Love, Expired

Chapter 85: Jiangmu

It was getting warmer, and the rows of trees on the road were all sprouting. At this time, the night wind was blowing on the body, which was comfortable. Although still cool, it doesn't matter.

Zhou Hao had another habit. After a meal, he took a walk and walked out of the community to the east, where there was a moat. During the warm spring season, there are always many people strolling leisurely by the river at night, and the boat paintings flow across the river, flashing neon lights.

The cruise was far away, and it became a little yellow spot on the lake, like a fishing fire. Zhou Hao rested his head on Jiang Yuxuan's shoulder and looked at the ship in the distance leisurely.

"Husband, it's good that we both have a boat now. I want to go far away."

Jiang Yu grabbed his waist, "Want to row a boat? There are charter boats over there."

Zhou Hao shook her head and did not speak.

Suddenly, Jiang Yuzheng's cell phone rang, and the untimely sound damaged the short-term peace.

The little madman was leaning on the left side of his shoulder, and the mobile phone was in the left pocket of his clothes.

Zhou Hao reached into his pocket, took out his mobile phone, and looked at the bright screen. "It's a strange number."

"I guess it was wrong, you can pick it up."

Zhou Hao pressed the answer button and stuck the phone to his ear. "Mr. Jiang, it's me, Li Hengting. Our crew is killing today. I know I shouldn't call, but I still want to thank you in person."

Xu Xujian, Zhou Hao thought of the message a few months ago, he threw the phone to Jiang Yuxuan, a little rushed, "Find you."

Jiang Yuzhang didn't notice the face of the lunatic, and took the mobile phone. "Hello."

"See when you are free. I want to invite you for a meal."

The river gently patted the smooth stone steps on the shore. Alas, tourists' hearts were also softened by it.

Zhou Hao maintained the movement of the headrest and shoulders just now, his face was calm, his eyes were still facing the fishing fire that was drifting away from the river.

Jiang Yuxi hung up the phone, "I'm sorry ..."

The hot breath exhaled from his mouth ran above Zhou Hao's head.

"It's okay." Zhou Hao's eyes became more and more confused, and he was not anxious.

"I got her a job in filming and she promised me that I wouldn't bother you again in the future. I shouldn't hide from you."

"It's all right, I'm not mad at you."

Jiang Yuxu bowed his head and rubbed his cheek with his lips, which meant to do something wrong to please.

"Don't do this, so many people here." Zhou Hao tilted his head.

"Is it an example?"

Zhou Hao smiled awkwardly, he moved away from the man's shoulder, his eyes apologized to the man's face, "I'm really not mad at you, I swear."

Jiang Yuxi sent the word "injustice" on his forehead, and muttered quietly, "Why don't you speak ..."

"Let's help, I don't like her very much, I can't see her living well." Zhou Hao said frankly, not even bothering to polish it.

Jiang Yuzhen heard this childish, straightforward vernacular. He reached out and rubbed the hair of the lunatic, saying, "The past is over. Looking forward, you still have half of your life going." "

"I know, but I just have a small heart and can't stand her living well. You are not allowed to help her in the future ..." Zhou Hao said quietly.

"Kill me in the future, and I won't care about your sister. Besides, she is not very beautiful, she is not long in the entertainment circle, we are different, Hao Hao is not eating by his face, He is true. "

The more Zhou Hao listened to this, the stranger it became. Why was it so awkward? Later, after thinking about it, he knew where the problem was.

"Jiang Yuhuan, you said in a different way that I didn't look good, did you? You sleep on the sofa today and you can't refute it!"


In May, Jiang Yuxi ’s grandfather had his 80th birthday, and his grandfather did n’t like to be extravagant. Jiang's mother planned to book a private room in the hotel, and did not notify relatives or anything, so the family had a meal together. But that day, Yan Ming also passed.

Both Yan Ming and Jiang Weiyang knew the family. The old man resolutely opposed it at first, and almost went to the hospital for this.

After all, the old man still favors his younger son.

Looking at his parents and kindness, Jiang Yudi did not contradict Yan Ming. He decided to take this opportunity to mention Zhou Hao, and he could also bring Hao Hao at the family dinner.

After the meeting, Jiang Yudi drove his parents back to the villa in the imperial garden.

His mother went to the kitchen and cut some fruit. The mother and son didn't talk for a long time, and they were sitting in the living room at this time.

"If it wasn't for your grandpa's birthday, where do you remember your mother? You haven't been home for so long." Jiang mother grumbled and complained about her son.

Jiang Yuzhen uses a toothpick to pick up a piece of kiwi and hands it to his mother, "Mom, what do you think of the uncle's object?"

The mother Jiang took the fruit handed over by her son and ate it in small sips, and said casually, "I haven't had a deep relationship, I can only say that the first impression is good, understand politeness, and not humble."

Jiang Yuxi struggled for a while, pursed her lips, and decided to say, "Mom, I'm in love, I'll talk about it in college, I never told you."

Jiang's mother was very excited. Obviously, she was too incredible. "The university talked about it? It's been many years. What kind of girl is it? Is there a picture?"

"Not a girl, a boy."

