Loyang Jin

Chapter 14 Nightmare

Father has arrived in Dingzhou?

Lu Hong frowned, nodded with a smile, and looked at Ling Jingshu naturally: "Cousin Shu, A Qian and I are going to the pier to pick up our father. We can only come back another day to enjoy the flowers."

Ling Jingshu's reaction was a bit strange. The color in her fair and pretty face was almost gone, and the thin smile on the corner of her lips faded completely. The bright black pupils shrank slightly, then calmed down quickly: "Cousin Lu, please help yourself."

The originally gentle voice suddenly became like winter ice and snow.

Lu Hong was secretly surprised, but didn't think much about it.

However, Lu Qian's whole body trembled, and he looked at Ling Jingshu with extremely complex eyes, as if he wanted to say something, his lips moved, but finally he did not open his mouth. He lowered his head and left with Lu Hong.

After the Lu Hong brothers left, Ling Jingshu stood there for a long time.

It took so long that both Bai Yu and Ling Xiao noticed something was wrong.

Ling Xiao couldn't see her, so she didn't know that Ling Jingshu's pretty face was as pale as snow and her expression was stiff. But Bai Yu saw it clearly in her eyes, and her heart sank: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah Shu, why haven't you spoken?" Ling Xiao groped forward and grabbed Ling Jingshu's sleeves, with a look of concern and anxiety on his face: "Weren't you fine just now?"

Ling Jingshu took a deep breath: "Don't worry, I'm fine." She repeated: "I'm really fine."

She has been reborn as a girl, and the humiliation she suffered in her previous life is forever in the past. She doesn't have to be afraid, she will never let herself fall into the same situation as in her previous life again...

Ling Jingshu recited it several times in her mind, and her trembling hands finally calmed down.

With this look, it didn't look like anything was wrong, but it was clearly something serious.

But Ling Jingshu didn't want to elaborate, and Bai Yu and Ling Xiao couldn't force her, so they had no choice but to stay with her.


The sound of footsteps approaching from far away broke the silence.

Ling Xiao, who had the most sensitive ears, frowned and asked loudly, "Who is it?"

"It's me." A familiar girl's voice sounded. It was Ling Jingxian. She was walking in a hurry, and her usual sweet smile was no longer on her face. If she looked closely, there was even a hint of gloominess in her eyebrows.

He looked like he was looking for trouble.

Ling Jingshu was full of worries and her reaction was a little slow: "Cousin Xian, what are you doing here?"

Ling Jingxian twitched the corners of her lips and sneered, her voice sharp and mean: "This is the Ling family's peony garden. If you can come, can't I come?"

After saying that, he looked around and asked with an unhappy face: "Where's Cousin Hong? Didn't he come to the Peony Garden with you? Why is he missing now?"

Hearing that Lu Hong and Ling Jingshu came to the Peony Garden together, Ling Jingxian felt jealous and resentful and quickly came over.

Ling Jingshu was in a very bad mood, and she had nowhere to vent her anger and grievances. Ling Jing came to the door in a demure manner. Of course she would not be polite: "He has legs that grow on him. He can come when he wants and leave when he wants. No one can I don’t care. If Cousin Xian wants to see him, she should inform her earlier or ask someone to stop him and ask him to wait for you here.”

Ling Jingxian: "..."

Ling Jingxian became angry with embarrassment, her pretty face turned red from suppressing it, her eyes flashed with anger, and she gritted her teeth and said: "Ling Jingshu! You clearly promised me that day..." She caught sight of Ling Xiao's figure from the corner of her eye, and forcefully accepted the He swallowed what he said and said instead: "You promised me something, you won't forget it, right?"

Ling Jingshu raised her eyebrows coldly: "I never promised anything."

Ling Jingxian's expression suddenly changed. Just as she was about to say something, Ling Jingshu's condensed voice rang out again: "I'm not interested in what you want at all. What you want to do has nothing to do with me. If you say a word to me again, don't blame me for falling out."

The tone was very rude.

When Ling Jingxian heard these words, the anger on her face quickly receded, and she even showed a flattering smile: "Good sister, I just said the wrong thing in a moment of impatience. As a sister, I am here to keep you company. Can you Don’t take it personally.”

Ling Xiao was confused as he listened, and couldn't help but interrupt and asked: "Cousin Xian, what are you and Ah Shu talking about? Why don't I understand a word?"

Before Ling Jingshu opened her mouth to answer, Ling Jingxian responded quickly: "It's a little secret between us sisters, so don't pry."

Ling Xiao has an honest and kind nature, and after Ling Jingxian said this, he stopped asking further questions.

Ling Jingxian rolled her eyes, but couldn't help it anymore, and asked again, "Cousin Xiao, cousin Hong came to the peony garden with you just now, why is there no trace of him now?"

Ling Jingshu seems to be a different person recently. She has a cold temperament and sharp words, and is really not easy to mess with. Ling Xiao still looks easy to talk to.

