Love, Expired

Chapter 72: Bundle

Zhou Hao received a call from his hometown when he was at work in the afternoon. At that time, there were still four or five patients waiting to be seen. He rushed out and found a quiet place.

"Your grandma got swollen on both sides in the morning and couldn't open her eyes in the afternoon and was taken to the county hospital."

The caller was Uncle Ge next door to his house. His grandparents couldn't make a phone call because he couldn't read and didn't have a phone installed at home. The old couple are old, and in case of illness, please let him know.

Zhou Hao tried to keep himself calm, but he was still talking, "Doctor, how do you say?"

"The doctor said to check, I will let your grandpa tell you."

The call was transferred to his grandfather Hou Gui, and the old man choked. "Your grandma, I didn't feel comfortable last night ..."

The old man cried and couldn't keep talking, and the phone returned to Ge Shu's hand.

"Haohao, come back quickly, your grandma seems to be in serious condition this time."

"Uncle, if the hospital pays you money, you help me first."

"This uncle knows, come back quickly, ah."

Zhou Hao took a long vacation with the director and bought a plane ticket for the day. The earliest flight was 7:30 pm.

Back home, Zhou Hao simply packed a few clothes and put the bank card in his backpack.

Sitting in the waiting room, Zhou Hao looked around hurriedly. Those vivid faces that laughed, talked, or chewed food, like page-by-page comics, were fixed on the coldest and ruthless page.

He began to feel anxious, his face showing a heartbreaking and pitiful helplessness, and he could not stop thinking about the bad.

Gradually, Zhou Hao's eyes became red and cried.

The radio reminded of the delay of the plane and the take-off time was postponed to 9:30. He was carrying the bread that he bought from the convenience store downstairs, and then his cell phone rang.

19:42, eighteen minutes earlier than the usual tired time.

Zhou Hao heard it. He didn't reach for it, and let the ringtone of his cellphone ring in his backpack stubbornly and dullly.

The uncle squinting in the seat beside him opened his eyes in anger, and stared at Zhou Hao with an angry look.

It was probably noisy, Zhou Hao looked at the man beside him.

The phone is still ringing.

"The phone is ringing and not answering, what is this going to do, sick." The man leaned his head and complained queerly.

Zhou Hao flipped the phone out of his bag and pressed the hang up button. He still looked at the man sideways.

The man stared at him with a horror, cursed a "bad luck", got up and moved three positions to the right.

In June, it is the season when the mulberry tree bears fruit. The small soil **** should be covered with purple-red mulberries. Take a bite, and the juice will enter the cavity.

But her grandma fell ill at this harvest time.

Zhou Hao retracted the sight that fell on the man and continued to hold dry bread.

At this time the phone rang again, this time he did not hang up.

"Haohao, why didn't you answer the phone just now?" Jiang Yuxi noticed the abnormality sharply.

Zhou Hao swallowed the bread in his mouth and drank the water.

"What about you? Did something happen?"

The insecure man, at a long distance, anxiously asked his lover at the other end of the phone.

Zhou Hao sipped his bread again and drank his saliva. He said slowly, "Eating."

Jiang Yuzheng's heart was slightly relieved, "You must not scare me in the future, why do you eat so late? What are you eating?"

"Jiang Yuyu, my mulberry tree, it bears fruit."

Inexplicably, the preface did not meet the whisper, Jiang Yu froze for a few seconds, and his heart was full of sorrow: the lunatic must have encountered something bad.

"Haohao, where are you now?"

"I was out."

"Are you still eating outside? Hao Hao, after eating, hurry home and take a bath, turn on the air conditioner, get into the quilt, and then you talk to me again, OK?"

Zhou Hao took a sip of the bread and chewed. "Hmm." Then he hung up.

Jiang Yuxi, who is in love, is like a sensitive and delicate young man. He suffers from losses and gains a sense of insecurity at all times. He is most afraid that when he turns around, the little lunatic will regret not wanting him. He, can't wait to cling to the little madman every day, and talk about love from morning to night.

At nine o'clock, Jiang Yuzheng's phone call again, and Zhou Hao's bread had been eaten.


"Haohao, are you home? Have you taken a bath?"

Zhou Hao was weak and weak, and was "washed."

"I'll be back next month. Do you want to go out for a break during the weekend?"

"Jiang Yuquan, I'm a bit tired, I'm going to sleep first."

Faced with the call that suddenly hung up, Jiang Yuhuan fell into tedious thinking. Last night, the two also spoke well, and after a day they all changed.

He almost asked it out, Hao Hao, did you really regret it?

The plane arrived in Qingjiang. It was already more than ten o'clock in the evening. Zhou Hao went to Qingjiang County Hospital.

His grandmother was hospitalized, living in a respiratory medicine ward, and connected to an oxygen inhaler at the nose and mouth.

Zhou Hao talked with the attending physician. The doctor was sorry to say that the diagnosis could not be confirmed at present, but it was initially suspected that the facial swelling caused by high blood pressure.

Zhou Hao's heart sank and sank. His grandmother's blood pressure was on the high side, but it was not serious. The chance of inducing this situation was very small.

The doctor is also an understanding person. After thinking about it, he said sincerely, "This kind of situation has not been encountered in our hospital. I suggest that it is best to go to City A or C. The clinical experience of the big hospital is sufficient, and the final test results also have It may be a minor illness. "

Zhou Hao said lightly, "Thank you."

