Loving You As Scheduled

Chapter 161: His panic

The long wait seemed to be a few centuries to Gu Qiangwei.

"I'm telling you, your father's company has declared bankruptcy a few days ago, so you can't get it alone."

On the side, Chen Peifang was still chattering, but Gu Qiangwei had no intention to listen.

She sat up from her position until the green light on the operating door came on.

Then a group of medical staff also walked out and took off the disinfection masks on their faces.

"Doctor, my husband... how is she?" Chen Peifang said cautiously, seeming to want to know how Gu Zhendong was going.

And this cautious look may seem to be caring for Gu Zhendong in the eyes of outsiders, but in fact, this is not the case.

Looking at the two people in front of him, the doctor's face was a bit heavy.

"Sorry, the operation failed."

With a few simple words, a huge heavy stone was missing in an instant, and it fell on Gu Qiangwei unexpectedly, causing her body to tremble suddenly.

Then, I saw Gu Zhendong pushed out on the stretcher covered with white cloth.

Chen Peifang naturally saw it too, and he did not show a heartbroken appearance for a moment, but an imperceptible joy flashed through the clear eyes.

A tight heart was relieved.

Gu is finally her son's!

After a glance at the two people in front of him, the doctor turned and left heavily.

At this time, Chen Peifang recovered, and suddenly rushed to the stretcher, crying pears and rain, "husband...husband, why did you leave like this... how can we live without our orphans and widows..."

Chen Peifang's cries resounded throughout the corridor, and those who heard it were heartbroken.

Until Gu Zhendong was pushed away, Gu Qiangwei's body suddenly slipped, and she couldn't bear the accident that caught her off guard.

"Can't stand still?"

A deep, magnetic voice sounded abruptly, and at the same time stretched out her hand to catch her nearly slipping body.

Youyou turned her head and looked up at the man in front of her, Gu Qiangwei's eyes were a little moist.

Qin Sijue couldn't help but was startled, his heart seemed to be tightened by something, and he felt uncomfortable for a moment.

The ruthlessness and partiality of her father were deeply rooted in Gu Qiangwei, but at the moment she saw a lifeless body, her heart seemed to have been dug into a big hole in an instant, and she couldn't breathe in pain.

"what happened?"

Realizing that something was wrong with her, he twisted his eyebrows, thinking that she was being bullied!

A very deterrent voice sounded vigorously, "What's the matter with you?"

However, Gu Qiangwei's reaction was to suddenly grab the hem of his chest, bury his face in his arms, and sob silently...

Qin Sijue still didn't understand what was wrong with her, until she clung to her body and began to tremble slightly, and then realized that she was crying.

His heart tightened, he pulled her away from his arms, and stared at her reddish eyes with dark eyes, "What's the matter? Say!"

Looking at his face, Gu Qiangwei cried and trembled even more, her eyes blurred with tears.

Maybe she could not cry, but after all, she still failed to hide her feelings. The short and sweet memories of childhood appeared in her mind, and her childhood memory gradually disappeared and became blurred.

Listening to her crying and watching her tears go along, Qin Sijue was flustered for a moment.

For the first time facing her like this, he didn't know how to comfort him except asking why.

But she didn't say anything, which made his heart a little upset because of the anxiety.

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