"A servant came to report just now, saying that my uncle has arrived at the dock, and cousin Hong and cousin Qian have gone to pick him up." Ling Xiao said quickly.

It turned out that my uncle was here.

Ling Jingxian's brows widened and she said with a smile: "My aunt has been talking about it all day, and my uncle is finally here. Speaking of which, uncle and his family should be arriving soon! Grandma's birthday is coming soon. If she doesn't come back, she won't be able to make it in time." "

As soon as she finished speaking, a maid came to report with a happy face: "The old lady asked the slaves to deliver letters to the young masters and ladies. The eldest master and his family have also arrived at the dock. They are now loading the luggage into the carriage, and they will be with the aunt soon. Come to the mansion. Please come to Yonghe Hall together, young master and ladies."

"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here soon." Ling Jingxian laughed dumbly, and then took Ling Jingshu's hand affectionately: "It will be more lively if we go there together. Uncle and the others have not been back for five or six years. Look at this, she will look like my aunt later. I will cry a lot when I come back."

She thought that what she said was humorous, and she giggled after saying it.

Ling Jingshu glanced at her expressionlessly.

Ling Jingxian was smiling happily at first, but when she was looked at with such a blank expression, she gradually smiled a little sarcastically: "If you don't want to go there, then I will take the first step."

I couldn't help but whisper secretly in my heart. The uncle's family is back, and the uncle who has never met is also back. The whole family is reunited. This is a great happy event. Why doesn't Ling Jingshu look happy at all?

Although Bai Yu didn't understand the reason, she remembered Ling Jingshu's deliberate avoidance when Ling and others came back that day, and whispered to Ling Jingshu: "If the young lady doesn't want to show up, I will go to Yonghe Hall to report that the young lady is unwell. ....."


Ling Jingshu took a deep breath and interrupted Bai Yu: "Cousin Xian and I will go there together."

You can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime.

What should come will come, and what should be faced must be faced. She had to straighten her chest and face the nightmare of her previous life.


Along the way, Ling Jingxian was wise enough not to talk too much.

Ever since Ling Jingshu woke up from a high fever, her temperament, words, and deeds had changed a lot. When Ling Jingshu's pretty face was calm, it actually exuded a heart-stopping coldness and chill.

To put it bluntly, Ling Jingxian is a paper tiger with a fierce temperament. She usually shows her teeth and claws, but when she faced the sullen Ling Jingshu, she immediately gave up...

After arriving at Yonghe Hall, Ling Jingshu almost immediately calmed down the chill in her body. Smiling, he stepped forward to salute Mrs. Ling and others and then stood quietly beside her stepmother Li.

Ling Jingxian secretly spat at herself. I must have been dazzled just now because I thought about so many things. Ling Jingshu clearly still looks gentle and gentle!

Everyone was chatting while waiting for Uncle Ling and Uncle Lu to return.

"My eldest brother has served in the Ministry of Industry for many years, and I heard that he is highly appreciated by the Minister of Industry. The Minister of Industry, Mr. Qiao, is about to retire, and the vacant seat vacated will most likely belong to my eldest brother."

Most of the people Ling Wuye interacts with on weekdays are those with official status, and he is quite familiar with the promotion in the official circles of the Great Zhou Dynasty. At this time, his eloquent talk is quite convincing.

Fourth Master Ling smiled and took over the conversation: "My eldest brother has been a doctor in the Ministry of Industry for so many years. It's time for him to be promoted to an official position."

The position of Doctor of the Ministry of Industry is a fourth-grade official position. If you can be promoted to Minister of Works, you will be from the third rank.

Although he holds a third-grade official position, he is not considered a high-ranking official in the capital where there are as many dignitaries as dogs and the emperor's relatives are everywhere. However, he was able to get ahead among the civil servants. After another ten or eight years, maybe he can go one step further and become a official in one of the six divisions.

Speaking of her eldest son, Mrs. Ling was filled with pride and joy, with a smile on her face: "Of course it would be best to be promoted. However, the most important thing is safety. At this age, I don't care about anything else but my children and grandchildren. The whole house is at peace."

Is the whole house safe?

Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips sarcastically.

Mrs. Ling had a good idea, but unfortunately her uncle refused to be mediocre and insisted on getting involved in the whirlpool of the struggle for the throne, which brought huge trouble to herself and was sent to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment. In order to save him from the prison, the Ling family sold their property and asked for help. Finally, they found the Lu family and rescued him.

After this incident, Uncle Ling lost his official position and was unable to recover. Most of Ling Jianuo's family fortune has also been lost, and it is gradually declining.

It was precisely because of this that Lu An dared to put her under house arrest in the mansion without any regard for the Ling family's face. After she tried her best to escape back to the Ling family, Mrs. Ling refused to offend Lu An and cruelly tied her up and sent her back to the Lu family...

In life, one cannot escape the words power and profit, but it is the innocent and pitiful her who pays the price for this.


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