Loyang Jin

Chapter 162 Confrontation

The dignified King Yan personally led the way, which can indeed be said to be a great honor. Nor can anyone refuse.

Everyone exchanged helpless looks, cleared up their chaotic moods, and followed.

Ling Jingshu frowned slightly, then quickly relaxed her brows, took Ling Xiao's hand and walked side by side.

King Yan was drunk and was not interested in wine. By talking to Ling Xiao, he looked back from time to time in an upright and righteous manner. From time to time, his wanton eyes fell on Ling Jingshu's pretty face.

Ling Jingshu resisted the urge to frown, lowered her gaze, and avoided King Yan's burning gaze.

At this time, Imperial Physician Wei suddenly quickened his pace, passed Ling Jingshu and his sister, and walked behind King Yan. I don’t know whether it was intentional or not, but it happened to block King Yan’s sight.

King Yan was a little unhappy, but he couldn't say it clearly. He twitched his lips with a half-smile and said, "The Imperial Physician Wei has to come to the Prince's Mansion every five days to diagnose the emperor's pulse and give Young Master Ling acupuncture. It's really hard work." ”

"Weichen is an imperial physician, and it's not hard for His Highness to take care of his duties in the clinic." Imperial Physician Wei responded calmly: "It's just a matter of convenience to administer acupuncture to Mr. Ling."

King Yan glanced at Imperial Physician Wei's handsome face that eclipsed all men, and said pointedly: "As long as you can cure Mr. Ling's eye disease, I will definitely reward you greatly."

...Whether Ling Xiao's eye disease can be cured, what does it have to do with King Yan?

King Yan deliberately said this in front of him, not only to show favor to the Ling siblings, but also to remind and warn in disguise!

Imperial Doctor Wei sneered in his heart, but showed no expression on his face. He smiled casually: "As a doctor, it is natural to treat diseases and save people. How dare you treat your highness as a generous gift! Moreover, Mr. Ling's eye disease has been delayed for several years. , Wei Chen doesn’t dare to say whether it can be cured now.”

"Why should Imperial Physician Wei be so self-effacing?" King Yan raised his eyebrows and grinned: "Your acupuncture skills are second to none in the imperial hospital, and both your father, the emperor, and your mother have great trust in you. Your superb medical skills are obvious to all, I, the king. I have great confidence in you. Don’t let me down!”

Imperial Physician Wei responded calmly: "Wei Chen will do his best."

Even the simplest Ling Jingyan could tell that there was something in King Yan's aggressive words. Not to mention Ling Jingshu.

Isn't Imperial Physician Wei a member of Queen Xu's faction and King Yan's faction? But looking at King Yan’s attitude towards Imperial Physician Wei, it seems that’s not the case...

Ling Jingshu thought silently in her heart, raised her head, and the tall back of Imperial Physician Wei suddenly came into view.

He is very tall, with broad shoulders and long legs. His back is straight when he walks, his steps are neither fast nor slow, and his back is very beautiful.

He must have blocked King Yan's sight just for her...

When you talk to King Yan, you must also deliberately attract King Yan’s attention! In this way, King Yan would have no time or energy to harass her...

etc! What is she thinking about!

When Ling Jingshu realized the thoughts in her mind, her face felt hot.

Imperial Physician Wei was a rare gentleman in the world, and he had sworn not to marry for the rest of his life. How could he treat her differently? If she thought so much, it would be a bit pretentious.

These thoughts just now must not be noticed by others. Otherwise, I would be really embarrassed to see Doctor Wei again in the future.

Ling Jingshu calmed down and put away the chaotic thoughts in her mind.

Soon they arrived outside the gate of the Prince's Mansion.

King Yan liked luxury, and the carriage he rode was particularly luxurious. The carriage was twice as big as the Ling family's carriage. The horses pulling the carriage were all white, with not a single hair on them, and they were unusually powerful.

King Yan warmly invited Ling Xiao to ride in a carriage: "Master Ling, this carriage is very spacious, and it won't feel crowded if it can accommodate more than a dozen people. Come and ride in my carriage!"

Without waiting for Ling Xiao to refuse, he looked at Ling Jingshu with a smile: "How about Miss Ling joining Mr. Ling?"

If they are not relatives or friends, how can there be any reason to open your mouth and invite the girl who is waiting to be married to ride in the car?

Ling Jingshu was mentally prepared the moment King Yan opened his mouth. She was not embarrassed when she heard the words, and responded calmly: "There are differences between men and women. I can only accept His Highness King Yan's kindness."

A beauty is a beauty, even her indifferent look is so moving!

King Yan was in a happy mood and did not take the rejection to his heart. Girls are always thin-skinned. Even if they are very willing in their hearts, they will not agree with their mouths.

Sooner or later, she would be willing to sit shyly in his carriage.

King Yan got on the carriage, but Ling Xiao couldn't find any reason to refuse, so he reluctantly got on King Yan's carriage.

Ling Jingshu was secretly worried. Ling Xiao has a simple temperament, how can he deal with the thoughtful King Yan?

At this moment, Imperial Physician Wei walked up to King Yan's carriage, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Your Highness, King Yan, I walked here from the Imperial Hospital today. Now I can only shamelessly ride in His Highness's carriage."

King Yan hummed casually.

Seeing that Dr. Wei also got on the carriage, Ling Jingshu's heart dropped quietly. Following Jiang and Ling Jingyan, they got on the carriage.

Finally, I don't have to face King Yan, so I can breathe a little easier.

Jiang took out a breath and whispered: "Ah Shu, no matter what Prince Yan's intentions are, the people from Prince Yan's Mansion cannot be avoided today. You have to be more careful."

Ling Jingshu nodded: "Don't worry, cousin, I have my own sense of proportion."

The emperor's grandson has not moved since Miss Ling Jiu left. He just kept sitting in the pavilion, with a stiff expression and a stiff back.

Anyone with eyes can see that the emperor's grandson was in a very bad mood.

None of the guards dared to come forward, and Wang Tong did not want to get into trouble, so he kept watch from a distance.

A guard walked up to Wang Tong and whispered a few words. Wang Tong nodded, hesitated for a moment, and finally walked into the pavilion to report: "Your Majesty, His Majesty King Yan has left."

After a pause, he continued: "The Imperial Physician Wei and the Ling family also left with His Highness Prince Yan. According to the maid who was waiting at the side, His Highness Prince Yan invited them to have lunch at Prince Yan's Mansion. Although Miss Ling and Young Master Ling Reluctantly, but unable to say no, I had no choice but to go along.”

The emperor's grandson said nothing, and a chill flashed quickly in his eyes.

After Wang Tong finished reporting, he lowered his hands and stood quietly, waiting for instructions.

After a moment, the emperor's grandson opened his mouth and said: "Let people secretly pay attention to the movements in Prince Yan's palace. If there is anything strange, report it immediately."

Wang Tong responded hurriedly and was about to retreat when the emperor's grandson suddenly said: "Wang Tong, let Lu Cai come to see the king."

Wang Tong is the commander of the guards around the emperor's grandson, and Lu Cai is the commander of the secret guards, responsible for controlling the secret power of the emperor's grandson. Such as secret guards, dead soldiers, and spies lurking everywhere.

Why did the emperor's grandson suddenly want to see Lu Cai?

Wang Tong did not dare to show his surprise and retreated after being ordered to do so.

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