Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 338: Daughter dowry

In the days when the pre-wedding preparations came to an end, the wedding dresses made by the masters of Paris had been delivered to the house.

Someone specifically stepped forward to help Luo Enxi try on. The moment Luo Enxi walked out of the locker room, Fu Haochen felt that his entire world was lit up.

Beautiful, so beautiful. This is Fu Haochen's most intuitive feeling.

Luo Enxi is no longer as young as before. The years have left shallow marks on her face, as if telling how many years the two have been together.

But the years have also polished Luo Enxi more and more warm and moist. Her current frowns and smiles, even a tiny movement is full of polished elegance.

The rainbow after wind and rain is particularly beautiful, Fu Haochen thought, maybe Luo Enxi is like this.

When Luo Enxi was choosing jewelry, Fu Haochen stood beside Luo Enxi.

Suddenly, Fu Haochen asked as if thinking of something, "Why did you come back like this that day? Gu Xijue let you go?"

Luo Enxi looked at Fu Haochen, who was looking at her seriously from the mirror, and smiled teasingly, "I finally remembered to ask this?"

Luo Enxi once thought that Fu Haochen was deliberately avoiding and would not ask this question again. Unexpectedly, Fu Haochen simply forgot.

This is also very good. The talk is completely open, so that there is no potential factor that may affect their relationship with each other, and their marriage can be long.

Fu Haochen touched his nose in embarrassment. He has been immersed in the joy of Luo Enxi returning to him again for so many days, and he has forgotten all these things.

Only when he stared at Luo Enxi's hair did Fu Haochen remember this incident again.

"I have already talked with Senior Gu." Luo Enxi put down the jewelry in her hand, turned around, and said seriously in front of Fu Haochen, "We are more like family than lovers."

"I like Senior Gu, not that kind of love." Luo Enxi said with a smile, so we will never be lovers.

The heart that Fu Haochen had just raised, after hearing Luo Enxi's words, finally fell completely.

If He Xia Nuan and Luo Xirou are the thorns in Luo Enxi's heart, then Fu Yucheng and Gu Xijue are also thorns in Fu Haochen's heart.

Now the thorns of He Xia Nuan and Luo Xirou have been pulled out of Luo Enxi's heart. Fu Yucheng's attitude was obvious, he would no longer pester Luo Enxi.

If Luo Enxi hadn't said this to him today, then the thorn in Fu Yucheng would still exist in Fu Haochen's heart, and it might be revealed when it would cause a sharp sting.

But it's different now. Luo Enxi had already told him in person that she would not like Gu Xijue.

Fu Haochen had never been so comfortable in his heart, as if it was a cat that had been completely smoothed, and it almost made a comfortable purr.

"Hao Chen, I have never done anything to be sorry for you, and I will never do it in the future." Luo Enxi smiled and said, making a firm promise.

It is possible to exchange true heart with sincerity. Fu Haochen looked at Luo Enxi's smile, and the expression on his face couldn't help becoming serious.

"I promise, I will never do anything I'm sorry for you in the future." Fu Haochen said solemnly, as if he had almost paid a military salute to Luo Enxi, and then shouted: "Yes, sir."

Luo Enxi couldn't help being amused by Fu Haochen's expression, she let herself follow her wish and lean on Fu Haochen.

"I believe you. Hao Chen."

Those in the past have all passed. Luo Enxi didn't want to think about it anymore.

Now standing in front of her, this is a brand new Fu Haochen, a Fu Haochen who loves her.

She is willing to trust him and guard him forever. Because he deserves her to believe, Luo Enxi is willing to believe in Fu Haochen again for her love.

Before the wedding again, Fu Haochen finally got what he wanted most.

——Luo Enxi’s trust.

Trust generated by love is the most fragile, yet the most indestructible.


The day before the wedding, everything was finally ready.

Just as Fu Haochen sat down on the sofa, the phone rang.

He took the phone out of his pocket and saw it was a strange number.

Fu Haochen raised an eyebrow, but still picked it up.


"Hey, I'm Gu Xijue." A man's deep and pleasant voice soon came from the other end of the phone.

But Fu Haochen didn't have time to appreciate the beauty of this voice, and he quickly raised his eyebrows.

"What's the matter?" Fu Haochen asked defiantly. Although Luo Enxi had told him everything, Fu Haochen still had instinctive hostility towards Gu Xijue. As if Gu Xijue would **** Luo Enxi at any time.

Fu Haochen himself did not realize that when he really liked someone, he would become particularly sensitive and jealous when it comes to love.

"Are you free now, come out?" Gu Xijue said, passing the address of a bar to Fu Haochen.

