Loyang Jin

Chapter 135 Harvest

With this wonderful episode, the following poems and paintings will appear calm and calm.

Princess Changping and Su Ying judged and selected the three best poems and paintings. Jiang Rongyue's poems and paintings are among them, and poems and paintings by Jiang are also selected.

Ling Jingshu looked at Jiang's paintings carefully and praised with a smile: "My cousin's use of colors is novel, the composition is exquisite, and the lotus chanting painting is unique and eye-catching."

Before she came out of the imperial court, Mrs. Jiang was also a lady who was famous for her talent. She smiled sweetly when she heard this: "I haven't written for a long time, and I have become rusty. Please stop praising me. If you praise me again, I will blush."

Ling Jingyan's poems and paintings are also quite good, but unfortunately there are so many masters here today that without something special, it is difficult to stand out. Fortunately, Ling Jingshu made a big splash, and Jiang was also quite rewarded. Ling Jingyan was in a low mood for less than half a moment before she became happy again and whispered a few words to Jiang.

"Sister-in-law, I have taken a fancy to the vase with the beauty painted on it. Can you pick that vase later?" The vase is slender and graceful, with a painting of a beauty holding an umbrella.

Jiang followed Ling Jingyan's gaze and nodded in agreement. As a result, Ling Jingyan felt better.

Ling Jingshu saw this and couldn't help but laugh secretly.

Ling Jingyan is so lucky to have such a gentle and generous sister-in-law.

Princess Changping's laughter rang out: "Today I have the honor to appreciate your exquisite poems and paintings, and I am really happy in my heart. Miss Jiang San and three other people can take one piece from here to make a lottery gift. As for the others, I will leave before I leave. I also have a small gift for you.”

The little gift Princess Changping said was definitely not bad.

Being so generous and generous, everyone couldn't help but flatter him.

Princess Changping enjoys the feeling of being in the spotlight, and her delicate and charming face is full of pride.

Ling Jingshu was also among them, bit by bit, she suppressed the overwhelming hatred in her heart to the deepest part of her heart, with a just right smile on her face.

Princess Fumin was probably the most depressed and upset person at the lotus appreciation banquet today. She had been so ugly before, no matter how arrogant and willful she was, she had no shame in making a fuss.

After that, the maids came forward one by one to clean up the poems and paintings.

These paintings can be taken away when everyone leaves.

Princess Changping suddenly smiled and looked at Ling Jingshu: "Miss Lingjiu, the picture of chanting lotuses you made today is very much in line with my heart. If Miss Lingjiu is willing to give this painting to me, I will definitely give you a generous gift."

Ling Jingshu stood up hurriedly and said with a smile: "It is an honor for me to win the favor of Her Highness the Princess. How dare I ask for any generous gifts."

Princess Changping admired Ling Jingshu's appropriate response. She smiled and gently asked Ling Jingshu to sit down.

Although Princess Changping didn't say anything else, everyone present knew very well that Miss Ling Jiu had caught Princess Changping's eyes with her superb poetry and painting and a smart and exquisite heart.

From today on, there will be one more person in this circle of noble ladies.

At the end of the day, the lotus appreciation banquet ended and everyone said goodbye one by one.

As expected, Mrs. Jiang chose the beauty vase that Ling Jingyan had chosen. Ling Jingyan got a box of silk flowers from the palace, and Ling Jingshu gained the most. Princess Changping asked for her poems and paintings, and then gave her a set of fine Four Treasures of the Study.

Hubi Hui ink rice paper ends with inkstones, especially that side of the inkstone is the most valuable.

After being busy for most of the day, Princess Changping was obviously a little tired and did not see off the guests in person. The palace maid and chambermaid around you will see off the guests on your behalf.

Jiang Rongyue and Mrs. Jiang walked together and were closest to Ling Jingshu. She smiled sweetly at Ling Jingshu and said, "Miss Lingjiu, don't forget to come with me when my cousin comes back to be a guest in the future."

Ling Jingshu would not refuse the kindness of others, so she accepted it with a smile.

When approaching the door, Su Ying, who was walking in front, slowed down intentionally or unintentionally.

When Ling Jingshu and his party came over, Su Ying turned around, smiled and shouted: "Miss Lingjiu, please stay a moment."

Ling Jingshu stopped and said, "I wonder if Miss Su Er has any advice?"

"I don't take it as advice. I just have a few presumptuous words that I don't like to say."

Su Ying's voice was soft and elegant, and her eyes were clear and friendly: "I was lucky enough to meet Miss Ling Jiu at the lotus appreciation banquet today. I just feel that you and I are very compatible, so I hope to make friends with you. We will visit you often in the future. ”

There is indeed such a thing as affinity between people.

For example, the first time she saw Princess Fumin, Ling Jingshu felt disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

But today, Su Ying's first impression on her was very good.

"Miss Su Er's words speak to my heart." Ling Jingshu responded with a friendly and cordial smile: "I also feel that you and I are extremely destined. Thank you for not giving up and being willing to hand over to me. Why should I not be willing to do so? ”

Su Ying burst into laughter: "Why are you becoming more polite as you talk? It's okay not to say anything in these scenes. In a few days, it will be the day when I get my haircut. When the time comes, I will send an invitation to the Ling family. I hope you will come as promised."

For girls in the boudoir, this day is very important. It symbolizes that the girl has grown up and can talk about marriage.

Even ordinary people's families will hold wedding ceremonies for their daughters. For aristocratic ladies, haircut ceremony is even more important and grand.

Su Ying took the initiative to invite Ling Jingshu to her haircut ceremony, obviously treating Ling Jingshu as a friend she could make.

Ling Jingshu agreed without hesitation: "Okay, I will definitely come when the time comes."

Su Ying pursed her lips and smiled: "Then it's a deal."

After speaking, he nodded politely to everyone, then turned and left.

The graceful figure quickly disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Ling Jingyan couldn't help but sigh: "I have long heard about Miss Su Er's reputation as the most talented woman in the capital. When I see her today, she is even more famous."

Any talented woman will inevitably have a bit of arrogance. This Miss Su Er is modest, polite, and very friendly, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

No matter how picky you are, you have to admit that Miss Su Er is indeed a well-known lady with both ability and political integrity.

Ling Jingshu also rarely praised another girl sincerely: "Yes, Miss Su Er is indeed outstanding."

Jiang Rongyue felt slightly unhappy when she heard them praising Su Ying.

She is also someone who can't hide her thoughts. When her mood fluctuates, her face will inevitably show a little bit of it.

Ling Jingshu noticed the change in Jiang Rongyue's expression from the corner of her eyes and immediately changed her tone: "I came to the banquet today and not only did I get to know Miss Su Er, but I also made friends with Miss Jiang San, who is straightforward, lovely and lively. She is really my best friend. luck."

This sounds really pleasant to the ear.

Jiang Rongyue's eyes were crooked, and her smile was playful and cheerful: "Actually, I'm only two months younger than Sister Su. After she gets her hair extensions, it will be my turn soon. Don't forget to come by then. Be a guest."

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