Loving You As Scheduled

Chapter 385: Get closer, try?

"Grandpa...Grandpa Qin...you hurry to save me, I don't...I don't want my legs to be so scrapped!" She cried helplessly, and could only ask for help from Qin Guozhong and Nangonghe.

"Come here, take Miss Nangong for treatment!"

Qin Guozhong did not want to break the relationship with the Nangong family because of Gu Qiangwei, because it was not worth it!

He wanted to see if this grandson really didn't take him seriously!

He gave an order, and Wei Qing immediately stepped forward to lift the concubine Nangong on the ground and take away!


Just when her hand touched Concubine Nangong, she let out a heart-piercing scream!

Everyone turned their eyes, and saw Qin Sijue coming to her like a gust of wind, raised his foot, and stepped straight on where she was injured. Suddenly, blood was splashed!

The pain was unbearable, her whole face was as gray as death, without a trace of blood.

"Qin Sijue!" Nangong Mingchuan stepped forward, pushing him away.

But after all, when he was getting older, where was Qin Sijue's opponent, with a wave of his long arm, he couldn't get close to him at all, but instead angered him more and more, and the strength under his feet became heavier!

"Ah! Don't! Don't!" Concubine Nangong was in cold sweat from the pain. She didn't have the strength to speak, but the intense pain forced her to let out a heart-piercing scream!

"Get closer, try?"

Qin Sijue raised his eyes, flashing cold eyes, scanning everyone in Nangong's family, and the threat was clearly visible.

"No...no! Daddy...no, don't come here again..." Unable to bear the severe pain, Concubine Nangong asked for mercy, even afraid of Nangong Mingchuan's approach.

Because as soon as he approaches, Qin Sijue will increase the strength under his feet.

Being stepped on by him and the situation changed, even Qin Guozhong and Nangonghe felt troublesome, and they didn't know what to do for a moment!

Nangong Mingchuan did not dare to come closer, because her daughter's life was hanging by a thread. As long as Qin Sijue used a little force, she might die alive!

"You, what are you going to do!?"

Qin Guozhong slammed his crutches, and for the sake of the relationship between the two families, he didn't know how to rescue Nangong concubine!

If she really died, then the relationship between the Qin family and the Nangong family would be completely broken. More than that, as long as this incident spreads, his Qin family will be ruined and defeated because of a Gu Qiangwei!

Even, something he can't predict may happen.

Once the concubine dies, how can Nangonghe give up? I am afraid that in the end, he will also want his grandson to pay for his life!

No, you must not take this risk!

Angrily glaring at his grandson, he was heartbroken, "What the **** do you want to let your concubine go!?"

"The answer, I think I have made it very clear just now."

She wants her to pay for her life!

"But Gu Qiangwei is not dead after all!"

"Then wait for the moment her heartbeat stops, then let her pay for her life!"

"You!" Qin Guozhong was anxious, looked at Gu Qiangwei, and at the concubine Nangong who was trampled under his feet, as if he had only one last breath left.

"Daddy... Grandpa... Save me..." She collapsed to the ground feebly, her whole person looking like a squirm.

"You, you let go of your concubine, I promise you, as long as Gu Qiangwei wakes up, I won't move her anymore, and I won't stop your contact, you will release your concubine soon!" In the end, Qin Guozhong compromised.

It's just that this compromise was too late for Qin Sijue.

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