Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 153: He Xia Nuan's strategy

"What's the matter?" Luo Enxi looked at He Xia Nuan's **** face and was also secretly surprised, and quickly asked.

"Xia Nuan's stomach hurts. I'll take her to the hospital." Fu Haochen hugged He Xia Nuan and hurried out.

"Then drive carefully." Luo Enxi frowned. She could tell that He Xia Nuan's condition was really bad.

She also saw Fu Haochen's anxiety. Although she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, Luo Enxi knew very well that it was not the time to care about it.

"Well, pay attention to your own safety at home." Fu Haochen said, already grabbing the coat and covering He Xia Nuan's body, holding He Xia Nuan and went out.

Luo Enxi looked at the door that was hurriedly closed, and the house suddenly became quiet again.

Luo Enxi suddenly felt empty and lost, and there was a trace of bad premonition haunting her heart.

How could He Xia Nuan suddenly feel so uncomfortable?

Luo Enxi still didn't know what was waiting for her.

Fu Haochen hugged He Xia Nuan and got into the car, almost rushing to the hospital, where he went to the emergency room.

At this time, He Xia Nuan shrank in Fu Haochen's arms, almost speechless, and her whole body was trembling in pain.

The dosage may be a little too much. He Xia Nuan still had a sense of clarity, she thought secretly, but that's okay, she would suffer more, so that Fu Haochen's misunderstanding of Luo Enxi would be deeper, and it would not be a loss.

He Xia Nuan originally thought that he might still need to act, but now it seems that he does not need it.

She was indeed fainting in pain.

The emergency doctor came to the bed quickly, and He Xia Nuan was pushed to the clinic for examination immediately.

Fu Haochen looked at He Xia Nuan's pale face, and his whole heart was suspended.

The doctor quickly finished the examination, and He Xia Nuan's blood test results came out soon.

The doctor integrated various examination index data, and quickly injected He Xia Nuan with an analgesic needle, and then gave He Xia Nuan gastric lavage and put on salt water.

The pain in her abdomen eased slightly, and He Xia Nuan, who had been tossing for most of the night, fell asleep tiredly.

"Doctor, how is it?" Fu Haochen saw that He Xia Nuan was asleep, so he pulled the doctor out of the ward and asked anxiously.

"The patient is nothing serious, just the pain caused by gastrointestinal discomfort." The doctor said.

"Is it caused by overeating?" Fu Haochen frowned. If it is, He Xia Nuan must be watched in the future, and she must not be allowed to eat so much again.

"There is this part of the reason." The doctor paused, and then continued, "But this is not the main reason."

"What is that?" Fu Haochen asked quickly.

The doctor gave Fu Haochen a weird look, and then said, “The patient’s gastrointestinal pain is extremely caused by a type of waist that causes abdominal pain. After this medicine is taken, it will cause unbearable abdominal pain. In severe cases, it may even endanger stomach bleeding. life."

"What!" Fu Haochen was very shocked, "How could this be?"

The doctor glanced at Fu Haochen again, "This medicine is a white powder when it is solid, and it is colorless and tasteless after melting, so it is very difficult to find."

"But now that we have washed the patient's stomach and injected analgesics, the patient should no longer have any serious reactions."

"In the future, you must pay attention to whether you are eating something unclean outside. But the chance is really small, and it should be deliberate."

"Oh, it's really impossible to guard against." The doctor said, shook his head, and walked slowly.

Fu Haochen was completely stunned, and Fu Haochen still didn't recover until the doctor was gone.

Someone did it on purpose.

The doctor's words kept swirling in Fu Haochen's mind, almost disturbing his mind.

He Xia Nuan's medicine must be taken, it is impossible to enter the body through other means.

However, Luo Enxi prepared the meal He Xia Nuan ate at night.

A thought faintly arose in Fu Haochen's heart, and this thought frightened him.

Fu Haochen shook his head, but the thought lingered.

Fu Haochen desperately told himself that it would definitely not be Luo Enxi.

But the reason in his heart told him that it was not Luo Enxi, who was it then?

Who else can it be?

——Luo Enxi put this medicine in He Xia Nuan's meal.

Fu Haochen suddenly felt that he had lost all his strength, and he slowly slid down against the wall outside the door of the hospital ward.


Why must it be Luo Enxi.

Fu Haochen's feelings were still struggling, but his reason told him straightforwardly that Luo Enxi did it.

Otherwise, who else could it be, Aunt He?

Aunt He and He Xia Nuan have no grievances, why do they hurt He Xia Nuan like this.

All three of them ate dinner, but only He Xia Nuan fell.

It seems that the problem is in that bowl of soup.

Only the bowl of soup, he and Luo Enxi only took a few sips, and all the rest went into He Xia Nuan's belly.

Luo Enxi, is that such a person?

Fu Haochen couldn't believe it, he covered his face in pain.

Could it be that the purpose of preparing a bowl of soup for He Xia Nuan?

When did Luo Enxi know He Xia Nuan so much? Knowing that she likes mushroom soup so much, he would definitely drink the whole bowl?

