Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 192: Hint

Luo Beichen received a call from He Xia Nuan, and almost immediately put aside what he was doing and went to the restaurant for the appointment.

Luo Beichen looked at the various clothes in the closet, and he was a little hesitant about which one to wear.

This is He Xia Nuan's invitation! Luo Beichen took it seriously in his heart, but he really didn't dare to let He Xia Nuan wait for a long time, so he picked one more formal one.

Xia Nuan used to like Fu Haochen. According to his observation, Fu Haochen is such a formal person in all aspects.

Luo Beichen believed that since He Xia Nuan was abandoned by Fu Haochen, he completely abandoned Fu Haochen and began to consider him. This made Luo Beichen very happy.

Luo Beichen has liked He Xia Nuan since Luo Enxi and He Xia Nuan were still studying together.

That time his father asked himself to go to school to send some supplements to Luo Enxi who was sick. Of course, Luo Beichen was very reluctant. But when he learned that his pocket money could be doubled next month, Luo Beichen insisted on going to school even if he didn't want to.

Quandang was sending something to Luo Enxi and doing what his brother should do. Luo Beichen comforted himself.

At that time, He Xia Nuan hadn't had an accident. Although Luo Beichen hated Luo Enxi, he mocked at the point of not wanting to see her before they met. Although he was not happy in his heart, he still admitted that Luo Enxi was his sister.

Originally, Luo Beichen was reluctant to do this, but after arriving at school, Luo Beichen thanked his father for coming.

Because of this opportunity, he had the opportunity to meet He Xia Nuan.

Beautiful, beautiful and pure He Xia Nuan.

At that moment, Luo Beichen felt that he was in love, and he fell in love with He Xia Nuan incorrigibly.

But He Xia Nuan seems to always have someone in her heart, but Luo Beichen doesn't mind, he believes that he can impress He Xia Nuan with his sincerity.

From that time on, Luo Beichen began to pursue He Xia Nuan.

Although He Xia Nuan didn't express his favor with him, Luo Beichen wanted to stop with that kind of ambiguous attitude.

At that time, He Xia Nuan only knew that Luo Beichen was Luo Enxi's elder brother, and felt that he might be helpful in pursuing Fu Haochen in the future, so he kept in touch with Luo Beichen.

But because He Xia Nuan has never shown this kind of thought, Luo Beichen certainly doesn't know.

So he felt that his relationship with He Xia Nuan was getting closer. This made him even more tempted to approach He Xia Nuan.

Later Luo Beichen learned that He Xia Nuan liked Fu Haochen, but Luo Beichen did not give up, but still liked He Xia Nuan.

Until He Xia Nuan's child miscarried and was hospitalized with mental illness, Luo Beichen was completely disgusted with Luo Enxi.

He hurt his favorite person, Luo Enxi was damned.

This is the idea that Luo Beichen has always had.

Originally, Luo Beichen thought that he and He Xia Nuan had no chance at all, but that day Luo Beichen suddenly received a call from He Xia Nuan, and He Xia Nuan told him that she wanted to be discharged from the hospital and she was completely cured.

Luo Beichen was of course ecstatic, and he took He Xia Nuan out without hesitation.

Although He Xia Nuan returned to Fu Haochen's side, Luo Beichen felt that as long as He Xia Nuan was happy, what he did was worth it.

Later, He Xia Nuan moved out of Fu Haochen’s house and wept bitterly to him, crying about how Fu Haochen hardly drove a homeless person out of him, and how did Luo Enxi live with them. Bullied her when

Luo Beichen believed in He Xia Nuan's words, and immediately hated Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi.

Fu Haochen had done something like that to him, and he himself had a grudge. Not only did he dump his sister Luo Xirou, but he also hurt He Xia Nuan's heart. In Luo Beichen's eyes, Fu Haochen became even more Unforgivable.

And Luo Enxi, who caused all this to happen, Luo Beichen even wanted her to die.

Without Luo Enxi, these things would never have happened. Luo Beichen placed all his sins on Luo Enxi's body.

But at the same time, Luo Beichen had some secret joy in his heart.

If this is the case, does it prove that you can also have a chance?

He Xia Nuan is now single, and Luo Beichen believes that her sincerity can move her.

Luo Beichen straightened his collar, drove in his most attractive car, and went to the hotel for the appointment.


When Luo Beichen arrived, He Xia Nuan was already waiting for him in the hotel.

"You are here, Beichen." He Xia Nuan looked at Luo Beichen and smiled, with a gentle expression on his face.

Luo Beichen was hit almost quickly, and what he couldn't stand the most was that He Xia Nuan smiled at him so softly.

"Xia Nuan, I'm sorry for being late." Luo Beichen's face flushed a little and sat down opposite He Xia Nuan.

"No, I came early. You are on time, I like it very much." He Xia Nuan said with a smile.

In fact, she couldn't wait any longer, so she hurried to the hotel, as if this was the only way to appease the anxiety in her heart.

