Loyang Jin

Chapter 166 Confession

Talking briefly and speaking deeply is a taboo when communicating.

Doctor Wei obviously didn't like to mention her own affairs, so it was really rash of her to ask.

Obviously, Imperial Physician Wei rarely talked about these things with others. He was silent for a moment and then said: "To say that the ancestral house is too exaggerated, it is just a few dilapidated houses. There is no need to renovate it."

Of their two siblings, one is a concubine in the harem and has no chance of leaving the palace. There is also a doctor who works as a doctor at the Imperial Hospital. He is busy all day long. How can he have time to go back?

Or perhaps, there is some inside story that is not known to outsiders.

Ling Jingshu wisely stopped asking.

The carriage became quiet again.

After about a cup of tea, the carriage stopped.

The driver got off the carriage and said apologetically: "We are approaching the palace gate ahead, and there are imperial guards guarding it. It is really inconvenient for our carriage to pass by. Please also ask Dr. Wei to get off the carriage and walk there."

Imperial Physician Wei smiled slightly and responded casually: "It doesn't matter, I'll just walk over by myself."

Then he smiled at everyone and said: "Thank you for sending me back to the Taiyuan Hospital. This place is close to the palace gate and is heavily guarded. You don't have to get off the carriage. To avoid unnecessary trouble."

After saying that, he led Tiandong out of the carriage.

Ling Xiao lifted the bamboo curtain and waved goodbye to Imperial Physician Wei.

Imperial Physician Wei had a good impression of the innocent and lovely young man Ling Xiao. Even though he knew that Ling Xiao could not see him, he still waved to Ling Xiao.

Ling Jingshu also followed Ling Xiao's gaze.

Imperial Physician Wei was slightly embarrassed.

He was originally waving at Ling Xiao, but now it seemed like he was waving at Ling Jingshu... It would not be good if the young mistress of the Ling family misunderstood that Miss Ling Jingyan.

Ling Jingshu saw the embarrassed expression of Imperial Doctor Wei and couldn't help but pursed her lips and laughed.

Compared with the indifference and indifference when they first met, Dr. Wei Tai was now much more lively and cute.

The carriage turned around.

There was a smile on Ling Jingshu's lips, and she was obviously in a good mood.

Ling Jingyan, who had been silent for a long time, winked and smiled: "Ah Shu, the smile on your face has never stopped since you left Prince Yan's Mansion. It seems that you are in a good mood today! It's a pity that the journey is too short. , I couldn’t even have a few words with Imperial Doctor Wei.”

Ling Jingshu felt a slight fever behind her ears, but her face looked calm and composed: "Physician Wei worked very hard to treat A Xiao. I was very happy to send him back to the hospital to express my feelings. Cousin Yan, where is this going? Fortunately, Imperial Physician Wei has left and did not hear these words, otherwise, I would not have the nerve to take A Xiao to see him in the future."

Ling Jingyan stuck out her tongue and said with a playful smile: "I just made a joke, how dare you talk nonsense in front of Imperial Doctor Wei."

"Don't keep it a secret when you return to Prince Yan's Mansion today. It's better to tell your parents-in-law." Mrs. Jiang glanced at Ling Jingshu: "With Prince Yan's temperament, I'm sure he won't do anything in the future. You have to let him go." They are mentally prepared.”


The emperor's grandson has a strong self-esteem and is thin-skinned, making it easier to deal with. King Yan is different! With King Yan's shamelessness and domineering attitude, it would not be surprising for him to come to Ling's house.

Thinking of this, Ling Jingshu also had a slight headache. After thinking for a while, he nodded in agreement: "My cousin is right. I hid the matter from King Yan before because I didn't want my uncle and aunt to worry. Now, I can't hide it anymore."

"When you get back, please tell your cousin-in-law everything that happened today."

There were some things that she, the person involved, couldn't say more about, so Jiang didn't have so many scruples.

Jiang nodded clearly.

Following the last example, Sun didn't feel anxious even after waiting for most of the day. He even asked with hidden joy: "His Royal Highness, the Grand Sun, will let you have lunch in the Prince's Mansion again today!"

Jiang coughed and replied: "To return to my mother-in-law, today we were warmly invited by King Yan and had lunch at King Yan's Mansion."

Sun: "..."?

Isn't it in the Prince's Mansion? Why did he get involved with King Yan again?

Mrs. Sun was stunned for a moment and asked anxiously: "Yu Niang, what is going on with all this?"

"Mother-in-law, don't worry, I'll tell you everything that happened today." Jiang's words were quite tactful and reserved. However, King Yan suddenly appeared and invited everyone to his house without refusal. This incident itself was full of twists and turns. It's unusual.

Sun was not a fool, and he quickly understood the meaning of Jiang's words.

This King Yan is here for Ling Jingshu!

Sun's face turned dark!

How can this work!

No matter how noble the king of Yan is, he is not as good as the emperor's grandson.

Moreover, the turmoil between King Yan and the East Palace has long been a secret known to everyone. Uncle Ling cares about the East Palace and will never turn to King Yan. If King Yan wants to forcefully marry the daughter of the Ling family, it will be impossible to distance himself from King Yan...

"Auntie, it's all my fault." Ling Jingshu said apologetically: "Although I didn't intend to provoke King Yan, now I have caused this trouble for the Ling family."

No matter how annoyed or unhappy Sun was, she couldn't show it. She squeezed out a smile and said comfortingly: "How can I blame you for this? When your uncle comes back, I will discuss with him a countermeasure. You go back and have a good rest first. Don't think too much."

Ling Jingshu nodded obediently and excused herself with Ling Xiao.

After everyone left, Mrs. Sun's smiling face fell down and sighed heavily.

This Ah Shu just wanted to offend the grandson, but why did she attract the attention of King Yan again?

Uncle Ling came back from the evening entertainment and saw Mrs. Sun with a sad face. He asked in surprise: "What happened? Look at you, what are you doing with a sad face?"

"Master, something really happened!"

? Sun sighed deeply, and then quickly told what happened during the day.

Uncle Ling's face changed again and again when he heard this, and his drunkenness disappeared instantly.

"... His Highness Prince Yan's temperament should be clearer to me than to a housewife like me." Mrs. Sun frowned and said, "That master is not someone to be trifled with. He has the backing of the Queen and acts domineeringly. If he really If you are interested in Ah Shu, I’m afraid there will be trouble in the future.”

Uncle Ling's face also darkened: "No! Ah Shu must not get involved with King Yan!"

Sun smiled bitterly: "Master, now it is not something that Ah Shu is happy with or not. Looking from my side, when Ah Shu mentioned King Yan, there was only disgust and displeasure, not joy. The key is what King Yan's attitude is! "

If King Yan is really interested in this, as long as he persuades Queen Xu to issue an imperial edict, the Ling family will have no choice but to prepare the dowry no matter how unwilling it is.

Uncle Ling thought hard for a long time with a sullen face, and finally came up with an idea: "It's not impossible to solve this matter."

Sun's spirit perked up: "Master, what's the countermeasure?"

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