Loving You As Scheduled

Chapter 182: Deadly threat (4)

The more Mrs. Qin thought about it, the more she felt that this was something that could not be solved at all.

Qin Guozhong also lowered his eyes, lost in thought.


Until dawn, the people sent by Qin Sijue almost really lifted up half of Jingcheng, and did not find where Gu Qiangwei was hidden by Qin Guozhong.

"Keep looking!"

Qin Sijue's furious voice came from the living room, and almost the air was shattered!

Another morning passed, and there was still no news from Gu Qiangwei.

There was nowhere to vent his anger, but a dead man was sent straight to the door.

Concubine Nangong didn't know where she heard the news, except that Gu Qiangwei had left Jueyuan. In order to promote the relationship with Qin Sijue, she came to Jueyuan after lunch at noon.

Walking past the hallway, you could see Qin Sijue's back sitting on the sofa from a distance.

She didn't know yet, in order to find Gu Qiangwei, Qin Sijue almost overturned the entire Jingcheng.

Because the people looking for Gu Qiangwei came in and out, no one noticed when Concubine Nangong came in.

Uncle Qin came out of the kitchen and saw her.

He was worried that Qin Sijue had not eaten anything in the morning until now.

When he got older, he didn't get rid of this habit. When he was in a bad mood, he didn't even bother to eat food!

"Miss Nangong."

Hearing the sound, Qin Sijue's eyes with cold light immediately shot over, venting all his anger on Concubine Nangong.


Although it was the second time that he was yelling at him, Concubine Nangong was still taken aback.

I was sluggish in place for a moment, looking at the angry man on the sofa with a little horror!

He knows she doesn't like herself, but is it necessary to make such a big fire?

"It's just Gu Qiangwei. She didn't really like you in the first place. Why are you so angry because of her?" She likes him. I hope he can forget Gu Qiangwei and calm down and get along with her for a while .

During the time he gets along, he will definitely forget Gu Qiangwei.

Hearing this, Qin Sijue suddenly looked at her again, the anger on his face slightly reduced.

Suddenly asked, "What about you?"

Concubine Nangong was startled, and some did not understand his sudden words.


"She doesn't really like it, so are you?"

For a moment, Concubine Nangong thought he was trying to prove his feelings for him, and her face couldn't help showing joy, "Of course I really like you!"


"Love!" She nodded heavily and answered without hesitation.

On the sofa, Qin Sijue, who was staring at her, suddenly got up and walked towards Concubine Nangong step by step.

Seeing him becoming more and more self-reliant, Concubine Nangong's heart pounded, thinking that he was going to change his mind and look at himself better.

"Jue..." Seeing the man approaching, she spoke obsessively until he stood still in front of her.

Staring at her, Qin Sijue was not stunned.

"In this case..." His face leaned in front of her, and Concubine Nangong's heart beat more wildly than panic.

"Then you go to die."


Concubine Nangong was slightly startled, as if being poured from her head by a basin of cold water, like an ice cellar!

"what did you say?"

Qin Sijue was expressionless, "Since you love me so much, then die for me?"

Stung by his merciless words, it took a long time for Concubine Nangong to speak in a trembling voice, "I like you, but why should I die..."

"Because you are obstructing my eyes!" He left the words, and he turned back to the sofa and said mercilessly, "Boom out!"

PS: Let’s just say that this article is purely fictitious, so don’t be too real~ it’s wonderful ^_^

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