Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 8 The Body Perfection Program



Lu Zhiyu could hear his heartbeat, and his spirit began to spread to all parts of his body. Lu Zhiyu could feel the blood in his body surging like a torrent. It became clearer and clearer, and finally, a wonderful picture appeared in front of my eyes.

In this picture, there is no color, no color, only structure, it seems to be a delicate 3D modeling model, and it is also like a plan made by CAD, skin, muscles, bones, blood vessels, internal organs, all from the inside out presented, formed by countless small structures.

Lu Zhiyu can even sense data such as the thickness of his skin, the length of his bones, and the size of his internal organs, but his mental power is not strong enough, so he can't go deep into the level of cell structure yet, but he has already been able to faintly Jojo sensed it.

Lu Zhiyu could also see the large shadows in his lungs, which were cancer cells that were separated from normal cells, and they were constantly proliferating, showing a tendency to form tumors.


As soon as Lu Zhiyu got excited, he immediately felt that he had retreated from this God's perspective, unable to maintain a stable meditation and mental state. Lu Zhiyu immediately went to the desk, which was full of books about medicine and anatomy. , as well as basic books on cancer.

Lu Zhiyu has long been prepared to try this, and has read a lot of these books. After awakening his spiritual power, Lu Zhiyu feels that his brain has become smarter and his learning ability has also strengthened. When reading a book in the past, you had to read it carefully several times, but you might not be able to understand it. Now, after scanning it once, your brain can remember it and have a subtle understanding.

Cancer can be said to be a kind of resistance of cells to the body when the human body is in a sub-health state for a long time. It is not a disease. Lu Zhiyu was in a state of despair about this terminal illness before. Now that he understands it, he understands it. It's not as scary as I imagined.

Because cancer cells are not a disease, the body's immune system will not kill cancer cells. People suffer from cancer not because of the disease, but because the body is in a state of collapse and there is a problem with its own health. A part of the cells rebelled and rebelled against the body. If this situation continues, the "rebel army" will continue to expand, forming a tumor and gradually spreading.

Therefore, just killing cancer cells is not a cure for the symptoms. If the body’s own problems are not resolved, cancer will still be born later. When the body and mentality improve, the cancer will be controlled. There are many examples of cancer self-healing.

Lu Zhiyu decided to adjust the condition of his body, and then prompt his body to start killing these cancer cells, and gradually cured his lung cancer. Judging from the means Lu Zhiyu currently controls, this method is feasible.

In the following days, Lu Zhiyu read a lot of books on medicine every day, and even got a copy of the Jiangcheng University School of Medicine's schedule, and chose the courses he wanted to learn about, and went to attend in his free time. Date with Cai Jiajia.

After making a series of plans, Lu Zhiyu finally started his own physical treatment plan,

Glands are special tissues that produce hormones in the human body. The eight major glands in the human body are in charge of a series of growth, development, metabolism, sexual characteristics, etc. It can be said that as long as you control the glands, you can freely control your body. Your entire body, body height, obesity, size, strength, stamina, sexuality, intelligence and more!

Lu Zhiyu is going to control the growth and health of the body by stimulating the glands in the body to produce hormones, and adjust his body, which has been in a sub-healthy state due to work and the environment, to the level of a professional athlete, and then through conditioning, Take care of your lung problems and get rid of cancer cells.

Lu Zhiyu first used mental control to stimulate and control the pituitary gland to secrete growth hormone, which stimulated the body's redevelopment, and then further stimulated the secretion of hormones from the adrenal gland, pancreatic islets, and thyroid gland to adjust the physical condition to the most perfect state. Of course, Lu Zhiyu Zhiyu did not neglect to stimulate the further development of the gonads. According to his own plan, he tried one by one according to the list.

After Lu Zhiyu exited the state of looking inside his body, he recorded the data and changes, but at this moment, although he could clearly see the changes in his body before, at this moment, he didn't feel anything, as if nothing happened.

In the next few days, Lu Zhiyu felt a huge change in his body. First, he felt soreness and pain all over his body. , The condition of frequent coughing has also improved a lot. Without much exercise, the muscles have begun to appear contoured.

Through research, Lu Zhiyu knows that each gland controls a certain aspect of the body, stimulates changes in the body, and gradually adjusts his physical condition. However, Lu Zhiyu estimates that this change will continue for a long time. After all, hot tofu can't be eaten in a hurry, and Lu Zhiyu's body can't take it when it's stimulated all at once.

At the beginning, Lu Zhiyu felt numb all over his body even when he was walking, his body was sore and painful, itching to the bone, he lay on the bed and sofa for several days, not wanting to move, his appetite became very strong, Later, Lu Zhiyu gradually adjusted the degree of stimulating the glands to secrete hormones, and the situation slowed down.

During this process, Lu Zhiyu discovered that in half a month, his height had jumped from 1.75 meters to 1.83 meters. His skin was originally flawed, but now it became as fair and delicate as a baby's. The muscles became more streamlined. During this period of time, Lu Zhiyu felt that he was not moving every day, but he seemed to be exercising all the time. His body was stimulating the muscles to grow in a healthy direction.

The most important thing is that Lu Zhiyu found that the shadow inside his body began to subside. A large number of cancer cells in his lungs died on their own and were excreted through the body's excretory system. The cough that he had originally had completely disappeared.

Standing in front of the mirror wearing shorts, Lu Zhiyu suddenly felt that he didn't recognize himself. He only saw a tall and handsome man in the mirror. It is softer, more three-dimensional, and the eyes are more lively and lively. It is more handsome than the stars on TV or the male models I saw before. Yes, it is still the kind of retouched pictures.

Lu Zhiyu, who hadn't looked in the mirror for a long time, realized that she had changed so much. No wonder when she went to Cai Jiajia's class yesterday, she always said that she had changed so much.

"Is this really me?" Lu Zhiyu stood in front of the mirror and opened his mouth wide.

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