Now Luo Enxi and Fu Haochen's relationship is developing steadily, and Song Kai, who knows her biggest secret, appeared in S City for some reason. All this made He Xia Nuan's heart full of anxiety.

She couldn't wait any longer, she felt that if she didn't do anything, Fu Haochen would definitely be farther and farther away from her until she couldn't catch up again.

"Have you ordered?" Luo Beichen asked.

"Not yet, I want to wait for you to see what you want to eat." He Xia Nuan put away the emotions in her heart and smiled sweetly.

"I... just eat what you like." Luo Beichen looked at He Xia Nuan's smile, almost unable to remove his eyes.

He Xia Nuan sneered in her heart, yes, that's the expression, just fall in love with me like this.

The more Luo Beichen is like this, the better He Xia Nuan's plan will be fulfilled.

"Then I'll order." He Xia Nuan smiled, called the waiter, and ordered a few dishes casually.

She didn't come to eat today, so it doesn't matter if she orders anything.

"Xia Nuan, call me today, what's the matter?" Luo Beichen looked at He Xia Nuan and asked gently.

If Luo Enxi was there, she would be surprised.

She had never seen such a gentle and gentle Luo Beichen.

Luo Beichen had a bad temper, and in He Xia Nuan, this almost exhausted all his tenderness.

But he was willing.

He Xia Nuan looked at Luo Beichen and said with a smile: "If nothing is wrong, can't I ask you out for dinner?"

"Of course not!" Luo Beichen didn't expect He Xia Nuan to say this, but He Xia Nuan's words really hit his heart. Luo Beichen couldn't help thinking, Is He Xia Nuan accepting herself?

He Xia Nuan laughed twice, stopped talking, just drank the drink in front of her intently.

The dishes were gradually brought to the table, and He Xia Nuan's expression gradually became lonely.

Luo Beichen, who barely moved his eyes from He Xia Nuan, of course quickly discovered that He Xia Nuan was wrong. He quickly asked: "Xia Nuan, what's wrong with you, aren't you happy?"

Hearing Luo Beichen's question, He Xia Nuan's tears that had been accumulated for a long time almost fell off.

"Hey, what's wrong with you Xia Nuan, don't cry!" Luo Beichen really panicked immediately.

"Bei Chen, I'm sorry, I lied to you." He Xia Nuan sobbed and said, "Actually, I saw the photos taken with Hao Chen Enxi before and felt very sad, so I want you to come with me. Stay with me."

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to say it, but..." He Xia Nuan choked as if she was sad and speechless.

When Luo Beichen heard He Xia Nuan's words, there was a glimmer of joy in his heart. Now when He Xia Nuan was unhappy, he was already trying to find him crying. This was a great thing for Luo Beichen.

In this case, how could he go back and blame He Xia Nuan?

"It's okay, Xia Nuan, don't cry, I am willing to be with you, and I will always be with you!" Luo Beichen said firmly.

"Really, Bei Chen..." He Xia Nuan said tearfully.

"Of course!" Luo Beichen nodded.

"Thank you, Beichen..." He Xia Nuan lowered her head, looking weak.

Luo Beichen felt so distressed, he almost wanted to hug He Xia Nuan and tell her that I will always be there, so don't be sad.

He Xia Nuan thought that she had taken the bait so quickly, and then continued, "Actually, I just remembered the past, so I was very sad..."

"I and Enxi are so good friends, why did Enxi betray me? Not only did it take Haochen away, but also my child..."

He Xia Nuan said, crying even more sobbing.

Luo Enxi never mentioned to her family that He Xia Nuan betrayed her, so He Xia Nuan told Luo Beichen that it was Luo Enxi who had betrayed her. Luo Beichen, who had never had a good impression of Luo Enxi, was almost instantaneous. I believe it.

Luo Beichen wanted to believe in He Xia Nuan more than he believed in Luo Enxi.

He Xia Nuan wiped the tears from her face and continued: "My little pear, my little pear, he hasn't had time to see the world, so he left..."

Luo Beichen's heart was also tense when He Xia Nuan said this. The tears on He Xia Nuan's face almost made him lose his ability to think.

"Why, why should I wash my face with tears every day, so that Luo Enxi can live so happily? Why do my children die before they are born, but Luo Enxi's children can be born happily and enjoy this Everything in the world?"

At the end of He Xia Nuan's speech, her voice was a little bit harsh.

Luo Beichen was quickly moved by He Xia Nuan.

He couldn't help thinking that he used to be such a child who hated Luo Enxi. He originally thought that Xia Nuan's children are dead, so why can Luo Enxi's children live!

Had it not been for Fu Haochen's troubles, he would have killed the child!

I won't leave it till now to make He Xia Nuan so painful!

Luo Beichen gritted his teeth a little. He couldn't help but feel a little eager to move.

As long as that child is dead, right? As long as it died, Xia Nuan would definitely not be so painful.

Luo Beichen thought, with a crazy look in his heart.

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