"Does your grandma have health insurance?"

"No, she has farm insurance."

The doctor felt a little emotional, and said something in his mouth, "Not much agricultural insurance reimbursement ..."

The corridor of the hospital is a long one. The light in the corridor is not bright, and it has a dark and gloomy feeling.

Zhou Hao returned to the ward. His grandpa hadn't slept yet, and he leaned on a chair.

"Haohao, what did the doctor say?"

The old man was very anxious. The older the person, the more difficult his emotions were. When his grandfather asked this, his turbid and victorious eyes were filled with water mist.

He wiped his tears and said, "When you brought your grandma here in the afternoon, I didn't understand what the doctor said. Fortunately, my grandson had gone to school and studied. Grandpa is waiting for you today ... ... I don't understand ... What about your grandma? "

Zhou Haoqiang smiled, "The doctor said it was okay, he said it was okay ... Grandpa, there is an empty bed next to you, let's lie down and sleep."

His grandfather walked tremblingly, he was old, and his legs were not good.

After comforting his grandpa, Zhou Hao walked out of the ward alone, and he went to the toilet and stood by the toilet window. I wanted to smoke a cigarette, but came to my senses when I felt it. I have quit smoking, and I haven't touched the thing for a long time.

The evening breeze was cool, and Xi Xi was blowing. The anxious thoughts were also in this cool breeze, and they gradually came to their senses.

Today, he is the pillar of the family. The illiterate grandfather puts all hope on his grandson. Because the grandson has read books and has a good culture of belly, his grandfather shares his worries a little.

The sky is down, and his grandson who knows words is here, not afraid.

But what does Zhou Hao think? When he saw his grandpa and grandma's hands shaped like dead wood, he remembered the old couple's life-long grievances, and I was afraid that they would be too busy living to die.

The older generations in the countryside are like this, toiling like cattle and horses, and living a hard life of rice porridge and pickles as breakfast.

He remembered that many years ago, he encountered Jia Lin once in the hospital. At that time, Jia Lin's grandfather was just discharged from the hospital. Jia Lin was busy moving things in the car. He asked Jia Lin, why not ask someone for help?

What does Jia Lin say? Jia Lin said that the aunt at home asked for leave and was too lazy to trouble others.

What he said was the aunt at home.

Inadvertently, Zhou Hao didn't realize the gap between the rich and the poor at that time, but today he saw his grandma lying on the hospital bed of the county hospital, and he thought of Jia Lin's grandfather, the retired veteran who had never met him. .

Humans are such a dark and complex species. Zhou Hao himself, especially.

Others are doing well. What's the matter with you living in a high-end ward? What matters to you if someone's hand is smooth and delicate? Even if it is, what does it matter if someone eats it in the morning?

But Zhou Hao didn't. He started to blame himself for his incompetence and began to feel distressed about his grandparents.

He had a hard time, and his teeth were gone, but the old man at the house was so unsatisfactory, and his bad thoughts all came up.

The heavy burden of thought kept him out of breath, and he reached out his cell phone and turned to Jiang Yu's number.

He knew in his heart that when the call was made, he was completely **** with the man. In the form of debt.

A man likes him, he can see it, does he like that man himself?

Stay alive. Mind alive Mind alive and put myself in.

The call has been dialed ...

Zhou Hao stood at the window and looked at the night scene of the hospital.

"Haohao, huh? What's the matter?" The laziness that the man's voice couldn't tell, should have been woken up.

"Jiang Yuyu, my mulberry tree bears fruit."

Waking up from sleepy sleep, Jiang Yuzhen sat upright, hiding in the darkness.

"Haohao, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, the money I transferred to you every month, did you receive it?"

"Received." Jiang Yuxi had a panic that could not be understood.

There was another moment of silence. The breeze blew on Zhou Hao's face, but his thinking became more chaotic.

"Haohao, are you at home now?"

"No, I'm not at home. It cost me a lot of money to buy that one. I also have to pay off my mortgage every month, and I have 100,000 yuan from my down payment.

Also, he still owes Jiang Yuxuan money every month.

He just paid his salary, paid it back, paid it back, and lost all his money. Today, Uncle Ge paid 3,000 yuan, and he took it out of the card and returned it to others.

"Did you encounter anything today? Did anyone say anything to you?"

"No, no one said me. I just wanted to tell you that my mulberry tree bears fruit."

"Hao Hao, I'll be looking for you tomorrow. Will you wait for me at home?"

"Jiang Yuyu, don't come here, I'm not at home."

"Where are you going?"

Zhou Hao's voice vaguely cried, "My grandma is sick, I'm back home."

Jiang Yuxi coaxed distressedly, "Haohao, don't be afraid, grandma will be fine."

Zhou Hao hung up the phone, the cool breeze outside the window, he didn't want to blow anymore, the more confused he became.

He lingered in his stomach for a long time, but still didn't say a word.


At noon the next day, Zhou Hao received a call from Jiang Yuzheng, and the man said that he had arrived in Qingjiang.

Zhou Hao was cooking in the cafeteria, coaxing a group of people around the cooking window, Zhou Hao was also squeezed in, and Zhou was surrounded by a summer sour smell.

He took the empty lunch box and squeezed it out of the pile. A soft cotton floated in his heart, and the heart was wrapped in it, which was also soft.

Zhou Hao went to the restaurant near the hospital and bought a meal. He wanted to return to the ward earlier because Jiang Yuzheng said he would be there soon.

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