Because of He Xia Nuan, Fu Haochen now has an instinctive resistance to places like bars, but he thought about it, Gu Xijue couldn't do anything to himself, so he hummed and went to the appointment generously.

When Fu Haochen arrived, Gu Xijue was already waiting for him.

Seeing Gu Xijue sitting at the back of the bar, Fu Haochen realized that this was the first time he had a direct face-to-face conversation with Gu Xijue.

What will it be? Conversations between men and men? Fu Haochen couldn't help thinking of the scene where he was talking with Xiaoxiang, and then he was amused by his own thoughts.

With this smile, Fu Haochen felt that the nervous and even hostile attitude at the beginning had disappeared.

He took back what he was about to call Gu Xijue abruptly, and walked forward and patted Gu Xijue on the shoulder.

Seeing the kind smile on Fu Haochen's face, Gu Xijue also smiled.

At the moment Luo Enxi completely rejected him, Gu Xijue had already decided to try to accept Fu Haochen.

Fu Haochen sat down beside him, did not ask for wine, but ordered a glass of juice like a little girl.

Tomorrow was the wedding, and he didn't want to make any mistakes at such an important moment.

Gu Xijue watched Fu Haochen pick up the juice and took a sip, without commenting.

"Let's talk." Fu Haochen put down the cup and turned to Gu Xijue, "What can I do?"

"I need a word from you." Gu Xijue didn't have the slightest euphemism, but simply asked the answer he most wanted to hear, "Tell me, you will love Enxi. From tomorrow, you will never Do anything to hurt her again."

After listening to Gu Xijue’s words, Fu Haochen didn’t have any unpleasant expressions at all. Instead, he said seriously, “I, Fu Haochen, can swear to heaven a thousand times and ten thousand times. I will use my life to cherish and love En Xi. I will make her the happiest woman in the world."

Gu Xijue looked at Fu Haochen's eyes, and what he saw from them was sincere and affectionate, without any falsehood.

Gu Xijue let out a sigh of relief, as if finally letting go of something in his heart.

He looked at the wine glass in front of him. The red wine was packed in a transparent glass, full of brilliance, so romantic.

He murmured, "That's good."

"Of course it's good. But why should I tell you these things?" Fu Haochen will now be serious about Luo Enxi. After showing his true heart, he frowned.

Who is Gu Xijue, and what kind of stand is he required to say?

Gu Xijue smiled lightly, "Why? Because I am En Xi's family."

"What?" Fu Haochen thought he had heard it wrong and didn't believe his ears. When did Gu Xijue get himself such an identity?

When Luo Enxi talked about Gu Xijue to Fu Haochen, he didn't talk so deeply, but only said that he "exists like a relative."

So when Gu Xijue said something like this, Fu Haochen really didn't react.

Gu Xijue picked up the cup, took a sip, and then continued: "En Xi is married, it is impossible to have no dowry."

With that, Gu Xijue picked up a document from the side and handed it to Fu Haochen.

"En Xi's dowry." Gu Xijue said with a smile.

This is what his senior, this brother, and this family can do for Luo Enxi.

Fu Haochen took it in a little surprise, and his expression changed after a quick glance.

"No, are you serious?" Fu Haochen was surprised.

"En Xi is the best girl in the world. She deserves the best thing in the world. She is married. How can I be a brother without a point?" Gu Xijue said gently, and the smile on her face mentioned Luo En Xi suddenly expanded.

Fu Haochen looked down at the file in his hand again, feeling uneasy for a long time.

——That is 7.5% of the shares of the Gu Group.

A few pieces of paper lightly represent a very heavy number.

That is billions or even tens of billions of assets.

Fu Haochen returned home with a particularly wonderful mood.

The wedding dress was custom-made. Fu Haochen paid a lot of money, and the designer was very responsible. He personally asked about Luo Enxi. Luo Enxi went out for coffee with the designer in the afternoon and thanked him in person.

When Fu Haochen arrived home, Luo Enxi was already at home. Seeing Fu Haochen came back, he smiled and asked, "I'm back? Where did he go?"

Fu Haochen handed over the document to Luo Enxi like a dream.

Luo Enxi took it and Fu Haochen immediately stared at Luo Enxi's expression.

Sure enough, soon, Luo Enxi's face also flashed shock.

"What is this!" Luo Enxi almost screamed in surprise.

"Gu Xijue asked me out in the afternoon, saying it was...your dowry." Fu Haochen was complicated.

He actually married such a valuable daughter-in-law, a daughter-in-law backed by Gu's enterprise.

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