Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 219: Your feelings for her

Luo Enxi's recent life is like a dream.

Busy constantly for work, but staying by Fu Haochen's side, looking at Fu Haochen’s smile every day, at the corners of his lips that are slightly bent from exhaustion, and at his slightly frowned eyebrows from thinking. The pen gently shaking in his hand.

In Luo Enxi's eyes, Fu Haochen's every move is full of dreamlike charm.

She fell in love with Fu Haochen in college, and went abroad to recuperate because of an injury in the year of her 18th birthday. Later, when she returned to China, she entangled and finally married Fu Haochen. The marriage has been here for more than four years.

She liked Fu Haochen for a short time, but it was the best time in her life.

Since Fu Haochen walked into her heart, he never went out again.

Fu Haochen was the person she admired at first, and later became the husband, her support, and her hero.

Although they had hurt each other for so long, and although she had been scarred, her heart towards Fu Haochen had never changed.

This heart has been beating fiercely.

So sincere, so innocent.

Luo Enxi could clearly feel that the relationship between Fu Haochen and her was slowly improving.

Luo Enxi sometimes even secretly fantasizes, isn't it true that Fu Haochen now has the same soft mood as hers?

Will you... Gradually like her?

At that time, Fu Haochen asked He Xia Nuan to move out of the Fu family's gentle and tough, as if to give Luo Enxi a reassurance.

Fu Haochen has stood on his side so firmly, never before in so many years.

Luo Enxi couldn't control the growth of feelings in her heart at all.

When a person really loves, put down his figure, put down his self-esteem, then even after going through all kinds of dangers and extremely exhausted, but at this time, he received a warm smile from the other person, the love that has been buried in his heart. The mind will also grow like a grass with sunshine.

Wild fire, in spring.

Luo Enxi had been waiting for Fu Haochen to tell her that he and she had the same heart.

But this day did not have time to wait, but he first saw He Xia Nuan.

I saw Fu Haochen's obvious concern for He Xia Nuan.

At that moment, there was indeed something broken in Luo Enxi's heart.

But what it was, Luo Enxi couldn't tell.

Her feelings for Fu Haochen had long been beyond her ability to express clearly.

She knew He Xia Nuan was sandwiched between them. But Luo Enxi secretly told herself that it was a thing of the past. In the days to come, there will only be two of them, and no one will bother.

But at the moment just now, when He Xia Nuan and Fu Haochen looked at each other, Luo Enxi suddenly discovered that it might not be as simple as she thought.

He Xia Nuan did not leave at all.

Luo Enxi buried her face in her hands. She wanted to restrain her sigh, but couldn't restrain it.

She doesn't know when this kind of life will end.

She doesn't know how long He Xia Nuan will exist.

She remembered what Xia Xiaoxi said just now.

"She is really lingering!"

Luo Enxi felt that although it was not good to say that, the feeling was really too strong.

Maybe He Xia Nuan is not with them anymore, so what?

How big does He Xia Nuan occupy in Fu Haochen's heart now?

He Xia Nuan is like a ghost everywhere, always frightening Luo Enxi.

Luo Enxi was indeed ashamed of the idea that he just thought of wishing Fu Haochen not to save He Xia Nuan.

But just now, even if he didn't say anything, Fu Haochen would immediately save He Xia Nuan, right?

Luo Enxi has been with Fu Haochen for many years, and naturally he is very familiar with Fu Haochen's every move.

Just now Luo Enxi could clearly see that the moment Fu Haochen saw He Xia Nuan, he almost immediately panicked.

That kind of panic made Luo Enxi's heart suddenly cool.

Caring is chaotic.

She told herself desperately, telling herself that Fu Haochen was only worried about He Xia Nuan.

But worry is worry. My own excuse is very weak.

Love is so selfish, too selfish enough to rub a little bit of sand.

I hope that Fu Haochen is the only one and can no longer tolerate others.

Are you... jealous?

Luo Enxi thought in a daze.

Luo Enxi has a bad problem that likes to think more.

But she couldn't restrain herself.

Could it be... Fu Haochen drove He Xia Nuan away only because of the pressure of Mrs. Fu at the time.

Just because he didn't want He Xia Nuan to be harmed, so let her... leave temporarily.

Luo Enxi's heart trembled.

She hugged herself tightly, shivering unexpectedly in the early summer breeze.

What should she do.

Luo Enxi lost her way again.

Seeing Fu Haochen lying quietly on the bed next to him, Luo Enxi was a little confused for a while.

Fu Haochen is now by his side.

But what about the heart?

He Xia Nuan, what kind of existence is in Fu Haochen's heart?


