Loyang Jin

Chapter 123 Thoughts

A palace maid quietly walked into the inner hall and whispered a few words in Official Ye's ear.

Ms. Ye nodded and stepped forward to report: "To inform the Crown Princess, Imperial Doctor Wei has finished administering the acupuncture to Mr. Ling and left. The Ling family came to express their gratitude and are waiting outside. I wonder if the Crown Princess wants to see them?"

If you don't want to see them, just find an excuse to send the Ling family away.

The Crown Princess frowned at first: "No."

Before Miss Ye could take the order, the Crown Princess suddenly changed her tune: "Forget it, let them come in!"

The prince went to the guest room before and his attitude towards Ling Jingshu was quite kind. Naturally, someone reported the situation at that time to the Crown Princess.

Ms. Ye took the order and left, and soon led Ling Jingshu and others in.

The Crown Princess' eyes fell on Ling Jingshu's delicate and beautiful face, and she snorted secretly in her heart.

It's just that she looks a little more beautiful, but I really can't see any other advantages. Nothing compares to Miss Su Er's elegant and literary style, which is full of poems and books. It's not as good as Miss Jiang San's natural nobility.

Ah Yao, who was just beginning to have a love interest, was confused by this face...

Everyone came forward and saluted together.

Mrs. Jiang respectfully opened her mouth and said: "We came to visit today, and there were many interruptions. Imperial Physician Wei has already performed acupuncture and treatment on Ah Xiao. We came here specifically to thank the Crown Princess for her kindness."

The Crown Princess smiled elegantly and reservedly: "It's just a trivial thing. It's not enough to thank you. You are too polite."

"To the Crown Princess, it is a trivial matter. To us siblings, it is the most important matter." Ling Jingshu took a step forward and thanked her sincerely: "Thank you, Crown Princess."

It was this pretense that deceived Ah Yao. Now even the prince was almost confused.

The Crown Princess continued to snort in her heart, but her face was kind and friendly: "Forget it, don't pay attention to these false etiquette, get up quickly! You have to visit every few days, if it happens like this every time, don't you feel tired, I still feel tired. I can just leave after the acupuncture. There is no need to come to thank you."

This is what I was waiting for.

Ling Jingshu agreed with a grateful expression.

The Crown Princess still had no intention of leaving any food, so everyone naturally understood the situation and immediately bowed and left.

When we returned to Ling's house, it was noon.

Lunch has already been prepared. Mrs. Sun was not in a hurry to ask about her trip, and first invited Ling Jingshu and others to sit down and have lunch together. After lunch, we moved to the inner hall together, and then we asked in detail: "Ah Shu, did your trip to the Prince's Mansion go well this time? Did you meet Dr. Wei?"

"I saw it!" Ling Jingyan rushed to reply: "Dr. Wei Tai's is really beautiful. I was almost stunned by it today."

Mrs. Sun rolled her eyes at Ling Jingyan angrily: "You are a girl who has not left the court, and you don't know how to be subtle and tactful in your speech." Then she looked at Ling Jingshu: "Ah Shu, Doctor Wei has performed acupuncture on Ah Xiao!"

"Of course I applied the acupuncture! And it took half an hour. Each golden needle was slender and slender, and it looked scary. In less than a while, Ah Xiao was pricked into a hedgehog..."

No doubt, the person rushing to answer was Ling Jingyan.

Ling Jingshu laughed dumbly and simply stopped saying anything. Let Ling Jingyan's eyebrows dance with excitement as she recounts everything that happened today.

When it was mentioned that the prince also went to the guest room in person, Mrs. Sun's face suddenly lit up: "Is everything you said true? His highness the prince actually went to visit you in person?"

The words rose, full of surprise.

Ling Jingshu frowned slightly and quickly answered: "His Royal Highness probably heard Dr. Wei mention A Xiao's eye disease, and was curious for a moment, so he stopped by to take a look."

Wherever I am, I am clearly here on purpose.

Ling Jingyan was about to argue, but Ling Jingshu had already winked over.

Okay, let’s not talk about it if you don’t want to! Ling Jingyan stopped talking angrily.

However, Sun is smart and worldly, and is not that easy to fool. He immediately looked at Mrs. Jiang with a smile: "Yu Niang, you are a few years older than A-yan and A-shu, so you can see more clearly than they do. Did His Highness the Crown Prince drop by today, or did you go to visit on purpose?"

After Jiang weighed it for a while, he gave Ling Jingshu an apologetic look and replied honestly: "In my opinion, His Highness should have gone there specially. Moreover, His Highness pays great attention to Ah Shu and his attitude is very gentle."

After hearing these words, Mrs. Sun had her own concerns and stopped asking questions. Instead, she ordered: "You have been running around all morning. Now go back to your room and rest! Especially Ah Xiao, who is currently treating an eye disease and cannot delay. Take medicine."

Everyone agreed in unison and left.

After returning to the house, Jing Yu prepared the medicine and brought it over. Ling Jingshu took the medicine bowl and fed Ling Xiao the medicine.

After Ling Xiao finished drinking the medicine, he looked tired, but refused to lie down and rest. He took Ling Jingshu's hand and said, "Ah Shu, I have something to tell you."

"You have been running around for a long time today and you have just taken medicine. You must be tired. Take a nap and rest first!" Ling Jingshu held Ling Xiao's hand behind her back and coaxed softly: "If you have anything to say, we can wait until we wake up."

Ling Xiao was very insistent: "No, I want to tell you now."

It's rare to see Ling Xiao so stubborn.

Ling Jingshu pursed her lips and smiled, sat on the edge of the bed, and said softly: "Okay, okay, I'll listen to your boss! I'm listening to what you have to say!"

Ling Xiao didn't know where to start, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a few words: "Ah Shu, His Highness Taisun clearly has a good impression of you. Why don't you appreciate it today?"

The grandson of the emperor has a distinguished status. It would be a good thing if Ah Shu could marry into the prince's palace in the future.

Ling Jingshu suppressed the smile on her face and asked instead: "Axiao, do you really think that the emperor's grandson will be a good home?"

Without waiting for Ling Xiao to say anything, he continued calmly: "As you said, the emperor's grandson has a distinguished status, and his marriage is related to the future of the East Palace. He cannot be allowed to make the decision at all. Even if he has some affection for me, he cannot marry me. I am the royal concubine.”

"With our Ling family's background, the most we can do is to be a concubine. I don't want to share my husband with other women, and I don't want to compromise. To say the least, even if I am willing to compromise, the Crown Princess may not be satisfied with me."

"You should have seen something about the Crown Princess's attitude today. She seems friendly on the surface, but in fact she is wary of me. It's obvious that she doesn't like me. If I really marry the Crown Prince, I don't know what I will do in the future. What a pain."

"Do you still think that I should accept the favor from the emperor's grandson?"

In fact, there is one most important reason that remains unspoken.

She suffers from a strange disease that prevents her from getting close to men. She cannot and will not marry and have children in this life. She didn't want to mess with any men.

Whether the emperor's grandson is good or bad has nothing to do with her.

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