Loyang Jin

Chapter 118 Meeting 2

Ling Jingshu subconsciously looked up.

In the drizzle, a young man dressed in bamboo-green cloth and holding an oil-paper umbrella in his hand came slowly. There was an indifferent smile on the handsome and elegant face, and his eyes were clear and peaceful.

Medicine boy Tiandong followed closely behind, carrying a medicine box on his back.

It was Imperial Physician Wei who came!

Ling Jingyan stood beside Ling Jingshu, her eyes widened, and she exclaimed in her heart: It turns out that there is such a good-looking man in the world!

Ling Jingyan couldn't help but glance at the emperor's grandson again.

Well, His Highness Taisun is also very handsome, and he has a noble demeanor that is difficult for ordinary people to match. He is dazzling and outstanding. And the handsome and wanton His Highness Prince Yan...each one is so outstanding, which one should A Shu choose in the future?

It's so nerve-wracking.

...Miss Lingba, you really think too much!

"I have met His Highness Taisun."

Imperial Physician Wei stepped forward and saluted with clasped fists.

The emperor's grandson was quite polite to Dr. Wei, twitching the corner of his lips and said: "Doctor Wei, there is no need to be polite, please get back on your feet."

If he were just an ordinary imperial doctor, the emperor's grandson wouldn't have to take him seriously.

But the Imperial Physician Wei in front of him was different. He has excellent medical skills and an excellent reputation. Not only does he have great prestige among the people, but he also has many contacts with important officials in the court, so he should not be underestimated. Not to mention, with the favored but low-key Wei Jieyu in the palace, the emperor's trust in the imperial doctor Wei was well known to everyone.

Moreover, since two years ago, Imperial Physician Wei has been coming to the Prince's Mansion regularly to nurse the Prince back to health. In the past two years, the prince's health has improved day by day, and he rarely suffers from old illnesses again. Dr. Wei is indispensable.

For all these reasons, the emperor's grandson's attitude towards Dr. Wei was very approachable.

However, Imperial Physician Wei did not lose his etiquette and stood up straight after still saluting.

"It started to rain early this morning. I'm so grateful that Dr. Wei came out of the palace to diagnose my father's pulse." The emperor's grandson's voice was quite gentle.

Imperial Physician Wei smiled and responded: "This is the responsibility of the humble minister. Your Highness the Grand Sun is grateful all the time, but the humble minister is too embarrassed to accept it."

The emperor's grandson smiled faintly: "Mr. Wei's medical skills are superb, and his medical ethics can be regarded as a model among doctors in the world. Why shouldn't you be a doctor?"

After a pause, he continued: "Young master of the Ling family took my name card and went to the Huichun Hall. The Imperial Physician Wei treated him first. He broke the rules in the Huichun Hall and gave me enough face. If you have any questions, please ask the Imperial Physician Wei." , I will never refuse anything I can do.”

The weight of the promise from the emperor's grandson can be imagined.

Such gratitude cannot be refused.

It seemed that Miss Ling Jiu's weight in the Emperor's grandson's heart was heavier than he imagined. Otherwise, the emperor's grandson would not accept the favor just by opening his mouth...

A flash of understanding flashed in the eyes of Imperial Physician Wei, and he did not refuse. He responded with a smile: "In that case, I would like to thank Your Highness the Grandson."

The emperor's grandson was talking to the imperial doctor Wei, and no one else had the right to interrupt.

Ling Jingshu had no intention of interrupting at first, but she frowned slightly when she heard what the emperor's grandson said. Quickly returned to normal.

Ling Jingshu took a step forward and opened her mouth to say, "His Royal Highness the Grandson has given you a famous invitation. We, my siblings, are deeply grateful. We have not yet had time to repay His Highness's kindness. How dare we shamelessly accept His Highness's kindness again."

After saying that, he looked at Imperial Physician Wei again: "If Imperial Physician Wei can cure Ah Xiao's eye disease, our siblings will definitely remember it and try our best to repay Imperial Physician Wei."

Emperor Taisun: "..."

Imperial Physician Wei: "..."

The emperor's grandson, who was accustomed to giving orders, was obviously not used to someone rejecting his kindness. A trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, and his voice was quite cold: "Miss Ling Jiu must have misunderstood what I meant! The promise I made to Dr. Wei, It’s because Dr. Wei broke the rules for me, and it has nothing to do with you siblings. You don’t have to be sentimental!”

The words were spoken harshly and coldly, and the faces of those who listened were burning.

Ling Jingyan felt hot behind her ears and wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

Even someone as shameless as her felt uncomfortable hearing this, and Ah Shu would probably be even more embarrassed after hearing this...

Imperial Physician Wei didn't seem to expect that things would evolve to such an embarrassing step, with a look of surprise on his face.

This noble grandson clearly has a good impression of Miss Ling Jiu, but he speaks so rudely. It’s really unexpected!

No matter how smart and smart Miss Ling Jiu is, she is still a virgin girl. After hearing such rude words, I was afraid that I would cry and run away in shame...

Unexpectedly, Ling Jingshu acted very calmly, smiled to herself and said, "It turns out that Your Highness has this intention. I am indeed being sentimental. Please forgive me, Your Highness!"

After finishing speaking, he solemnly bowed with his hands folded, his attitude was extremely humble.

The emperor's grandson looked steadily at the girl who bent down to bow her head in apology, with extremely complicated emotions flashing in his eyes. There was annoyance, anger, and anger... I just didn't know whether this anger was towards myself or Ling Jingshu.

The emperor's grandson said nothing.

Ling Jingshu always maintained her saluting posture.

All ladies with strict family upbringings have undergone rigorous training in this kind of formality.

When Ling Jingshu learned the rules from Grandma Liu, she would practice this posture for a long time. As long as Aunt Liu was not allowed to get up, she could not move even if her whole body was sore and stiff and her forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Ling Jingshu could maintain this posture for a long time.

The eyes of everyone present fell on Ling Jingshu and the emperor's grandson.

Ling Xiao looked anxious and wanted to step forward to plead for Ling Jingshu, but was grabbed by Jiang. Jiang couldn't speak, so he only pulled Ling Xiao's sleeve hard.

It's already messy enough now, so don't get involved anymore, otherwise it won't end later.

Ling Xiao bit her lip hard, her eyes filled with warmth.

Ling Jingyan also knows the difference between the important and the important.

The emperor's grandson was obviously angry. If the emperor's grandson is not allowed to calm down, I'm afraid he will never have the chance to enter the gate of the prince's mansion again...

Thinking of this, Ling Jingyan suppressed all the anxiety, pity and pity in her heart, and stared at the emperor's grandson closely with her round almond-shaped eyes. In my heart, I secretly hope that the emperor's grandson will show off his beauty.

Imperial Physician Wei was also looking at Ling Jingshu.

As if seeing her for the first time, he looked at her carefully.

He was already used to seeing all kinds of beauties in the palace. The eldest sister Wei Jieyu, who is a direct relative, is even more beautiful and fragrant. He himself is also an unparalleled handsome man.

He has long lost his sense and interest in beauty, and it would be an exaggeration to describe him as turning a blind eye.

But this Miss Ling Jiu is indeed extremely beautiful.

No makeup was applied, the clothes were plain, but the face was pure and beautiful.

At this time, I was standing in the drizzle, my hair was slightly damp, my forehead, cheeks, and the tip of my nose were also slightly damp. Like flower buds with dewdrops, fresh, charming, graceful and moving.

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