Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 126: He Xia Nuan's condition

A few days' time passed by Fu Haochen's two ends.

Starting a new week, He Xia Nuan has completed all her own inspections, and Luo Enxi will be discharged soon.

On this day, Fu Haochen accompanied He Xia Nuan to get the results of the examination.

On the way to the doctor's office, Fu Haochen's heart was disturbed.

Judging from the situation of getting along these days, He Xia Nuan has recovered.

But occasionally, He Xia Nuan still showed a state that seemed to be hysterical the next second.

Fu Haochen didn't know what was going on, so now he could only pin his hopes on the inspection results.

In fact, Fu Haochen was extremely worried.

The recovery of He Xia Nuan will directly affect the lives of him and Luo Enxi in the future.

With an extremely nervous mood, Fu Haochen and He Xia Nuan walked into the doctor's office.

Three or four top domestic psychiatric experts gathered together, watching Fu Haochen and He Xia Nuan walk in, smiling slightly.

"Doctor, how is the situation?" Fu Haochen asked politely, suppressing the tension in his heart.

But the slightly trembling voice still betrayed him.

"I must first say congratulations, Mr. Fu." One of the doctors said with a smile, "Miss He has recovered very well. Now, after several of us have checked and diagnosed, Miss He has almost no mental problems."

He Xia Nuan's eyes lit up obviously.

"Doctor, doctor, did you mean that I was cured, right? I'm all cured, right! Great!" He Xia Nuan almost jumped up excitedly, approached Fu Haochen and said, "Haochen, Haochen, you heard that Did the doctor say I'm all well! When will we get married?"

The tone was full of childlike excitement.

The doctor on the side coughed embarrassingly.

The relationship between Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi is well known. Now that He Xia Nuan said such things in front of everyone, it is really...

Fu Haochen was also a little embarrassed, so he had to say quickly, "Don't make trouble with Xia Nuan, listen to what the doctor said."

Another doctor coughed and followed Fu Haochen’s words, “Mental illnesses have a high possibility of recurrence. Although Miss He’s illness is cured, she still cannot be stimulated too much. Otherwise, it will be repeated. The possibility is very high."

"What do you mean, Haochen?" He Xia Nuan suddenly became nervous again, looking at Fu Haochen.

"The doctor's point is that you must not be too agitated in the future, otherwise the condition may be repeated." Fu Haochen explained patiently.

"Hao Chen, I will be obedient, you must not shut me in again, OK, I will be obedient." He Xia Nuan frowned and said in a hurry, looking terrified.

"Ok, yes, as long as you are obedient." Fu Haochen had no choice but to say.

"Then there is Miss He's memory problem." The third doctor continued, "We did research on Miss He's memory loss. This is possible in terms of mental illness."

"Patients with mental illnesses are likely to develop hallucinations or memory disorders. Of course, they may also suffer from memory loss. Although it is rare to remember such a situation after recovery, it is also a normal category. "The doctor continued.

"Will it recover?" Fu Haochen asked worriedly.

The memory of He Xia Nuan's mental disorder over the years is definitely not pleasant. Fu Haochen wanted to know if He Xia Nuan might remember this memory.

"It's possible." The doctor answered Fu Haochen truthfully, "Miss He may gradually remember the mental disorder in her later life. If it is not handled properly, it is likely that she will be affected by fear and discomfort. Damage, so we must pay attention to it in time."

"Okay, I see." Fu Haochen replied.

When He Xia Nuan thinks of these memories, it will definitely be very painful. Fu Haochen thought, he hoped He Xia Nuan would never remember it.

"Finally, it's Miss He's later follow-up treatment." The last doctor pushed his glasses and spoke slowly.

"Judging from Miss He's inspection these days, Miss He is in the stage of recovery. You have seen the situation just now, Mr. Fu, and Miss He is still a little emotional now."

The doctor was referring to He Xia Nuan's performance of being happy for a while and scared for a while.

"Ms. He's emotional response has changed a lot, and there is no warning, and her emotions will change if she changes. This is also a performance of just recovering. If you don't pay attention, it will definitely have a certain impact." The doctor continued.

"Then what should we do next?" Fu Haochen asked.

"There are two options. One is to go home and take a quiet rest. The premise is that nothing will stimulate Miss He to happen."

The doctor paused, and then continued, "The other is to continue to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time. Once any symptoms appear, the doctor can also take timely measures to prevent the illness from recurring."

"What... I want to be hospitalized? I don't want it!" He Xia Nuan shouted as soon as he heard that hospitalization might still be possible, "No, I don't want to be hospitalized! Haochen, Haochen, will you take me home? Hospitalized!"

"Xia Nuan, hospitalization is more conducive to your complete recovery." Fu Haochen patiently persuaded.

"Hao Chen, please, don't let me be hospitalized." He Xia Nuan pleaded with tears in his eyes, "Hao Chen, I listen to you everything, I must be obedient, okay?"

Although He Xia Nuan's pitiful appearance made him unbearable, Fu Haochen still hesitated, "But..."

