Loyang Jin

Chapter 168 Teasing

Why is auntie acting a little weird today?

The sitting posture is a little stiff, and there is a bit of strange guilt in his smile...

Ling Jingshu was thinking secretly in her heart, and said with a nonchalant smile: "We siblings are used to going to bed early and getting up early. It has become a habit to greet my eldest aunt, and we can also have breakfast by the way!"

Mrs. Sun was amused and said with a smile: "I'm so happy that you are willing to accompany me to have breakfast. Breakfast has been prepared. When your cousins ​​come, go to the dining room."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Ji and Jiang came.

Ling Ji hasn't been back to his house for half a month.

When Mrs. Sun saw her son coming to greet him, she felt happy and subconsciously wanted to get up. As soon as he made a move, a letter on the chair suddenly sounded... and he immediately sat back down.

Everyone: "..."

What does this move mean?

Ling Jingshu's eyes were sharp, and in a short moment she spotted something on the chair... it should be a letter. Before the siblings came, the eldest aunt was reading the letter, and because she didn't want them to notice it, she hid the letter on the chair in a hurry.

Who sent this letter? Why is Mr. Sun so secretive?

Ling Jingshu thought about the lightning flash in her mind and had already vaguely guessed it.

Ling Ji was surprised and joked with a smile: "What's wrong with mother today? Her sitting posture seems a little stiff. Did she not sleep well last night and her back is aching again?"

Sun coughed and followed Ling Ji's words and said, "Yes, I didn't sleep well last night and felt pain in my lower back when I woke up early in the morning."

Mrs. Jiang immediately said: "My daughter-in-law will order someone to call the doctor."

"No need!" Mrs. Sun refused without hesitation: "It's not a big problem. I just need to rest more today. There is no need to call a doctor."

Seeing that Sun was unusually persistent, Jiang had no choice but to shut up and remain silent.

Mrs. Sun smiled again and said, "Since you are all here, let's go to the dining room to have breakfast first!"

Ling Ji raised his eyebrows reflexively: "Mom, aren't you going?"

I was confused just now and couldn't place the letter properly, so I just put it on the chair. Now when you get up, all your secrets are exposed!

Sun was complaining secretly in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. She squeezed out a smile and said, "My waist is still a little sore. I'll sit here for a while before going over. You go first, don't wait for me."

"Auntie, let me help you over!" Ling Jingshu came over with a concerned look on her face, trying to help Sun up.

Mrs. Sun didn't dare to get up. She just sat as steady as a rock and said repeatedly: "No need to help me, I can just sit by myself for a while. By the way, wait for Ah Yan."

Fortunately, Ling Jingyan came late every day. It would be terrible if it showed up at this time!

Ling Jingshu did not retreat, and said with a smile: "Cousin Yan likes to sleep in, and she doesn't know when she will come over. How can we bear to let my eldest aunt wait here alone? Otherwise, we can wait together. !”

Sun: "..."

Mrs. Sun resisted the urge to gnash her teeth and forced a smile: "Auntie appreciates your thoughtfulness. However, you can't let everyone go hungry just because of A Yan. You'd better go eat first! "

At this moment, even Ling Xiao began to feel that something was wrong.

My eldest aunt is usually easy-going. What happened today?

Ling Jingshu's eyes flashed slightly, she pursed her lips and said with a smile: "The weather is really hot today. My eldest aunt is sweating on her forehead early in the morning."

When everyone took a look, there were indeed beads of sweat on Mrs. Sun's forehead. However, it is so early in the morning and the sun has not yet emerged, so why is it so hot...

Jiang's careful mind also guessed that Sun must have some unspeakable addiction, and calmly came to Sun's rescue: "Ah Shu, since mother-in-law wants to have a rest alone, let's go to the dining room and wait. alright."

As he spoke, he took Ling Jingshu's arm affectionately.

Ling Jingshu didn't intend to break up with Mrs. Sun. She just deliberately teased Mrs. Sun. Jiang was happy to smooth things over, and she happily agreed.

Finally they are all gone!

Mrs. Sun wiped the cold sweat on her forehead with her sleeve, stood up quickly and picked up the letter on the chair.

"Eh? Mom, what are you holding in your hand?" Ling Jingyan's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Mrs. Sun was startled. When she turned around and saw Ling Jingyan, her beating heart calmed down a little: "You girl, what are you yelling at? You really scared me to death just now."

Ling Jingyan pursed her lips: "I didn't do anything wrong, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

Sun was choked.

Ling Jingyan's eyes fell on Mrs. Sun's hand again: "Mom, is this a letter from Dingzhou?"

Sun denied without hesitation: "No!"

Ling Jingyan rolled her eyes: "It says it all on the envelope! I'm not illiterate!" If you want to make up a lie to deceive her, would you please make up a more clever one?

Sun: "..."

Mrs. Sun was exposed to her face and became quite angry. She said with a straight face: "Okay, don't ask anything you shouldn't ask. Look at you, you are always the last to say hello every morning. How can you be a girl?" Look like this. How can my mother-in-law tolerate being so lazy and unruly when I get married in the future..."

He scolded him head-on.

Ling Jingyan's head was pounding after hearing this, and she begged for mercy again and again: "Okay, mother, if you don't want to talk about the family letter, I'll just leave it alone. Don't be blabbering so early in the morning. It's not annoying for you to talk, I'll listen. I’m all bored.”

Sun's thoughts were revealed again, and she continued to get angry and glared at Ling Jingyan: "Do you talk to your own mother like this? Where have you learned the rules in daily life? I think about running out all day long, and my temper is almost wild. …”

Ling Jingyan was scolded with a frown on her face.

How could Mr. Sun be so angry so early in the morning? As a result, she was scolded all the time.

Mrs. Sun scolded Ling Jingyan, and most of the depression and annoyance in her heart disappeared. She gave the letter to her personal maid and ordered it to be sent back to the dormitory. Then he warned Ling Jingyan: "You must not mention this family letter in front of your eldest brother and Ah Shu later, do you hear me?"

"Why can't you mention it?" Ling Jingyan asked subconsciously.

Mrs. Sun glared over again: "I said I'm not allowed to mention it, I'm not allowed to mention it, why are there so many!"

Ling Jingyan shrank her neck and agreed with a grimace. During breakfast, I honestly didn't even mention a word about it.

Sun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After breakfast, everyone sat in the inner hall and chatted for a while.

The porter's boy came running to report: "Mrs. Qi, the chamberlain from Princess Changping's Mansion has come to deliver the post and is waiting in the porter's room."

Everyone was stunned. Why did Princess Changping ask someone to send another post? We just held a lotus appreciation banquet not long ago. Is this another banquet?

Mrs. Sun did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly ordered: "Hurry up and invite people into the house."

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