry him. He is actually very shy, so he can only glance at the girl opposite. Patronizing all the way to eat vegetables, Grandma Wang asked, and he answered.

After some cross-examination, Grandma Wang also knew a little about Qian Weicheng: locals, doctors, and parents had a small business. It was quite satisfactory, and then I looked at the meaning of her granddaughter. I was afraid that this girl was not afraid of tigers when she first appeared, and her vision was too picky.

"Small money, eat food and eat food, you two keep a cell phone number."

"Grandma, everyone uses WeChat these days." Granddaughter Qian Qian laughed.

"You young people, I don't understand, you do it yourself."


After finishing the meal, Jiang Yudi didn't eat much. He quietly said to the lunatic, "When will I go home?"

Zhou Hao deliberately tilted his head aside, avoiding his intimacy, "Go back after eating."

Jiang Yu was unhappy and sat upright.

At this time, Grandma Wang somehow mentioned Jiang Yuzhen.

"It's called Xiao Jiang. Don't blame grandma for being verbal. How can young people stay at home every day? When they are old, they have to work."

This is the one who really took him as a loaf.

He didn't bother to explain what Jiang Yuzhen didn't care about. Grandma Wang was still waiting for him to answer, and the man was silent.

No way, Zhou Hao said for him, "He has a job. In City A, he will return immediately."

Jiang Yuyi glanced at Zhou Hao, and saw his expression calmly, talking of his staying, very indifferent.

After dinner, Grandpa Wang proposed to learn from each other, Qian Weicheng smiled and smiled Zhou Hao: Look, what is good for your boy, say something bad, but I will play chess.

Jiang Yuzheng kept silent, then took a sip of tea and said, "I haven't played chess for a long time. I'll play a few games with you."

Qian Weicheng breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to find that the girl was watching him. He smiled awkwardly at others.

After having dinner, Qian Weicheng went to Zhou Hao's house.

"It's over, it must be over."

Zhou Hao poured oil on the fire. "I think it's quite mysterious, or can you see if there is a little nurse in our department to marry?"

Qian Weicheng glanced at Jiang Yuzhen, and a cloud of jealousy condensed on his face. "Jealousy has separated me from the wall, why are you following me?"

Jiang Yuzheng was making a small model, and he didn't realize that the goal of the two people had been shifted to him. It wasn't until the quiet of the living room that he looked sideways, only to find that--

The little madman and Qian Wei were watching him in Chengdu.

He shook the small model in his hand and smiled at the little lunatic. "This one in your hand is almost ready."

Qian Weicheng swallowed, "Forget it, I give up, it's definitely not going to work ..."

Zhou Hao had to admit that Jiang Yuzhen did look good, and belonged to the kind who kept him in the crowd.

His childishness, like his smile, is rare. But at the moment, the two appear at the same time.

The TV cabinet in the bedroom can no longer fit these small models. Jiang Yudi is a very boring person. In addition to reading books at home, he is trying to make a model. Later, Zhou Hao specially vacated a cabinet to store these.

No one understands that the model has an inevitable connection with the lives of the two of them, but Jiang Yu enjoys it, like a demon.

"Brother Hao, I'm gone." Qian Wei froze like an eggplant beaten by cream.

Hearing this, Zhou Hao's eyes moved away from Jiang Yuyan. He walked to the door and told Qian Weicheng to slow down.

As soon as Zhou Hao closed the door and turned his head, Jiang Yubi's body came over, Zhou Hao was caught between the door and the person.

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Yu's eyes were burning, and he teased him intentionally, "Did you just peek at me?"

Zhou Hao pushed him away and went to tease the kitten.

"I might go back next month. Come back with me." The voice came from behind.

Today's dinner table, Zhou Hao originally talked casually, but it really fulfilled.

"Go back? Where are you going?" Zhou Hao turned his back on Jiang Yuyan, and his right hand was helping Da Mao to comb his hair.

The locust flower on the TV cabinet has withered and withered, and the fragrance has completely disappeared. Jiang Yudi wanted to fold a branch yesterday, and the locust tree on the street even thanked the flower overnight.

It turned out that the flowering period had passed.

Yeah, where is the lunatic going back ... Jiang Yuyan can't speak.

The little lunatic has a job, a house, a colleague, and even a enthusiastic old lady who lives at the door. He has fully integrated into the city. Why should he give up everything and go back with himself?

Zhou Hao suddenly remembered something. He turned his head and said, "If you go back next month, I will pay you two thousand dollars a month later. I counted the day before yesterday and two thousand a month. One year is Twenty-four thousand, at this rate, I may have to pay you back for more than ten years. However, when I raise my salary, I will pay you three thousand, or four thousand every month. "

Jiang Yudi did not like to be so clear, but he could not say that he was afraid that the sensitive little lunatic would hurt his self-esteem as a result.

"It's up to you, just figure it out yourself." Jiang Yuzhen ran back to the bedroom, deliberately avoiding the man in the living room.

And the man in the living room fell into deep thinking precisely because of his hurried escape--

He and Jiang Yuzheng may not even be able to break the wire. The silk thread between them can be broken with a touch. Yan Ming said that life should be allowed to go naturally, and go with the circumstances, don't always have trouble with yourself.

He really is letting things go, and the man cooks the food, and he eats it; the man sends him to work, and he is happy to sit behind the bicycle; even his own physical desire, he is coming along, and he is indeed sexual -Ari felt happy.

At the beginning, he chased Xiaosun's car and ran in the big city, desperately thinking that the day was over. Where can he think of living in such a comfortable life now?

