Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 62: Pull and pull with Fu Yucheng Qingqing, me and me?

This trip to the old house made the atmosphere a little gloomy because of Luo Enxi's injury.

At night, Aunt Qin was about to prepare dinner. Although Luo Enxi had a stomachache, he insisted on preparing together.

"Didn't grandma want to eat the dishes I made? I finally came, so I don't want me to prepare." Luo Enxi smiled like a child.

At this moment, for some reason, no one could oppose Luo Enxi. The old lady asked repeatedly and confirmed that Luo Enxi was in good health, and finally agreed to let Luo Enxi into the kitchen.

Luo Enxi looks beautiful in cutting vegetables, but the wound on her hand is not completely healed, and the beauty is ruined. Aunt Qin can't help but speak, "Mother, what happened to your hand?"

Luo Enxi froze for a moment, then smiled, "Oh, it was the last time I made a fish."

"Young lady, you have to be more careful in the future, how dangerous the knife is!" Aunt Qin kindly reminded.

"I see, thank Aunt Qin." Luo Enxi happily thanked her.

Aunt Qin looked at his smiling face and sighed, "Young lady, you are such a good person. You also prepared dinner for the young master by yourself. The young master is really lucky."

Luo Enxi smiled and stopped talking.

It is a blessing? Is it a curse?

She stopped thinking about it.

It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided.


When the last dish was served, Fu Yucheng's eyes widened.

He was already a little bit overwhelmed by the aroma, but he was so crowded that he couldn't taste it. He could only swallow secretly.

Luo Enxi came out of the kitchen, and the old lady greeted her, "Enxi, stop busy, come and eat."

"Good grandma." Luo Enxi smiled.

Fu Yucheng looked up and saw Luo Enxi wearing an apron. The broken hair on Luo Enxi's forehead was scattered, and the beauty was a little unreal.

Fu Yucheng felt that Luo Enxi's apron was so beautiful. He looked a little dumb.

Seeing Fu Yucheng's gaze, Fu Haochen was frowned upon, "Hurry up and take off your apron and come over for dinner!"

"What are you yelling at!" The old lady was upset again.

"I'll be here soon, grandma, quickly try to see if my craft has improved?" Luo Enxi saw that the situation was not good, and quickly changed the subject.

Fu Haochen snorted.

Fu Yucheng saw everything in his eyes. He had heard rumors that Fu Haochen and his wife were at odds when he returned to China. Now it seems to be true.

And it may be more serious than thought.

Luo Enxi had already handed the apron to Aunt Qin, and then sat down beside Fu Haochen. The old lady said at this moment, "Come on, try Enxi's craftsmanship!"

Everyone started to move their chopsticks.

Fu Yucheng took the first bite and his expression changed.

good to eat. Really tasty.

Fu Yucheng didn't say a word, but desperately picked up vegetables.

So since the relationship between Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi was at odds, and since Fu Haochen didn't know how to cherish, he could only let Luo Enxi be wronged along with him, don't blame him for taking Luo Enxi over.


After dinner, the old lady still stayed with Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi, but they still did not agree.

On the return journey, Luo Enxi had a stomach upset and a bitter expression on his face. Fu Haochen's eyes fell on him, and Fu Haochen slowed down.

The car ran smoothly on the highway.

There were not many road vehicles at night, and the few vehicles that flashed past occasionally made Luo Enxi's face bright and clear.

The car had been quiet, Luo Enxi was a little drowsy, until Fu Haochen suddenly said, "Does it still hurt?"

Luo Enxi woke up suddenly.

"Hmm...huh?" She reacted for a while and realized that Fu Haochen was asking her stomach, "Oh, it's okay." It's strange that Fu Haochen would actually care about her kindly.

"...In the future, please stay away from Fu Yucheng, don't always pull Qingqing, I and mine." Fu Haochen remembered the look in Fu Yucheng's eyes when he looked at Luo Enxi. Forget your identity!"

Luo Enxi was taken aback, and then, her heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

Yes, her identity. Luo Enxi smiled bitterly, her identity, Fu Haochen's nominal wife.

Fu Haochen's wife who is about to divorce.

Luo Enxi bit her lip, her heart lost, but she couldn't show it on her face, and only whispered: "I know."

How long did she pull with Fu Yucheng?

But she has no strength to argue with Fu Haochen anymore.

Unspeakable exhaustion swept over her again, she slid down, curled up slightly on the co-pilot, and closed her eyes.

Fu Haochen looked at Luo Enxi's reaction, his face darkened. But seeing her seemingly uncomfortable, and remembering that he was responsible for all this, she didn't speak again.

The speed has picked up again.


The next day was another working day. Even though Luo Enxi was still unwell, he insisted on going to the company.

The situation of her former employees has just improved a bit. She didn't want to leave any more handles, and Luo Xirou made a big fuss again.

Luo Enxi and Fu Haochen's relationship has improved recently, and Luo Xirou has also noticed it. She gritted her teeth secretly, sulking only, and decided to punish Luo Enxi, and she must not give her and Fu Haochen a chance to rekindle their old relationship.

