Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 72 Witchcraft

In addition to the wizard's system route, Lu Zhiyu feels that he can create an upgrade system belonging to the family members based on the characteristics of the family members' inheritance. They don't develop spiritual power, but develop their own bloodline abilities. It can even be upgraded to the source of the bloodline, and the ancestor can become a mythical creature!

In the next few days, besides giving classes to the students of the Wizard Tower on time, Lu Zhiyu also conducted research on this aspect. Based on this idea, Lu Zhiyu also developed a set of powerful tools that can master multiple extraordinary abilities. The mythical creature template, unlike Sa Kun, has too many loopholes and simple abilities, and is easy to be targeted.

However, Lu Zhiyu does not have a strong soul and deified cells to develop a real mythical creature again, so Lu Zhiyu can only disassemble this set of mythical creature templates and divide them into various abilities, their consciousness and The deified cells are completely assimilated and become a special organ.

And through this organ, you can extract the source quality of the magic net, strengthen yourself, and continue to evolve and return to your ancestors. Every time you evolve, you can inherit the extraordinary ability of the mythical creature template from your blood, until it becomes stronger and stronger, and even directly becomes a monster. mythical creature.

Lu Zhiyu named this race the Dragon Clan, and the combination of their consciousness and deified cells is also called the Dragon Crystal!

It is an attempt by Lu Zhiyu to create a dragon family. If it is successful, another idea of ​​Lu Zhiyu can be fully implemented. It will make a leap forward in improving Lu Zhiyu's strength. Every attempt works on itself, not for the sake of trying.

Three months later, Lu Zhiyu stood in the classroom again, looked at all the wizard apprentices present, and put his hands on the podium: "To be honest, I'm quite disappointed, you all passed the meditation test, I'm still going to catch up with you." Take a few people and carry out survival of the fittest, etc. In other words, is the three months I set too long?"

There was a burst of laughter from the audience, life's desire for evolution and power is powerful, and most of the people Lu Zhiyu selected were existences with extraordinary aptitude and superior IQ, and the higher the IQ, the greater the self-control ability. Strong, but also more and more hard work, so three months to awaken the spiritual power through meditation, for them, as long as they are not lazy and slippery, there is no difficulty at all!

However, most of them only awakened their spiritual power. Only three or four people's spiritual power broke through the second scale, and Boer was the only one who broke through the third scale. , or the demanding knowledge, Lu Zhiyu feels very similar to himself!

According to their ordinary meditation progress, because the source quality is not directly extracted from the zero dimension, plus 60% of the magic net extraction, among them, except for Bohr, most of them want to become a fourth-level wizard, and none of them want to become a fourth-level wizard. One hundred years of continuous meditation, don't even think about it, and want to become a fourth-level wizard, awaken the meditation space, change the characteristics of spiritual power and activate brain cells, these are completely two death levels, and the success rate is terrible.

And even if the cells of mythical creatures are transplanted, the lifespan is limited. Without becoming a real mythical creature, it is impossible to live for more than a thousand years. To become a mythical wizard, Lu Zhiyu probably depends on their lack of extraordinary wisdom and ability. Means, don't even think about it!

And those with poor qualifications? Um, being a first-level or second-level wizard and mastering a low-level witchcraft is not bad, and a wizard apprentice is not bad. With the knowledge and simple witchcraft methods you have mastered, at least a wealthy and superior life is not lacking! Most people can't even sense the magic net because their consciousness is not strong enough!

Lu Zhiyu glanced at them, and felt that among this group of wizard apprentices, there could be one or two geniuses who satisfied him. Well, these guys are probably the characters who will walk the road for the later generations!

Seeing the discussion among the wizard apprentices below, everyone is very excited. After awakening their spiritual power, they feel as if they have transcended ordinary people. Although their mental power cannot be released outside, they can already affect their bodies. Observe the inside of your body!

"Quiet, today I will teach you the first witchcraft, the name is body modification!"