Fu Haochen thought, suddenly felt a little chill all over his body.

If this is the case, then he really saw Luo Enxi wrong.

Was it because he didn't like to be with He Xia Nuan, because he rejected He Xia Nuan, so he prescribed medicine to harm her, and even threatened He Xia Nuan's life?

This is absolutely unacceptable to Fu Haochen.

He Xia Nuan was right, it would indeed be unconscious late at night.

The current Fu Haochen has entered the vortex of thought.

He just kept thinking about why it was Luo Enxi, how could it be Luo Enxi!

But I didn't think there would be other possibilities.

In fact, a few people could think that He Xia Nuan would do things so terribly, doing this kind of thing that hurt the enemy one thousand and eight hundred.

Fu Haochen's general idea is not wrong.

But the biggest mistake was that he suspected the wrong person.

When Fu Haochen told He Xia Nuan for the first time that Luo Enxi would prepare food for her, He Xia Nuan thought of this method.

She added the medicine to the mushroom soup herself to make the illusion of being poisoned by the medicine.

Because he was afraid that if Luo Enxi or Fu Haochen also drank the soup, he would have abdominal pain, so He Xia Nuan put this laxative antidiarrheal medicine in Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi's rice bowl in advance.

At that time, even if Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi refused to let her and drink a lot of soup, then Luo Enxi was sure to let Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi be fine.

The perfect set of plans.

Luo Enxi and Fu Haochen were defenseless, and it would be inevitable to be recruited.

Just like now, Fu Haochen squatted outside the door of the ward, feeling like a knife.

Why, it was Luo Enxi.

He trusts Luo Enxi so much, hoping that He Xia Nuan’s condition can get better as soon as possible, and then explain the truth to He Xia Nuan as soon as possible, and then he can truly be with Luo Enxi without any obstruction. .

He even ignorant of his conscience, chose love, and was destined to bear the guilt of betraying He Xia Nuan all his life.

Fu Haochen once thought it was worth it, because he loved Luo Enxi, and nothing could make him change his love for her.

But now it seems that Luo Enxi does not think so.

She just wanted to hurt He Xia Nuan wholeheartedly, and Fu Haochen couldn't even figure out what benefit would it do for Luo Enxi.

How should Fu Haochen face such Luo Enxi?

Because of his feelings, he was already hurting He Xia Nuan, why did Luo Enxi cause even more damage to He Xia Nuan?

Fu Haochen felt his heart sink to the bottom.

He stood up and walked into the ward.

The sky in the distance was already bright, but the sun hadn't revealed his face yet.

Luo Enxi's face was a little hazy by the morning light, and she had not woken up yet.

Looking at He Xia Nuan's pale face and bloodless lips, Fu Haochen felt bitter in his heart.

Did he do something wrong?

He loves Luo Enxi, is love wrong?

If there is nothing wrong, why does it cause so much harm to those around you.

He Xia Nuan has been hurt once because of them, and now He Xia Nuan is lying on the bed because of them.

He Xia Nuan's face still has no meat, and it is gently sunken down.

With her expression on her face, she seemed lifeless.

Fu Haochen lowered his head slightly, and gently supported He Xia Nuan's cheek with his hand.

He should give Luo Enxi a chance, he can't just think about what the truth of the matter is.

Fu Haochen thought quietly, even though his heart was sad, he didn't want to misunderstand Luo Enxi again.

There have been enough misunderstandings between the two of them, and no one can afford to add another sum.

Fu Haochen gently moved a chair, sat next to He Xia Nuan, and quietly guarded her.

When did the relationship between the three of them develop into this?

Are they not the best friends ever?

Even when he wanted to confess to Luo Enxi, he told He Xia Nuan the first time.

He Xia Nuan said she rescued herself from the sea of ​​flames, but Luo Enxi said no. Fu Haochen couldn't decide on this matter, so he asked Lin Yu to investigate, but after many years, Lin Yu still has no clue.

But Fu Haochen felt that this matter might not be that important anymore.

Whoever rescued him would not change the fact that he liked Luo Enxi, nor the fact that Luo Enxi went abroad suddenly.

Perhaps it was from that time that the relationship between the three of them began to be cut and messed up, and they owed each other a lot.

But why does all this happen?

Fu Haochen couldn't figure it out clearly.


After Fu Haochen took He Xianan to the hospital, Luo Enxi never closed his eyes again.

She wanted to fall asleep, but the anxiety in her heart made her unable to sleep at all.

Luo Enxi didn't know why she was so anxious, but she always felt faintly in her heart that something was going to happen.

Luo Enxi, who couldn't sleep, couldn't help thinking about why He Xia Nuan had a sudden abdominal pain. Could it be that he ate too much at night?

Luo Enxi frowned, and suddenly a bad thought flashed in her heart, which shocked her.

Is there something wrong with the dinner you prepared?

Of course, Luo Enxi's dinner prepared was no problem.

But it was He Xia Nuan that made all this problematic.

Luo Enxi naturally didn't know what was waiting for her.

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