Loyang Jin

Chapter 184 Favor?

Seeing the rare look of embarrassment on Wei Yan's face, Wei Jieyu quickly understood and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

A graceful lady, a gentleman is fond of quarrels.

His calm water finally had ripples.

Wei Jieyu didn't want to leave her brother in embarrassment, so she smoothed things over calmly: "Anya, are you resting now?"

Wei Yan quickly replied: "Her Royal Highness the Princess is resting." After a pause, he asked: "Empress Jieyu led Miss Ling to the Jiaofang Palace to meet the Empress. Did the trip go well?"

I've been waiting for a long time just to ask about this!

Wei Jieyu twitched the corners of her lips silently, deliberately remaining silent.

Ling Jingshu could only open her mouth and said: "It went smoothly. Thanks to Empress Jieyu for dealing with me, the Empress also rewarded me with several pieces of brocade and a pair of jade bracelets."

Wei Yan looked over after hearing this, with no extraneous expression on his face: "Other than that?"

Ling Jingshu had long been accustomed to his keenness and did not hide it: "When I was about to retire, the Queen Mother also told me to go to the palace to talk to her more often."

Wei Yan's thin lips were pursed extremely tightly, and a trace of anger-like emotion flashed in his eyes.

This fleeting light fell in the eyes of Ling Jingshu, who had been paying attention to the changes in Wei Yan's expression, and her heart sank.

Before going to see Empress Xu, Wei Yan gave a low and vague reminder. At this time, Wei Yan's strange reaction... What secret was hidden in this?

Wei Yan quickly returned to normal and said with a faint smile: "Congratulations, Miss Ling, for being favored by the Queen."

Ling Jingshu suppressed the doubts in her heart and responded with a smile: "It is my blessing that the Queen is so kind and kind, and looks at me differently."

Wei Yan glanced at Ling Jingshu intently and said pointedly: "If Miss Ling has the opportunity to enter the palace in the future, she might as well come to Lingbo Palace more often. Empress Jieyu has a kind temperament and is the easiest to get along with."

Is this a reminder to her to get closer to Wei Jieyu, so that she will have an extra talisman when entering and leaving the palace?

Ling Jingshu's heart moved and she agreed with a smile.

Wei Jieyu opened her mouth at the right time and said: "It's almost noon, Miss Ling will stay in Lingbo Hall for lunch today. Ayan, if you have nothing to do, please stay and have lunch together!"

Wei Yan seemed to be a little moved, but he quickly declined politely: "Wei Chen still has something to do, so I will leave first."

Before leaving, he suddenly said to Ling Jingshu: "By the way, I specially prepared a new eye ointment for Mr. Ling. If Miss Ling is free in the future, please come to Huichun Hall in person. I will bring the ointment. past."

Ling Jingshu had never been so smart, and she almost immediately heard the implication of Wei Yan's words.

The so-called newly formulated ointment is just an excuse to hide it from others. He specifically emphasized that she should go there in person, obviously because he had other important matters.

"Thank you, Imperial Doctor Wei," Ling Jingshu raised her eyes and looked back: "I will definitely go to Huichun Hall to get the ointment the day after tomorrow."

It seemed that she already understood what he meant.

Wei Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, nodded to Ling Jingshu, and left.

Inside the Jiaofang Hall.

Queen Xu waited for a long time, and finally King Yan arrived.

"My son, I have met my mother." King Yan smiled and held his hands in greeting.

When Queen Xu saw King Yan, she finally had a smile on her face: "Well, there are no outsiders, why are you doing these false etiquettes? I have already had lunch prepared, and they are all the dishes you like."

The tone was very gentle, completely different from the carelessness he used to deal with the concubines before.

King Yan approached Queen Xu and smiled: "My mother is the best to me. She always thinks about what I like to eat."

Queen Xu was coaxed into laughing: "You are born with such a clever mouth. You say sweet words all day long to make me happy."

King Yan put on an aggrieved look: "My mother has really wronged me by saying that. I have always said whatever I think in my heart, and I have never said sweet words."

"Okay, stop being such a mouthful." Empress Xu said half-truthfully, "Don't think I don't understand your little thoughts. Let's have lunch first. Once you've filled your stomach, I'll slowly take care of you. ”

King Yan shrugged and said casually.

Needless to say, the royal cuisine in the palace was delicious and exquisite. However, King Yan and Queen Xu had their own thoughts, and no one had the intention of eating and drinking. He quickly put down his chopsticks.

After the mother and son had lunch, they went to the inner hall outside the dormitory to talk.

The maids and chamberlains all withdrew knowingly, leaving only Queen Xu and King Yan in the inner hall. There are no more people waiting around, and there is no need to worry about speaking.

"Mother, you asked me here specifically just to watch me have lunch, right?" King Yan asked pretending to be casual.

Empress Xu raised her eyebrows and said straightforwardly without beating around the bush: "Today Ling Jingshu entered the palace. I summoned her to the Jiaofang Hall to meet her."

Hearing Ling Jingshu's name unexpectedly, King Yan could no longer maintain his playful smile. He coughed and said, "Why does the queen suddenly want to see her?"

Queen Xu snorted softly: "Don't you know why I want to see her?"

King Yan: "..."

King Yan was embarrassed for a moment, then quickly returned to normal, and said with a smile: "My mother is indeed a sage, how can I hide my coquettishness from my mother?"

"It's rare that you have self-awareness and know that all your children are spoiled."

Empress Xu rolled her eyes at Prince Yan angrily and amusedly: "What kind of status do you have? Even if Ling Jingshu is beautiful and intelligent, she will never be your princess based on her family background."

"I have been busy choosing a concubine for you these days, and now I have a suitable candidate. The other party is Miss Wang Er of Duke Ping's Mansion. This Miss Wang is very talented and beautiful, and she is Duke Ping's only direct descendant. Girl, if you marry her, you can win over all the people from Ping Guogong's family. "

"Among the many nobles, there are only a few who actually hold military power. Apart from Duke Ying, it belongs to Duke Ping. The old man Ying Gong is the younger brother of the late Empress Chiang, and he is devoted to the crown prince's palace. No matter how much we try, we can't win over you. With Pingguo Gongfu as your in-law, you will be a big help, so we must not neglect this marriage."

"When I inform the emperor, I will decide on this marriage. At this juncture, don't get carried away. There will be no unpleasant rumors."

"This is what the Queen taught me." King Yan pretended to obey the instructions obediently: "My son has memorized it all."

Queen Xu was quite satisfied with King Yan's attitude, and her tone slowed down a bit: "A man should put his country and his country first. When you secure your country, the whole world will be yours. It's not just that you can have as many beauties as you want." "

King Yan followed Queen Xu's words and said, "The Queen Mother is right. After I marry the Second Miss Wang, I will accept Ling Jingshu into the house."

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