Loyang Jin

Chapter 170: Picking Lotus

Distinguished guest?

Could it be that the distinguished guest Princess Changping mentioned was King Yan?

Ling Jingshu frowned subconsciously.

The people on this boat were all women. The two handsome men beside Princess Changping were nominally chamberlains, not serious men. King Yan is different. If he also comes to Princess Changping to attend the banquet... wouldn't he be intrusive on this ship full of famous ladies?

Jiang and Ling Jingyan looked at each other, their hearts sinking slightly.

"I wonder who the distinguished guest Her Royal Highness is talking about?" The lively and charming Jiang Rongyue asked the question that everyone was curious about. Everyone invariably pricked up their ears to listen.

Princess Changping smiled charmingly: "I also invited Anya to be my guest today."

It turned out to be Princess Anya.

Ling Jingshu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Anya lives in the palace on weekdays. She has a quiet temperament and rarely leaves the palace." Princess Changping said with a smile: "Yesterday when I entered the palace to greet my mother, I saw Anya and specially invited her to be a guest. I thought she would not I was willing to come, but I didn’t expect to accept it immediately. I felt happy in my heart.”

"You don't have to feel restrained. When Anya comes, just talk and act as usual."

Everyone smiled and agreed.

After waiting for about a while, Princess Anya came.

Princess Anya is only twelve years old this year, her body has not yet developed, and she is more delicate than other girls of the same age. She still looks childish. Princess Changping and Princess Anya are more than ten years apart in age. They don't have much contact with each other on weekdays, and they don't have much deep feelings.

However, you have to behave affectionately in front of outsiders.

"Anya, you're finally here." Princess Changping stood up to greet her with a smile, holding Princess Anya's hand, which seemed quite intimate: "I was thinking about you just now!"

Princess Anya smiled a little shyly and responded in a low voice: "I went to the Queen Mother today to say hello. All the concubines and ladies are here. Even though I want to leave, I can't open my mouth. It makes my sister and you all wait for a long time. , I feel really sorry.”

As he spoke, he smiled apologetically at everyone.

No one even dared to say anything.

Then, Princess Changping introduced everyone on the ship to Princess Anya one by one. Princess Anya smiled and greeted everyone, showing her thin teeth.

When those eyes are smiling, they are like a spring breeze. Very similar to Imperial Physician Wei.

"Ling Jingshu, a common girl, has met Princess Anya." Ling Jingshu and Jiang's Ling Jingyan stood up and saluted together.

Princess Anya's clear and soft voice sounded: "Hurry up and forgive me. Today we are all guests invited by my sister. It is fate to take a boat trip on the lake and enjoy the lotuses together. It is no fun to stick to these etiquette rules. It is no fun to be together. Sit down and talk!"

She doesn't put on any airs of being a princess and is very easy-going and approachable.

Ling Jingshu and others thanked them and sat down again.

Ling Jingshu never had a good impression of people in the royal family. Needless to say, the overbearing and domineering Prince Yan siblings, the powerful Empress Xu was her life-and-death enemy who was sentenced to death in her previous life, and the aloof Crown Princess was prejudiced against her.

Even if the emperor's grandson claimed to like her, how could he ever truly understand and respect her? Just like a child who sees a novel and interesting toy, he thinks about taking the thing he likes as his own.

This Princess Anya is easy to make people like her.

Princess Anya and Princess Changping sat at the top, and the other ladies also sat together in pairs. Although there is no deliberate distinction, generally speaking, the higher the family background, the closer the seats are to the two princesses. With the identity of Ling Jingshu and Ling Jingyan, she can only settle at the bottom.

After greetings, Princess Changping ordered the boat to sail.

Those in charge of rowing are all maids from the princess's palace. The palace maids are not as strong as the boatmen, but fortunately, traveling on the lake is slow.

It is indeed very pleasant to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, with the gentle breeze blowing and the beautiful lotus flowers everywhere you look.

Princess Changping suggested again: "All of you here are the most outstanding ladies in the capital. You can play music, chess, calligraphy and painting, too. Today's trip to the lake, let's all play a song to cheer up the fun."

As for musical instruments such as harps, flutes and flutes, they are already prepared on the ship.

Su Ying smiled and said: "When it comes to piano skills, how dare we show our shame in front of His Highness. Let me be bold and ask Your Highness to play a song first, so as to open the ears of the sisters who have never heard of His Majesty's piano skills."

This slap in the face hit home right in the heart.

Everyone agreed one after another: "Yes, I have long heard that His Highness has excellent piano skills, and today I can finally see the wonderful music."

Ling Jingshu wanted to get close to Princess Changping, and her words were particularly pleasant: "Sister Su has actually heard His Highness play the piano. This kind of blessing really makes us envious."

Princess Changping had always prided herself on her piano skills and was very happy to be in the limelight. She accepted the offer amidst the praises of everyone.

The maid on the side had already cleverly moved the piano in front of Princess Changping.

Princess Changping is good at playing the guqin, and there are many famous guqins in her mansion. There is a guqin prepared on the boat, with elegant and sweet music. Princess Changping's piano playing skills can indeed be called superb, and it is not all what people are touting.

After playing a song, everyone was filled with praises.

Princess Changping's eyes flashed with pride and she said to Princess Anya: "Anya, come and play a song too."

Princess Anya declined with some embarrassment: "Sister knows about me too. I have been weak since I was a child, and I have no talent in playing chess, calligraphy or painting. I just practice to relieve boredom on weekdays. There are so many people here today, and my sister Zhuyu is in front of me. How can I show my shame? Please spare me this time!"

Princess Anya made a sad face and said pitifully.

Princess Changping laughed dumbly: "That's all! If you don't want to play the piano, I won't force you. However, according to our usual banquet rules, you have to be punished separately."

With a sudden change of eyes, he already had an idea: "I'm going to punish you by picking a lotus with your own hands. Most of the lotus flowers in this pond are pink, and you have to pick a white one."

This punishment is also elegant and interesting.

Princess Anya was still a child at heart, so she smiled and nodded when she heard this. Turn your head and look carefully at the lotus pond, looking for white lotus flowers.

At this time, a cheerful young girl's voice sounded: "Your Highness, I'm not good at playing the piano either, so why not pick lotus flowers with Princess Anya?"

The person who spoke was none other than Ling Jingshu.

Ling Jingyan glanced at Ling Jingshu in slight surprise, muttering secretly in her heart. Is this Ah Shu really not good at playing the piano, or does she intend to get close to Princess Anya?

Whether it's playing the piano or picking lotuses, it's all part of Tu's fun.

Princess Changping smiled happily and said: "That's fine, you can come over and pick lotus flowers with Anya."

Ling Jingshu did not refuse, stood up with a smile and walked to Princess Anya's side.

As for the others, they were either preparing piano music or playing flutes and flutes, making it a lively scene.

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