Jiang Mu's surprised expression changed instantly. "You say it again."

Jiang Yuzhen met her eyes without fear, "I like men."

"Where did you learn from these side doors !? There is detriment!"

Jiang Yusong's brows were tightly twisted into one, and he asked mutely, "Why can uncle Xiao? When I come to this place, it's become stern."

"He is him, you are you, you are my son!"

"Mom, I don't care what you think, I'll only be good with him in my life." With that said, Jiang Yuxi went outside and was going to leave.

"Jiang Yuxuan, stand still! If you don't want that man to be ruined, stay at home tonight and don't go anywhere!"

It was nine-thirty, and Jiang Yudi didn't return. Zhou Hao took a bath and lay on the bed, and called him.

The phone rang for a long time before I answered it.

"Why haven't you come back yet?" Zhou Haobai bored the book in his hand.

"I won't go home today."

"Where do you sleep?"

"On my parents' side."

"Okay ..." Zhou Hao's voice was frustrating beyond words.

"Haohao, did you eat on time at night? Did you take the vitamin tablets?"

Frustration swept away, and Zhou Hao became bright and cheerful again. "Yes, I ate. I'll tell you. Today, Er Mao actually showed his teeth and smiled at me. He's fine, isn't he great?"

"It's awesome. I'm a little sleepy now. I need to sleep first."

"Well, then you go to bed early, I will miss you."

With the usual dialogue, Zhou Hao didn't realize the hidden turbulence at all, and he was quite happy. He ordered a fried chicken cola for take-out while Jiang Yuzhen was not at home. He has a bad stomach, and Jiang Yuyao never allowed him to eat these things.

Jiang Yuzhen, who was also in the city of A, was sleepless. As long as he thought of the little lunatic sleeping in his arms innocently, his heart was as uncomfortable as a thousand swords.

The little madman's thorns are about to be weakened by the years. He is living a serious life every day. He also writes a diary and walks. In their lives, they are also full of the smell of chai oil, salt, not a few discounts in the supermarket today, or which counter in the mall will have activities tomorrow.

It's not beautiful.

The next day, Jiang Yuzheng didn't return, but Zhou Hao didn't think much about it. He cooked himself for laundry and called the man in bed at night.

"Why didn't you come back today?"

Jiang Yubi's voice was more hoarse than last night. He somehow said, "I really like our Hao Hao ..." Through the phone, Zhou Hao didn't hear the wailing cry in his words.

"Still with your parents? You said, should I meet your parents? I'm afraid they don't like me ..."

"They," Jiang Yuzhen paused for a moment, "I will definitely like you."

"Hmm--" There was a knock at the door.

"I'll tell you later." Jiang Yuzhen covered his receiver with his mobile phone. "Come in."

Jiang mother came in with a glass of milk, put it on the bedside table, and raised her eyes to see her son's eye circles be red. Those overly cruel words did not say.

"Go to bed early, I didn't tell your father about this, you should have thought about it in the past two days, let's talk tomorrow."

Jiang Yuzheng didn't talk, he really wanted to understand.

Mother Jiang sighed and left her son's room.

Jiang Yu again picked up the phone, "Hao Hao, are you still listening?"

"Well, listening."

"I'm going home tomorrow. What do you want to eat?"

"Anyway, just come back."

The next night, Jiang Yuzhang returned, carrying a lot of freshly bought vegetables. Zhou Hao was wearing headphones and reading a book in the bedroom.

Jiang Yu shouted twice, but didn't respond. He opened the bedroom door—

The little table lamp glowed with a warm halo, and the lunatic lay at the computer desk and read a book intently.

There is a lover in his cozy home waiting for his return. Jiang Yuxi raised his corner of his mouth, he quietly walked over, unplugged the little maniac's right earphone, and inserted it into his ear.

Only then did Zhou Hao find out that he was back, and he looked up to talk to him, and the man's lips stuck up indiscriminately.

The softness and the smell of mint grass belong to this cool early summer.

About four and a half minutes later, the four petals were separated. Zhou Haozuo smiled and asked, "Are you chewing gum?"

Jiang Yuzhen pinched the man's cheek. "Haohao, let's leave here."

"Why leave?"

"Want to change places, or let's go to Suchuan, or go to your hometown."

Zhou Hao stopped talking, he was unwilling, and he couldn't leave right now. Next month, their small medical team will go to Africa.

"Jiang Yuyu, I want to tell you something."

Jiang Yuxuan picked his chin, which means, you say.

Zhou Hao stood up, pressed Jiang Yuzheng into a chair and sat down with a very solemn attitude. "I signed up to be a volunteer in Africa and leave next month. I want to go out and see."

"Let's go next month, so soon ..." Jiang Yu repeated repeatedly, then suddenly grabbed the hand of the lunatic, "Hao Hao, you took me away too."

Zhou Hao didn't expect the changes in these days. He even said easily, "What can you do in the past? Besides, I don't want to come back."

Jiang Yuxi looked at the cheerful and cheerful face of the lunatic and suddenly smiled.

The protection he thought was right, the little lunatic probably didn't need it anymore.

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