Love, Expired

Chapter 88: Letter from afar

Jiang Weiyang gave Zhang Yuzhang a ticket for the stage play. The ticket was stuffed into his mailbox. Jiang Yuzhang returned from work to get the ticket in the mailbox. At the same time, it was found that there was a letter in the envelope that read:

"Toprchina, 2801 Jiang Yuyu, Unit 2, Building 4, Fuchun Garden, Yuanling District, A"

Jiang Yuzhang opened the envelope without a note, which contained three photos and a stationery.

He slowly walked towards the elevator and slowly unfolded the letter.

[骞 骞:

Sorry, I only wrote to you after two years.

This is New Year's Eve, I just finished eating New Year's Eve, and my teammates were sitting outside watching the Spring Festival Evening live broadcast, the network was unstable, and the card was intermittent. I could hear their complaining across the door.

New Year's Eve dinner is made by ourselves. Everyone asks for a special dish. If they don't make it, they will choose dishes and wash dishes. I make your favorite curry chicken. They all praised the deliciousness I made.

Come here almost two years, the language is still the main obstacle, the locals have their own Turkish, Swahili, it is difficult to understand.

Under normal circumstances, helping people diagnose by relying on hand gestures, you can probably guess something, just get used to it.

The medical conditions here are very poor. For some seemingly simple minor diseases, many people are seriously ill because there are no precise diagnosis and treatment equipment and no symptomatic drugs. Furthermore, patients with a poor environment and weak resistance are easily cross-infected.

I couldn't do anything about it either. I had witnessed a black mother dying from a post-operative infection when her child was only five years old.

Before I came here, I dreamed about the great scenery here, and I found that the pictures on the Internet have beautified the place a lot.

Dodoma does not have too unique scenery. If I have to find a word to describe the land under my feet, I think it should be "large." The vastness of the land and the sparse population and the wide field of vision make it easy to calm down.

In the densely populated city of A, you will never have this experience. So, oh, I want to take you around in the future. Maybe you can still have a sense of life.

Our lives are hard. There are many mosquitoes. If we don't pay attention, we will be bitten by them. Unlike domestic mosquitoes, these mosquitoes are large and poisonous, and probably the tropical climate is more suitable for them. This is also the reason for the high incidence of malaria.

We usually wear long-sleeved trousers and carry mosquito repellent water and wind oil essence with us.

When I'm free, I basically stay in the room and read a book, or go outside for a spin.

Although Dodoma is the capital of Tasmania, its economic conditions are very backward, and residents' purchasing power is not good. I almost forgot to mention that the vegetables here are very expensive and not cheaper than city A.

I met a black kid here. His name is Habu, and his father is a patient of mine.

He doesn't go to school, and most of the children here don't go to school because of poverty.

It's hard to imagine a skinny, dark-skinned child who is childish but spends his entire day picking up trash or stealing on the street. They are too young, and you simply can't bear to blame these stolen children.

Poverty breeds crime. This is a difficult fact to change.

Alas, when I saw them, I remembered my childhood. I had books and meals, and my mother didn't force me to work as a child.

In contrast, I am much happier than these children, but I did not enjoy this gift very young, but spent my teenage years in jealousy and anger.

If a person is alive, he shouldn't care about it, or else he will suffer.

Besides Hab, this is a very strong and independent child. Every day, he pushes a bicycle with a red plastic box behind it and sells beer to passersby along Dodoma's main road. I can earn about 30 shillings a day, equivalent to 21 yuan.

Every time he finished his job, he always left a bottle of beer for me. I told the child many times that the doctor couldn't drink, and he blinked and looked at me. I think he may not understand me.

This is a grateful child, because I saved his dad's life and gave him a few packets of biscuits from China. He kept thinking of me.

He is simple, and when he grows up, he will be a kind person, just like you.

The night before, I dreamed about my dad, his appearance was vague, but I clearly saw him smiling at me.

He told me that he met my mother below, and they sat on a stone and talked a lot, including me. I asked my father, what did my mother say about me? He touched my head and said your mother missed you. After saying this, my dad left. I couldn't catch up with him no matter how I chased him.

Alas, I'm very happy, but I'm a bit sorry, I haven't been able to tell my dad that his son is now a doctor in Africa and a five-star red flag is still printed on his white coat.

However, coming to Japan, I may dream of him again in a few days.

I don't know if it's old. I have been thinking about the past recently, just when we were in college. Alas, I have told myself more than once in my heart. If time can go back, I will know you again.

I set up a stall to sell things, and you accidentally broke my guitar. What a wonderful first encounter. We can both develop this fate.

Alas, I miss you so much. I haven't contacted you for so long. Don't blame me.

I just want to try a real personal trip, without any thoughts, throwing my mind and body on the land of Dodoma as much as possible.

In June of this year, our medical team will return to China. It's close to my birthday, I have a small birthday wish, I hope you can promise--

Mr. Jiang Yuzhen, who is over thirty, can you learn to let go? Every time you send me a voice, you either ask me how the weather is, or you ask me to eat. Can't you learn more coaxing words to coax me?

Do my homework well at home, I will check it back.

You old-fashioned dumb wood!

The address I mailed to is the house in the Fuchun Garden. I don't know if you stay in the wood now or not. I hope you receive it!

Hao Hao

It was now May, and the letter was discovered by him three months later.

Jiang Yuxi held the letter and couldn't bear to put it down and looked at it again and again. He smiled stupidly, but was very clean, even counting the date of the return of the lunatic in his heart.

There are still a few photos in the envelope. They are landscape photos. Sure enough, as the little madman said, the scenery is vast.

Jiang Yuzheng put the letter and postcard into the envelope and put them in the drawer of the study.

He went to the kitchen to make a fairly sumptuous dinner for himself. There is still such a leisure in a person, which shows that he is too happy today.

Eating, washing dishes, bathing, blowing hair ... Slowly grinds the time to eleven, he slams into bed, lays under the pillow, smirks with his mobile phone, thinking about something to say.

It can't be too honest and ambiguous.

"Haohao, I thought of a pose. When you come back, let's try it."

When Zhou Hao opened the voice, he was walking to his place of work with two colleagues around him.

He was flushed with blush, and the unknown colleague asked in earnest, "What kind of posture do I need to try?"

Zhou Hao opened his mouth and said, "Just run."

Fortunately, colleagues didn't ask any more.

Back in the dormitory, Zhou Hao also lay on the bed. He held down the recording button and said to the mobile phone, "What posture?"

Obviously waiting there, a picture came soon.

In the picture are two men in front of the bathroom mirror, fingers intertwined, the privacy fits seamlessly ...

Zhou Haogang wanted to pick a few words and scolded him. He pre-empted and seriously asked, "Is this homework okay?"

"Childish!" Zhou Hao angered, but the corner of his mouth was a rising arc.

This made Jiang Yuxi happy and broken. He went to the study and turned the letter out again, and read it again and again ...

The author has something to say:

This year, 33 years old, and Jiang 30 years old.

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