At ten o'clock, the two were busy with each other, and they were lying on the single bed in the bedroom, as if they had agreed, and they were silent. Zhou Hao was thinking that it was time to take two fat guys to get the vaccine tomorrow, but Jiang Yudi didn't think of anything. He was in a daze.

About a quarter of an hour later, Jiang Yuzhen buried his face in Zhou Hao's neck. Zhou Hao asked subconsciously, "Do you?"

Jiang Yu snorted a few words in his mouth, and Zhou Hao didn't understand.

For a long time, Jiang Yuzhen didn't mean to move. The breath in his mouth was sprayed between the lunatic's neck and inadvertently aroused his desire.

"Haohao, do you love me?" His voice was very low, and even the hot air became heavy instantly.

This is a meaningless question. Love or not, life is over, but most men always have a relentless attitude towards such problems.

There is no reason to be poor, they just want to be poor.

"Ask this what to do?"

Jiang Yuzhen's wink went dark, he didn't need to chase after him anymore, because the little lunatic had already told the answer plainly.

At this time, Jiang Yuzhen was crazy, he rolled over and pressed up, and please kindly ignite gently ...

In a love-affair, the taste of love-desire was permeated in the air. Zhou Hao went to the bathroom naked and took a shower. The clamor of water that followed made Jiang Yuxi's heart sad.

He leaned on the bedside and lit a cigarette, just like what Zhou Hao would do in the early years-a cigarette afterwards.

How many turns did time make? Now he has become a lunatic, and a lunatic has become him.

On the bedside table over the little madman, there was a stack of dilapidated books. He picked up the top English book and turned it to the fold. There was a highlighted sentence-lifegoeson ... andon

This is a very emotional English sentence. For a thousand people, there are probably a thousand translations.

Life continues? Long road to life? ...

In short, they were all mourned.

Jiang Yuxi was curious, how did the lunatic understand this sentence.

Zhou Hao came out with his slippers on, covered a towel on his head, and wiped as he walked, "You can also take a shower."

Jiang Yuzhen put the cigarette **** in the ashtray, raised his eyes and looked at Zhou Hao who came slowly. Suddenly, he pulled the little madman into his arms.

"What are you doing! Take a shower." Zhou Hao wanted to break free.

"Don't move, let me hug." Jiang Yuxi was like a swindling child, holding the person in her arms tightly.

"I will go back next month. There are some things in the company to be dealt with. I will come back when things are busy. I still live in your house and pay 1,000 yuan for food every month. Hao Hao, I only know you here, You can't ignore me ... "Jiang Yu Xun Xu said a lot.

"Let's talk about the future, maybe you will forget it next month."

Jiang Yuzhen suddenly became excited, "I won't forget, things are over, I'm coming to you."

Zhou Hao glanced at the ashtray on the bedside table. "Don't smoke again, it's not a good thing."

Jiang Yuxi rested his chin on the shoulder of the little lunatic, dreamily, like an ordinary couple, "You care about me?"

Zhou Hao did not respond to him, which was expected.

Jiang Yuxi realized the tenderness of hugging. He smiled and asked, "Really, what shower gel do you use?"

"Go and take a shower. I'll change the sheets."

"I really want to hug us, and never let go ..." Jiang Yubi said to himself.

Zhou Hao finally struggled to leave this embrace, he pushed Jiang Yuzhen into the bathroom, "Have a shower."

Then he threw the body-liquid-stained sheets into the washing machine in a hurry, re-laid it clean, and the fragrance of the laundry liquid remained on the new sheets.

About ten minutes, Jiang Yuxi came out of the bathroom, with small drops of water on his hair. The man was born with a laziness. At this moment, he was softened a bit, and he had an indescribable sexy.

He sat next to the bed and took the hairdryer out of the drawer. "You help me blow my hair," he said to the lunatic.

Zhou Hao leaned on the bed and played with his mobile phone, his eyes did not go away, "You blow yourself, I'm busy."

Jiang Yu narrowly peered over, "What are you playing?"

Zhou Hao said to him, "Remove happiness."

Suddenly Jiang Yuzheng found the topic, "Hao Hao, do you remember our game account before? I still play auxiliary, you play output."

"Don't play, that game takes a lot of thought."

Jiang Yu sullenly climbed to the bed, her hair stopped blowing.

"What does lifegoeson ... andon mean?" His voice was dumb, and he asked, trying a lot.

Zhou Hao stopped his finger clicking on the box. He turned to look at Jiang Yuyan, but said nothing.

The years he loved the man in front of him were really bitterly loved. He wanted to have a home with him and wanted to live with him. It is true that men don't love him and hate him.

Later, he fell in love with Xiao Sun, who disappeared again.

What went wrong, Fate always likes to joke with him.

After a long silence, Zhou Hao smiled on his face. "It's early, blow dry my hair and hurry up."

Jiang Yu's eyes were dull and his lips narrowed. "Good night."

The game didn't play anymore, Zhou Hao also lay down, ready to turn off the lights to sleep.

Jiang Yu was hidden in the darkness of the bedroom, and he looked down at the little lunatic sleeping on his back. It looks like across the mountains and across the sea, looking at people who are out of reach.

Zhou Hao in the dark didn't have drowsiness, and his mind was full of the words that Jiang Yudi had just asked.

What does Lifegoeson ... andon mean? Probably

-Life is always inevitable.

The author has something to say:

Thank you, humming, ya ya rolled mines!

lifegoeson comes from the TV series "A Handful of Youth"

The teacher asked the students how to translate the words?

Students say that youth is infinitely good, and the road to life is long (probably, I ca n’t remember)

The teacher said that there is always regret in life.

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