"Haochen, please, please." He Xia Nuan took Fu Haochen's arm and shook it vigorously, "I'm really, really obedient. I'm absolutely, absolutely not bad. Don't be bad. I was hospitalized and I was scared."

He Xia Nuan said, tears streaming down.

Fu Haochen couldn't see He Xia Nuan's tears.

"Oh, then, all right." Fu Haochen finally lost to He Xia Nuan's tear offensive.

Moreover, Fu Haochen also knew that it was indeed not very suitable for He Xia Nuan to live in a mental hospital.

Living with a group of mental patients every day, even if there is no problem, they will be forced to get sick.

Although hesitated again and again, Fu Haochen finally agreed and took He Xia Nuan out of the hospital.

"Haochen, you are the best!" He Xia Nuan burst into laughter, cheered twice, and suddenly stepped forward, snorting at Fu Haochen's face.

Fu Haochen was taken aback and backed away again and again.

The doctors behind He Xia Nuan also turned their heads.

The four doctors thought in their hearts, Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi are not husband and wife, how can this suddenly... alas, this relationship is really messy.

But the doctors couldn't say anything. In order to alleviate the embarrassment, the doctors explained some precautions, handed the medicine list to Fu Haochen, and went out first.

Fu Haochen was also unhappy about He Xia Nuan's behavior, so he had to say to He Xia Nuan, "Okay, Xia Nuan, stop making trouble, isn't it a good one, let's go and eat first."

"Okay, I want to eat mousse cake." He Xia Nuan's goal was achieved, and naturally he was obedient to Fu Haochen.

"Eat first, and I will take you to buy dinner for dinner." Fu Haochen said.

"Okay!" He Xia Nuan took a few steps to catch up with Fu Haochen's footsteps, and then naturally wrapped Fu Haochen's arms, just like they used to do when they were lovers.

Fu Haochen's body was stiff again.

He Xia Nuan sneered where Fu Haochen could not see.

It seems that Fu Haochen is still somewhat resistant to her.

It's okay, take your time.

He Xia Nuan smiled mockingly.

She is not in a hurry, the day will be long.


Luo Enxi's health is almost good, so she wants to apply for discharge.

As a result, she was packing her things that day, and suddenly felt a pain in her abdomen.

If she didn't support the bed in time, she might just kneel down.

Fortunately, the little nurse on duty just came in and wanted to see if there was anything that could help Luo Enxi.

As a result, as soon as he came in, he saw Luo Enxi supporting the bed, holding his abdomen with the other hand, bending down in pain.

"Miss Luo, what's wrong with you?" The little nurse was taken aback, and immediately came over to help Luo Enxi in a hurry.

"I... my stomach hurts..." Luo Enxi gasped.

There was some pain in the abdomen, Luo Enxi didn't know what was going on, could it be that the baby was uncomfortable? Luo Enxi was extremely worried.

The child is her life, there must be nothing wrong with her——

The little nurse hurriedly helped Luo Enxi onto the bed and lay down. Just after lying down, Luo Enxi curled up with uncomfortable limbs.

"Miss Luo, hold on, I'll call the doctor right away." Seeing Luo Enxi's uncomfortable look, the little nurse did not dare to delay, and immediately went to the doctor.

Luo Enxi wanted to roll uncomfortably, but couldn't use any strength and could only lie down weakly.

The doctor came soon.

"What's the matter?" The doctor asked anxiously immediately after entering the door.

"Stomachache..." Luo Enxi said.

The doctor immediately checked Luo Enxi.

"Doctor...what's wrong with the child?" Luo Enxi slowly came over after the pain relief injection, Luo Enxi immediately asked nervously.

Children can't have troubles, children must not have troubles!

"It's just normal pregnancy pain. It's just that Miss Luo, your body is weaker, so the reaction will be greater." After the doctor's examination, he came to a conclusion.

The doctor was very fortunate to see that Luo Enxi was fine.

Luo Enxi had already suffered too much, and the doctor didn't want to see her suffering any more grievances and illnesses.

"So, the child is okay, isn't it?" Luo Enxi asked anxiously.

Since having the child in his belly, Luo Enxi has put her safety second. The safety of the child is what Luo Enxi cares most about.

"Well, the child is very healthy." The doctor said with a smile, "but I suggest you stay in the hospital for two days. This is about to be discharged, and the reaction is so big. But you should be transferred to the Women's and Children's Hospital in this situation. They are more professional after all."

Knowing that the child was okay, Luo Enxi completely let go, and immediately thanked the doctor, and said sincerely, "Thank you, doctor. I have been bothering you for so long, thank you so much."

"It should be. Then you take care of your body. Don't be angry at every turn. This will affect your body a lot." The doctor said, waving his hand and exiting the ward.

Luo Enxi lay on the bed, gently stroking her stomach, and whispered: "Little baby, you must be born safely."

As a result, Luo Enxi's hospital stay was two more days.

It was because Luo Enxi missed something in these two days.

Some things she never thought of.

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