In the evening, Fu Haochen woke up.

After a good rest, Fu Haochen felt that his condition was much better.

At least now my head is not dizzy, and I feel that I have strength.

Luo Enxi thought for a whole afternoon and didn't close her eyes. Seeing Fu Haochen wake up, she quickly got up.

"Haochen, you are awake. How do you feel?" Luo Enxi asked Fu Haochen, smiling a little tiredly.

"I'm getting better. En Xi, your face is terrible." Fu Haochen frowned again.

"I may be a little frightened. I didn't sleep well in the afternoon." Luo Enxi gently raised his hand to smooth the gully between Fu Haochen's eyebrows, "It's okay."

She did not tell Fu Haochen her worries. Luo Enxi pursed her lips, but hid silently in her heart.

Now Fu Haochen is seriously accompanying herself, isn't she?

Luo Enxi comforted herself gently in her heart, don't think too much, now there are so many things, where is there still time to think about these and some.

Give yourself and the other side some space and some opportunities.

Luo Enxi sighed slightly.

He Xia Nuan has been between the two of them for so many years, surely he can't get rid of it if he wants to.

Now her task should be to take good care of Fu Haochen, let Fu Haochen get better as soon as possible, and attend the meeting on time.

"I'm going to buy dinner." Luo Enxi said, and wanted to get up and go out.

"Don't go, let the people under you buy it." Fu Haochen looked at Luo Enxi with concern, "You really don't seem to be in a good state, so let's take a rest soon."

"I'm fine, really." It's just that I've been thinking wildly in the afternoon, making myself very tired.

The second half of Luo Enxi put it in her heart, and did not say it, but just turned into a smile.

"...I'm sorry." After a long while, Fu Haochen with his head down suddenly spoke softly.

"Why do you say that suddenly?" Luo Enxi was stunned.

"Let you follow me, you have suffered so many grievances and shocks." Fu Haochen said softly, revealing a self-blame in his tone.

Luo Enxi smiled.

The silent smile bloomed on Luo Enxi's face, dazzling and radiant.

"Don't say that, Haochen." Luo Enxi slowly took the first two steps, sat on Fu Haochen's bed, looked at Fu Haochen and said, "We should have the blessings and share the difficulties together. These are all. I should face it with you."

She is Fu Haochen's wife. Fu Haochen is so dazzling, then she should also have this kind of strength and this kind of psychological preparation to stand tall in the world with Fu Haochen to meet the wind and rain.

She should be a kapok close to Fu Haochen, standing with Fu Haochen as a tree.

The roots are firmly in the ground, and the leaves are touching in the clouds.

No matter what, we must face it together.

This is the love in Luo Enxi's heart.

And for so many years, Luo Enxi has also been doing this.

She has always hoped that one day, she can be strong enough to stand firmly beside Fu Haochen, and the two will walk through ups and downs together.

But Fu Haochen pursed his lips when hearing Luo Enxi's words.

"But..." Fu Haochen said softly, then raised his head and looked at Luo Enxi's eyes.

"But I just want to share all my happiness with you." Fu Haochen paused lightly, with a hint of determination in his tone, "Misery, I will be alone."

A breeze lifted the screen curtain by the window.

The sunset finally set down completely.

The last gleam of light fell in Fu Haochen's eyes, and Luo Enxi's eye sockets reflected by the light were a little hot.

I am alone in suffering.

This seemed to be an oath Fu Haochen had given her.

Luo Enxi looked at Fu Haochen for a while, then suddenly smiled.

"What are you talking about." Luo Enxi's eyes were a little red, but her tears were bright.

"I said, I want to be with you, and I must be a kapok next to you." Luo Enxi quietly looked at Fu Haochen, "We will go through the storm with you."

Luo Enxi's voice was not loud, but very firm.

Fu Haochen looked at the tenderness in Luo Enxi's eyes, but was stunned.

"You wrote that letter that year?" Fu Haochen asked in a daze.

That day, in such a dim afternoon, Fu Haochen dig out such a letter from his schoolbag.

"If I love you, I will be a kapok next to you..."

There are only a few words in the letter, the pink envelope, and some invisible handwriting.

Fu Haochen knew that this should be a love letter, but this love letter was not signed.

No name.

It was just a love letter, so it was quietly placed in his bag.

In the somewhat dim classroom at dusk, Fu Haochen actually imagined the scene in front of such a letter.

Accompanying is the longest love confession.

This sentence is even more meaningful to Fu Haochen, who had a broken childhood.

For the rest of my life, there will be a tree to accompany myself quietly.

This is great love.

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