Loyang Jin

Chapter 186 Meeting

"A-Shu, this brocade is smooth and soft. It's really beautiful."

Ling Jingyan's attention had long been attracted by the three pieces of brocade. She touched them again and again, her eyes full of envy. However, this was something Empress Xu gave to Ling Jingshu. No matter how much she liked it, she would not ask for it.

Ling Jingshu chuckled softly and said: "The queen gave me only one pair of jade bracelets, so I kept them for myself. There are three pieces of brocade, all of which are bright in color. I will give one to you and one to my cousin-in-law, and I will keep them. Just one will do.”

Ling Jingyan's eyes lit up: "Really? Are you really willing to give the brocade to my sister-in-law and me?"

"There's nothing to be reluctant about." Ling Jingshu was very generous: "The clothes and jewelry I wore to the palace today were all given by you, so it's nothing if I give you a piece of brocade in return."

How can this be compared.

These brocades are all tributes. They are light and soft in texture and were given by the Queen. No matter how much money you spend outside, you can't buy them. Made into a dress and worn on the body, it is both decent and glamorous.

Ling Jingyan clearly had a lot of wishes in her heart, but she declined: "This is what the empress gave you, how can I take it away."

As he said this, his eyes lingered on the light pink brocade.

Ling Jingshu laughed dumbly, simply picked up the light pink brocade and put it into Ling Jingyan's hand: "This light pink is bright and beautiful, and it is most suitable for you. Hurry up and take it."

He picked up another piece of brocade that was a clear color after the rain, and gave it to Mrs. Jiang: "Sister-in-law, you have fair skin. A brocade of this color will look great on you."

In the end, I kept the moon-white ones for myself.

Ms. Jiang smiled and said, "That's all. Since you have my heart, I won't refuse and will accept it shamelessly."

When Ling Jingyan heard what Jiang said, her heart felt at ease, and she hugged the brocade in her arms tightly with joy.

For a time, everyone had smiles on their faces and the atmosphere was harmonious and harmonious.

After returning to the boudoir, the smile on Ling Jingshu's face faded, and fatigue showed in her brows.

Entering the palace today, it seemed peaceful and not dangerous, but actually my nerves were tense all the time. Especially when meeting Empress Xu, she was thinking very hard and did not dare to slack off for even a moment.

Empress Xu's sudden summons and favor, as well as the hints and reminders from Imperial Physician Wei, are all a bit fishy.

When we go to Huichun Hall the day after tomorrow, everything will be revealed!

Two days later.

After Ling Jingshu greeted Mrs. Sun, she mentioned that she was going out: "Auntie, in the palace that day, Imperial Physician Wei told me that he prepared ointment for A Xiaoxin's eyes. He asked me to go to the Huichun Hall today. One trip.”

Mrs. Sun subconsciously objected: "It's such a small matter, why do you need to leave the house in person? Just let the steward of the house come over."

Ling Jingshu's tone was soft but insistent: "I'd better go in person! Dr. Wei has been treating A Xiao's eye disease for some time. Maybe there are some things he can't tell A Xiao, so he thought he would take this opportunity to tell me."

Seeing her insistence, Mrs. Sun could only nod in agreement, and then gave a special warning: "Bring more bodyguards with you when you go out today."

I don’t know what’s going on, but Ling Jingshu always encounters something like this every time she goes out. Especially the last falling into the water incident was really frightening.

Ling Jingshu responded meekly.

Sun thought for a while and then whispered: "Ah Shu, this time you went to Huichun Hall alone and met with Dr. Wei. You might as well ask Dr. Wei quietly. If Dr. Wei can cure your strange disease, it will be the same for you. A good thing."

This was probably the real reason why Mrs. Sun nodded and agreed to her going out alone!

This was also the first time that Mrs. Sun mentioned her strange illness after arriving in the capital.

Ling Jingshu lowered her head and whispered: "Thank you for your concern, auntie." She looked like she didn't want to mention it more.

Seeing her reaction like this, Mrs. Sun couldn't say anything more.

When leaving the mansion this time, in addition to the driver and the accompanying maid, there were also six escorts accompanying him.

Ling Jingshu sat in the carriage, frowning slightly, wondering what she was thinking.

Bai Yu sat next to Ling Jingshu and broke the silence softly: "Miss, you don't seem to be in a good mood today." Shouldn't it be a joy to go to Huichun Hall to see Imperial Physician Wei?

Ling Jingshu was full of thoughts, but had nothing to say. After a while, she smiled bitterly: "I can't figure out some things, and I feel depressed."

What exactly happened was not explained in detail.

Bai Yu is as considerate as her hair, and she is always at her side every day. She knows some things clearly through her eyes. However, she was never a talkative person. If Ling Jingshu didn't want to talk, she wouldn't ask any more questions.

There were no outsiders here today, so Bai Yu boldly said a few words from her heart: "Miss has to worry about the young master's condition every day, and also has to deal with the great grandson Yan Wang, Princess Changping and the others. In a few days, the master will also come to the capital. Only. I’m afraid there will be more things to worry about!”


As soon as Lord Ling arrives, many troubles will follow.

Ling Jingshu pursed her lips and said calmly: "There is always a way to the mountain. Thinking about it now is just adding to the worries. We will talk about it when father comes."

Bai Yu thought for a while and said tentatively: "What should I do if I want the young lady to cling to the Prince's Mansion?"

Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips, but there was no smile in her eyes: "I will not be a chess piece at the mercy of others."

More than half a month has passed since the last time he flatly rejected the emperor's grandson at the prince's residence. The emperor's grandson still didn't respond. It seemed that he was completely angered by her rejection. I didn't even think about accepting her surrender...

That’s it!

If this road doesn't work, look for another way.

The carriage stopped outside the Rejuvenation Hall.

Ling Jingshu put on her curtain hat and got out of the carriage. As soon as he stood next to the carriage, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

Manager Han, who had a handsome face and a calm demeanor, raised his hands and said, "Miss Ling, Imperial Doctor Wei is already here and waiting in the back hall. Please Miss Ling, please follow me in."

Ling Jingshu nodded.

After passing through the lobby and entering the inner hall, Manager Han did not stop and kept walking inside. The so-called back hall refers to the backyard of Huichun Hall. There are many empty houses here, specially designed to accommodate patients who have come from far away or are impoverished and have no place to stay.

In addition, those suffering from contagious diseases were also led to empty rooms in the backyard.

Manager Han stopped outside a secluded room and knocked gently on the door: "Mr. Wei, Miss Ling is already here."

There was a hum in the room, and then the door was opened.

Tiandong had already received the order from Imperial Physician Wei, and said with a smile: "Miss Ling, please come in."

Ling Jingshu became a little nervous for no reason, she calmly responded and stepped into the house.

Bai Yu was about to follow her in, but Tian Dong quickly rushed out of the door and closed the door neatly: "Miss Bai Yu, Imperial Doctor Wei has something important to say to Miss Ling. It's better not to go in and disturb her."

Bai Yu frowned, but didn't make a sound, quietly guarding the door.

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