Loyang Jin

Chapter 220 Good News

The next day was another day when Ling Xiao went to the Prince's Mansion for acupuncture.

Fifth Master Ling asked reluctantly: "Ah Shu, are you going to the Prince's Mansion today too?"

From the bottom of his heart, Ling Wuye was not happy that Ling Jingshu had too much contact with Wei Yan. If a man is unmarried and a woman is unmarried, people in the melons, fields and plums should avoid suspicion. Even if you want to treat a disease, you don’t need to be alone! What's more, it's still in the prince's palace, right under the eyes of the emperor's grandson...

No matter how I think about it, it feels inappropriate.

But as a father, he was increasingly losing confidence in the face of his increasingly tough daughter. Ling Xiao also protected Ling Jingshu wholeheartedly. His opinion became inconsequential.

Thinking of this, Fifth Master Ling felt filled with depression.

Ling Jingshu's response was unexpected: "I won't go today."

After a pause, he continued: "Mr. Wei told me after seeing me last time that my illness must be treated slowly and not in a hurry. From now on, I just need to go to the Huichun Hall every half month. A Xiao will go there in the future. For acupuncture at the Prince's Mansion, I will be accompanied by my father, so I don't have to travel back and forth in public. "

Ling Wuye immediately breathed a long sigh of relief, relaxed his brows and said with a smile: "Well, since Imperial Doctor Wei said so, you can just stay in the boudoir with peace of mind!"

As if she was afraid that Ling Jingshu would regret it, she hurriedly led Ling Xiao away.

Ling Jingshu quietly watched the retreating figures of Ling Wuye and Ling Xiao, with a lot of thoughts in her heart.

What she said just now was what she and Wei Yan had agreed on long ago.

There are many people in the Prince's Mansion and they can't hide every move from the Emperor Taisun, nor from Queen Xu in the palace. For the sake of caution, it would be better for the two of them not to meet at the Prince's Mansion in the future.

Huichun Hall was established by Wei Yan, and all the stewards there were loyal to him. It would be much safer for the two to meet there.

Thinking of Wei Yan, Ling Jingshu couldn't help but think of the meaningful words the emperor's grandson said yesterday. The questions that were pressing in my heart came to my mind again.

What did Wei Yan and the Emperor Taisun say? What does he want to do?

Somehow, she always had a heavy bad premonition in her heart... She wished she could see Wei Yan immediately and ask him clearly. It's a pity that I have to hold my temper and wait for a few days before reaching the fifteenth.

In the next few days, Ling Jingshu spent her time in a state of uneasiness.

The good news of the engagement between the Prince's Palace and the British Duke's Palace quickly reached the ears of the Ling family.

Mrs. Sun had expected it and was not surprised when she heard about it. She only murmured a few words to Uncle Ling in private: "With the Jiang family's family background, a marriage with the Prince's Mansion is a good fit. King Yan is getting married at the end of the year. It seems that the Grandson His Highness’s wedding is coming soon.”

Uncle Ling hummed: "Today I was in the official office of the Ministry of Industry and heard from a well-informed colleague that His Highness the Grand Sun's wedding is scheduled for March next year."

"I just hope that Ah Shu's illness can be cured soon." Mrs. Sun lowered her voice subconsciously: "The emperor's grandson will get married early next year, and he will have to wait at least half a year after the concubine's passing before accepting the concubine into the house. So let's think about it. , there’s still about a year left.”

Uncle Ling smiled nonchalantly and said: "With the help of Imperial Physician Wei, Ah Shu's illness will definitely be cured soon. Maybe it won't even take a year. By that time, Ah Shu will have passed her hair age and will be able to get married. ”

The couple were talking when they heard from a servant that Lord Ling Wu was here.

Uncle Ling led Fifth Master Ling to the study to talk.

The two are biological brothers from the same mother. Although they have rarely seen each other in recent years, their relationship is stronger than others.

Ling Wuye didn't have to worry about what he said. He frowned and complained: "Brother, didn't you say that the emperor's grandson is very interested in Ah Shu? Why did the emperor's grandson get married so quickly?"

Uncle Ling glanced at Fifth Master Ling rudely and opened his mouth to scold you: "Look at you, you are already in your thirties, and you are still so uncontrollable. What kind of status is the emperor's grandson? It is natural that he wants to marry into a family. Noble principal concubine. Only after the principal concubine comes to marry you can you marry the concubine of your own choice. "

"Don't you know what's going on in our Ling family? Don't let your dreams come true. It's a great blessing that Ah Shu can marry into the prince's palace and become his concubine."

"I have made these things clear in my letter, so don't be confused. Moreover, you should never mention this kind of thing to others casually. Just be aware of it."

Fifth Master Ling nodded sadly.

People's hearts are greedy, and there is no time to be satisfied.

Before coming to the capital, he originally thought that his daughter would be lucky to be his grandson's concubine in the future. After entering the Prince's Mansion and receiving the courtesy of his grandson, Lord Ling's greed and ambition secretly grew. He secretly imagined that after his daughter became the grandson's concubine, he would be the father-in-law of the emperor's grandson, and he would have no idea how much glory and wealth would be waiting for him in the future.

It's a pity that the good dream didn't last a few days before I was mercilessly awakened.

Seeing that Fifth Master Ling looked unhappy, Uncle Ling softened his tone and said, "Fifth brother, it's a foregone conclusion that my grandson will get a wife. Don't think too much. The most important thing now is to cure Ah Shu first." sick."

"Only when Ah Shu's illness is cured can there be hope of marrying into the prince's palace. Otherwise, everything will be just a fantasy."

Ling Wuye frowned in annoyance: "Ah Shu is my daughter, do you think I don't want her to get better soon? A girl's family is like a monster with this kind of disease. If it can't be cured, it will be terrible in this life. It’s all over, so I can only send him to the nunnery to eat fast and chant the Buddha’s name.”

When Fifth Master Ling got excited, his words really didn't sound very nice.

Uncle Ling couldn't stand listening anymore and glared at Fifth Master Ling angrily: "What kind of monster is not a monster? How can you say such things casually? Fortunately, you are still Ah Shu's biological father."

As soon as Master Ling left his mouth, he knew that he had made a mistake, so he defended without any confidence: "There is no one else here, it's just the two of us brothers, so when I speak in a hurry, I will inevitably get a little impatient."

Uncle Ling was too lazy to talk about him anymore, and only repeatedly warned: "In short, treating Ah Shu is the first priority. When the fifteenth comes in a few days, you will accompany Ah Shu to the Huichun Hall."

Fifth Master Ling also knew that this matter was important and quickly nodded in agreement.

Among everyone, the one who was really happy about this good news was none other than Mr. Jiang.

The Chiang family was born in the Chiang family, and the British government experienced both prosperity and loss. Jiang Rongyue is her cousin, and her relationship is quite close. Now that Jiang Rongyue has settled on such a good marriage, her cousin's face is quite bright.

Her mother's family was powerful, and her status also rose accordingly. Sun's attitude toward her has become increasingly cordial these days.

However, these are nothing. What really makes Mr. Jiang happy is that this month's monthly letter is already half a month late.

Without saying anything, she quietly asked a doctor to diagnose her pulse, and sure enough, she found a happy pulse.

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