However, Luo Enxi hadn't made any mistakes that would allow her to make a fuss recently. Fu Haochen also emphasized the labor-management relationship at the meeting, making her temporarily unable to deal with the old employees.

Luo Xirou was a little worried.

At this time, the door was knocked, Luo Xirou quickly put away the sulky expression on her face, and straightened her body on the office chair, making a look high, "Come in."

The door was opened and Lin Hai walked in, with a faint smile, "Director Luo."

"Oh, Assistant Lin, what's the matter?" Luo Xirou's aura relaxed.

"I got something by accident and brought it to Director Luo. I wonder if the Director would like it?" Lin Hai handed a small brown paper bag to Luo Xirou.

Luo Xirou provoked beautifully, took the small kraft paper bag, and opened it. It was a photo of Luo Enxi meeting Fu Yucheng in the supermarket and the two were talking together.

Luo Xirou immediately raised the corners of her mouth. Lin Hai could see that she was in a good mood, "Does it fit your mind, Director Luo?"

"Are you looking for someone to follow Luo Enxi?" Luo Xirou didn't answer the question, but judging from the expression on her face, there was no dissatisfaction.

"I just saw it by accident." Lin Hai lowered his head, the smile on his lips deepened.

Luo Xirou locked the photo in the drawer and nodded to Lin Hai, "You did a good job."

"It is an honor for me to serve the director." Lin Hai is modest.

"I hope no one else knows about you taking photos." Luo Xirou nodded to Lin Hai.

"Of course, Director." Lin Hai nodded slightly, "If the Director has nothing to do, I will go out first."

"Well, let's go." Luo Xirou smiled, "My sister is still young and ignorant. In some aspects, you have to teach her a lot."

"Okay, Director." Lin Hai understood, and left the office.

Luo Xirou watched him close the office door, her slender fingers gently clasped the mahogany table top, and a cruel smile appeared on her lips.

Luo Enxi, you can't beat me.


Fu's enterprise is very large and the business is very busy every day. Luo Enxi buried her head in front of her desk for the day, and when she raised her head, it was almost time to get off work.

Ah, another busy day. Luo Enxi stretched slightly, but accidentally pulled the bruise left on her abdomen yesterday, lying on the table with some pain.

Luo Enxi took a deep breath and gently rubbed her abdomen with her hands, but the corners of her lips were smiling.

She likes work very much, can do what she likes, can use her expertise to contribute to the company, she feels very satisfied.

Luo Enxi was immersed in the joy of completing work when she suddenly heard someone calling her.

"Sister Enxi, are you uncomfortable?"

Luo Enxi looked up and saw Lin Wan's concerned eyes.

"I'm fine, Lin Wan." Luo Enxi smiled at her, "How is it, how are you doing?"

"I'm here this time to thank you, Sister Enxi." When Luo Enxi mentioned this matter, Lin looked upright, "Sister Enxi, we are all getting better lately. I heard it's Fu I always said it at the meeting. You must have said it to Mr. Fu, thank you, Sister En Xi."

"It should be." Luo Enxi was sincerely happy to learn from Lin Wan that they were really better off.

"Sister En Xi, it's nice to have you." Lin Wan's eyes were particularly sincere.

Luo Enxi smiled and encouraged Lin Wan to work harder.

Looking at the back of Lin Wan walking away, Luo Enxi thought, she should actually thank them, stand with her no matter what she encounters, trust her unconditionally, and support her.

Nice to have you.


Because of Lin Wan's words, Luo Enxi felt that the air was fresher. When the off-duty time came, she checked the equipment and shut down, and walked out of the company happily.

As soon as he went out, Luo Enxi saw that his colleagues were looking in one direction, and some female colleagues were still whispering in pairs.

"Wow, look at that handsome guy, he is really handsome!"

"Yeah, yes! And still holding such a big handful of roses, you must be waiting for your sweetheart!"

"Which girl is so fateful!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm so envious! When did I have such a handsome boyfriend!"

Luo Enxi smiled, someone must be waiting for his girlfriend.

that's nice.

"Hey, have you noticed that this handsome guy looks a bit like Mr. Fu!"

"Wow, what you said is really a little bit."

"Yeah, it's really like..."

When he heard that it was a bit like President Fu, Luo Enxi frowned slightly and couldn't help but look at the focus of the crowd.

It's Fu Yucheng!

Luo Enxi was surprised, but he did not expect it to be!

Fu Yucheng wore a white shirt and jeans underneath. The dress was very simple, but he looked so harmonious and charming.

Fu Yucheng also saw Luo Enxi at the same time, and immediately pulled out a bright smile and ran towards her quickly, "Enxi, you are off work!"

Saying that Fu Yucheng took the initiative to pass the large bouquet of roses in his hand, "For you!"

The crowd around in twos and threes erupted in a small exclamation, and then the discussion became louder.

Luo Enxi was a little confused, she said blankly: "Fu Yucheng, what are you doing?"

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