Loyang Jin

Chapter 97 Anger

Arriving at the outer hall, Mrs. Jiang took a long breath and sighed in a low voice: "I have long heard about the reputation of Imperial Physician Wei, and now that I have seen him, he is even more famous."

Heart of beauty in everyone.

Beautiful girls always attract the attention of all men. vice versa.

It is difficult for women not to be attracted to a handsome man like Imperial Physician Wei. Jiang has been married for four years and has a deep relationship with her husband Ling Ji. When she met Imperial Physician Wei just now, she couldn't help but look at him again and again.

Ling Ji felt a little disgusted when his wife praised Imperial Doctor Wei so highly, and deliberately said sourly: "If Imperial Physician Wei had also come to the Jiang family to propose marriage back then, I guess nothing would have happened to me."

Jiang nodded half-seriously: "That's the truth. If such a handsome man comes to propose marriage, how can I marry you?"

The couple played tricks in a low voice.

Ling Jingshu burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Ling Xiao asked curiously: "Ah Shu, you just met Imperial Physician Wei. Is he really as handsome as my cousin said? How does he compare to me?"

Ling Jingshu was amused again: "How can this be compared? You and Imperial Physician Wei are completely different people."

"Tell me!" Ling Xiao gently tugged on Ling Jingshu's sleeves and acted coquettishly.

Ling Jingshu thought for a while and said, "You have been pampered and pampered since you were a child, just like a carefully cultivated peony. But Imperial Doctor Wei is like a bamboo in the mountains."

Peonies are beautiful but delicate. They require careful cultivation and care before they bloom with dazzling splendor.

Bamboo is tall and graceful. It grows in the mountains and fields, and no one cares about it. No one sees it. When it appears in front of people, everyone will fall in love with its stunning and charming appearance.

This metaphor is vivid and vivid.

After hearing this, Ling Xiao was quite fascinated: "After you said that, I also want to see this Imperial Physician Wei with my own eyes!"

Ever since Ah Shu fell ill, her temperament has changed a lot. This is especially true when dealing with men. He was full of disgust towards brothers Lu Hong and Lu Qian, he stayed away from the emperor's grandson, and he was even more wary towards King Yan.

A fourteen-year-old beautiful girl is the age when love begins. When seeing a handsome boy, it is normal for her mind to wander and her thoughts to wander. Ah Shu, however, was not shy at all and was too cold and indifferent.

It was rare to hear her praise a man.

Ling Xiao couldn't help but feel curious.

Ling Jingshu always indulged and doted on Ling Xiao. She chuckled softly when she heard this: "When your eyes heal, you will naturally be able to see."

Ling Xiaoyao thought about the day when he could see it, and his heart surged with excitement: "Ah Shu, Doctor Wei just used a golden needle to save someone, did you see it clearly?"

"Yes, you can see it very clearly."

In fact, it was not that clear. At that time, the line of sight was blocked, and I could only see Dr. Wei moving the needle like flying: "Doctor Wei's medical skills are indeed superb. The concierge of the Liu Mansion was twitching all over and foaming at the mouth. He was about to die." As soon as the imperial doctor took action, he stopped convulsing and stopped foaming. It seems that there is no danger for his life. "

Listening to these words, Ling Xiao's eyes shone with hope.

With his superb medical skills, Imperial Physician Wei must be able to cure his eyes!


After Princess Fumin came out of the inner hall, the smile she kept on her face quickly faded, and she looked angry.

Damn Wei Yan! For the sake of a mere concierge of the Liu Mansion, he kicked her out unceremoniously.

She was a dignified princess, and she came to Huichun Hall in person, regardless of her face, just to see him. He can be so cold and heartless... Damn it! How abominable!

Princess Fumin, who was in a very bad mood, glanced at Ling Jingshu and her brother from the corner of her eye. Thinking of the quarrel before the arrival of Imperial Doctor Wei, her anger suddenly found a way to vent her anger.

"Rangzhi, go and invite Miss Ling Jiu to come over. I, the princess, have something to say to her."

They are only four or five meters apart and can be heard if the sound is louder. Princess Fumin decided to act like a princess and proudly ordered the maids around her.

The maid Yanzhi responded, stepped forward and said, "Miss Lingjiu, the princess has invited you."

Ling Jingshu frowned slightly and responded lightly, following Rouge to Princess Fumin: "The princess asked me to come here. What advice do you have?"

Princess Fumin was sulking, and said with a smile: "It's nothing important. But I have some free time at the moment, so I'm here to teach you how to salute."

That arrogant and bullying face is really disgusting.

Ling Jingshu wanted to be patient for a while, but seeing Princess Fumin's arrogant look, the anger she had been suppressing in her heart suddenly emerged.

"Thank you for your kindness, Princess." Ling Jingshu responded coldly without a smile on her face: "However, I think there is nothing wrong with my behavior. If others treat me gently and politely, I will be doubly polite. If I meet someone like that I will not tolerate those who are self-righteous and have eyes that reach the top of their heads.”

This is definitely not referring to Sang scolding Huai!

This is simply referring to Sophora japonica and scolding Sophora japonica!

Princess Fumin's pretty face turned red with anger, and her eyes were filled with anger. She no longer cared about the princess's demeanor, and pointed at Ling Jingshu's nose with her finger: "How brave! How dare you humiliate this princess in person! If this princess is... If I don’t give you some clues, you’ll go crazy.”

"Come here! Palm!"

Princess Fumin gave an order, and Yanzhi immediately stepped forward and raised her arms high.

Bai Yu's expression changed, and she got in front of Ling Jingshu without thinking.

Just as the slap was about to fall on Bai Yu's face, Yan Zhi's arm was hit by a bamboo sign flying from nowhere. Rouge's arm suddenly went numb, and with a cry of pain, she quickly retracted her arm.

Princess Fumin's expression also changed, and she glared fiercely: "Manager Han, what do you mean?"

It was Han Yi who threw the bamboo card just now.

Han Yi looked calm and cupped his hands: "Princess, calm down. When Imperial Doctor Wei is treating a disease, the most taboo is for people to make noise. If it disturbs Imperial Physician Wei's treatment, I'm afraid he will be angry."

Imperial Physician Wei not only taboos people making noises, but also hates powerful people causing trouble and bullying others for no reason in Huichun Hall.

This goes without saying, Princess Fumin naturally knows it very well.

Princess Fumin snorted angrily and glared at Ling Jingshu.

This gap has been completely closed.

Ling Jingshu's anger was even worse than that of Princess Fumin. The corners of her lips were pursed very tightly, she clenched her right hand into a fist, then slowly released it, and asked in a low voice: "Bai Yu, are you okay?"

Bai Yu composed herself and responded in a low voice: "I'm fine, my slave. Don't worry, Miss."

Ling Jingshu hummed, her heart filled with self-deprecation and self-loathing.

If Han Yi hadn't come to his aid just now, Bai Yu would have been slapped.

She thought she had become strong, brave and sharp-tongued, but when she encountered an arrogant, domineering and unreasonable master, she couldn't even protect the people around her.

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