"This witchcraft is to transform your body and develop your body to the most perfect state. For example, each of you has more or less minor problems in your body, or you are not satisfied with your body. For example, if you are shorter, fatter, not strong enough, or not flexible enough, you can modify and repair them yourself, so that you will not get sick again. You can also treat yourself if you are injured or sick, and you can live naturally. The limit of normal lifespan is more than one hundred years old!"

After Lu Zhiyu finished speaking, everyone held their breaths. This kind of witchcraft is simply a magical skill that young wizard apprentices can only dream of. Seeing each of them, Zhiyu blushed a little, and couldn't believe it. This method is just a low-level little witchcraft?

Lu Zhiyu laughed: "Although this is just a small witchcraft, it has unlimited potential. I hope you don't just copy what I said, but have your own ideas and will to develop and expand applications. , apply all the knowledge you have learned recently, and develop new witchcraft, this is a real wizard!"

At this time, Uruk, the pigman of the orc tribe, stood up: "Mr. Anthony, so that means, I can also lose weight? Become a warrior?"

Lu Zhiyu nodded: "That's right, you can easily transform yourself into a strong warrior!"

Catherine immediately asked: "Can I make myself more beautiful? I still think my legs are not long enough!"

Lu Zhiyu smiled: "I think you are good now, but if you want, you can modify it casually. I don't recommend that you make major changes from the beginning. You must thoroughly understand the key points of the knowledge I described and fully grasp it. Do it after you have mastered this witchcraft, or you will fail to use it at that time, and the consequences will be very serious. Every witchcraft has risks in using it. Even the lowest level, if you don’t have enough knowledge to understand this witchcraft, you will eventually You can only reap the consequences!"

Bohr then asked: "Mr. Anthony, you said that we can cure our own diseases? So, can I also treat other people's diseases? I have also recently started to observe my body, understand my body's organs, and want to find various causes and treatments of the disease."

Lu Zhiyu looked at Boer sternly. Compared with other people's questions, Boer's question was more in-depth and hit the core: "Yes, Boer, you are very good, this is the foundation of the body modification technique, and it is also the foundation of your future. The direction of expansion, just mentioned, is just some basic abilities of the body transformation book, as long as you have enough knowledge and mental power is strong enough, you can control your own body at will!"

"Illness is just a problem with your physical health. As long as you find the cause, you can be cured. When your spiritual power breaks through the seventh scale, you can become a real wizard, and you can treat other people's diseases and even transform their bodies! "

Le Weiss stood up, not reconciled to being robbed of the limelight, and even more attracted Lu Zhiyu's attention: "Mentor, you said that we can be physically stronger than warriors, so can we activate the blood talent?"

Lu Zhiyu nodded: "That's right, so you can easily become blood knights!"

Levi's continued: "Since it involves physical transformation, we can also observe the innate abilities of other blood knights, imitate their abilities to us, and even carry out enhanced transformations. Are these also possible?"

Lu Zhiyu smiled: "Of course, I found that there are still two smart people among you. The body transformation technique is only the most basic. I hope you can use it as a basis to create different transformation techniques, even A high-level modification technique!"

Levi's saluted Lu Zhiyu proudly, and then sat down. Lu Zhiyu continued: "In addition, if you develop a new witchcraft, you can go to the library management office to redeem points. The redeemed points can be exchanged in the library on the seventh floor. It can be exchanged for special witchcraft knowledge and witchcraft, and can also be exchanged for witchcraft equipment, materials, laboratory use time, or monster blood and monster cubs, etc. The witchcraft and knowledge exchanged belong to the inheritance of wizard towers and are absolutely not allowed Teaching in private, the knowledge system developed by oneself can be shared with others!"

Lu Zhiyu took out a pair of human anatomy diagrams, divided into men and women, and hung them on the wall. He told the apprentice wizards present the basic principles and usage of the body modification technique!

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