Loyang Jin

Chapter 214 Choosing a Concubine 2

The next morning.

Mrs. Sun was newly dressed and elegant. She said with a smile on her face: "I don't know how many guests there are in the British Palace today. Ah Yan and Ah Shu, you two should stay with Yu Niang and don't run around."

Ling Jingyan, who was wearing a pretty pink dress, winked playfully and responded seriously: "Mom, don't worry. Ah Shu and I will be obedient and follow my sister-in-law."

Mrs. Sun smiled and rolled her eyes at Ling Jingyan: "Ashu has always been calm and careful. There is no need to worry. I was talking about you."

Ling Jingyan stamped her feet and said coquettishly: "Mother! I am your daughter, do you have so little confidence in me?"

Sun nodded unceremoniously.

Everyone was amused and laughed.

Women's haircut ceremony is usually attended by female family members. Uncle Ling and Fifth Master Ling didn't even plan to visit. Ling Xiao suffered from eye diseases and had many inconveniences, so he had to stay in the house.

"Ah Shu, today is Miss Jiang's haircut ceremony. Do you think the Crown Princess will go to watch the ceremony?" Ling Xiao asked in a low voice.

Ling Jingshu smiled and said, "I should go."

For Su Ying's hair-raising ceremony, she invited the Crown Princess to be the guest of honor. Jiang Rongyue is the legitimate daughter of the British Duke and the prince's niece. The Crown Princess will definitely show up for her haircut ceremony.

Maybe, the emperor's grandson will also go to the British Duke's mansion today.

Ling Xiao thought for a while and specially warned: "The Crown Princess has some prejudices against you, so you'd better stay away from her when you meet her."

Ling Jingshu felt very heartbroken when she heard this, and smiled slightly: "I will be careful."

The British Duke is a noble among the nobles of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Jiang Rongyue is the only legitimate daughter of the British Duke. Her haircut ceremony was naturally lively and grand. One wave after another came to congratulate the female relatives.

Sun's group arrived relatively early and were led into the inner hall by the steward's mother.

Mrs. Sun and the British duchess exchanged warm greetings.

The British princess glanced at Jiang's Ling Jingyan, landed on Ling Jingshu's face, and asked with a smile: "This girl is the Miss Ling Jiu that Yue'er often mentioned! She is indeed beautiful and beautiful."

Ling Jingyan hurriedly stepped forward and saluted: "Jingshu has met the British princess."

This British princess was already over forty years old. Her appearance was not very beautiful, and she had fine wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and forehead. However, she was smiling and quite friendly.

When Jiang Rongyue smiled, she looked very similar to the British princess.

The British princess smiled and said: "Yue'er is still in the boudoir. You guys go and talk to her."

Jiang hurriedly responded with a smile, turned around and called Ling Jingyan and Ling Jingshu: "You two come with me."

Jiang and Jiang Rongyue are cousins. They have often visited the British government palace since they were young. They are very familiar with every plant and tree here. As they walked, they introduced: "Cousin Yue's boudoir is in front."

In less than a minute of tea, Jiang Rongyue arrived at her boudoir.

There were already several young girls sitting in the room, all of whom were familiar faces. When everyone meets, there is inevitably a lively exchange of greetings.

Ling Jingshu looked at Jiang Rongyue and praised with a smile: "Sister Jiang is so beautiful today."

Jiang Rong Yuesheng is cute and cute, and there is inevitably a bit of childishness in her eyebrows. Today, she wore a red dress and applied a thin layer of makeup on her face, which made her look a little brighter than usual.

Jiang Rongyue smiled with a crooked eyebrow, and her tone was as lively and cheerful as usual: "My mother told me early in the morning that today is the day when I get my haircut, and many relatives and friends come to watch the ceremony. Please be dignified and reserved, talk less and smile less. ! Hey, I’m born with this temper, I can’t bear it.”

As soon as this was said, all the girls couldn't help laughing.

One of the girls said with envy on her face: "I heard that it is the Crown Princess who will be the guest of honor for Sister Jiang and Hairpin Li today!"

"The Crown Princess has such a distinguished status. Apart from Miss Su Er, the only person who has the honor to have her as the guest of honor is Sister Jiang."

"Yes, Sister Jiang is really lucky..."

Everyone was talking to each other with envy in their eyes.

Ling Jingshu was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, it was the Crown Princess who was the guest of honor today.

Su Ying is the niece of the Crown Princess and has a close relationship with her. As the Crown Princess's aunt, it is reasonable for her to be the guest of honor for Su Ying. Coming to be Jiang Rongyue's guest of honor has some unusual meaning...

Thinking of this, Ling Jingshu looked at Jiang Rongyue calmly.

Jiang Rongyue's pretty face was flushed, and her eyes were shining. That light lit up the girl's pretty face, revealing a hint of mysterious joy.

At this moment, footsteps sounded at the door, and a familiar and beautiful face came into view.

It's Su Ying here!

Jiang Rongyue stood up with a busy smile, took Su Ying's hand and called out affectionately: "Sister Su, why didn't you come until now?"

Compared with Jiang Rongyue's enthusiasm, Su Ying's smile seemed a bit forced: "I'm sorry, I haven't been in good health these past two days. I got up a little late in the morning and came in late."

As he spoke, he withdrew his hand without leaving a trace.

Ling Jingshu did not miss this small detail, and her heart moved again.

Jiang Rongyue was the star of the crowd today. After a few hurried words with Su Ying, she started chatting with the new guests.

Su Ying glanced around and met Ling Jingshu's concerned eyes. After a moment of hesitation, he walked to Ling Jingshu's side: "Sister Ling, I haven't seen you for a while. How are you lately?"

Ling Jingshu entered the palace twice in just one month, and both Queen Xu and Wei Jieyu were very fond of her. This matter has long been spread in the capital, and Su Ying has heard about it.

Ling Jingshu didn't mean to say more, and smiled casually: "It's okay. However, Sister Su's complexion doesn't look good. What's wrong with her? Can a doctor take a look at it?"

Su Ying smiled covertly: "It's nothing. It's probably because the weather has gotten colder and I have lost my appetite, and my energy is not as good as before. I will be fine after a few days of rest."

Is it really that simple?

Ling Jingshu's eyes flashed slightly and she said tentatively, "I heard that the guest of honor today is the Crown Princess."

Su Ying's body trembled, and her smile became more forced: "Yes, it turns out that the British Duke has already invited the guest of honor. Unexpectedly, the Crown Princess took the initiative to be the guest of honor, and then changed it temporarily. Not only the Crown Princess will come. , I heard that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness the Grand Sun will also come."

After all, Su Ying is still a teenage girl, and she doesn't have much wealth yet. After talking about it, the sadness in his expression could hardly be concealed.

Her strange reaction also confirmed Ling Jingshu's suspicion.

For Jiang Rongyue's hair-raising ceremony, the crown prince only came, and even the crown prince and the emperor's grandson also came. The meaning contained in this can be understood at a glance.

No wonder Jiang Rongyue is so happy today, and no wonder Su Ying is so sad.

The contest between the two ended with Jiang Rongyue's victory.

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