Loyang Jin

Chapter 308 News

There is no sunlight in the sky prison.

There was only dim candlelight.

During the day, the candles were burning and the light was dim. At night, after the candles were blown out, they fell into endless darkness.

The rules in the prison are strict and no shouting or crying is allowed. The female officials and maids who had just been imprisoned in the heavenly prison were bound to cry a lot at first. After being starved for several meals in a row, he soon became more honest.

The first floor of the prison was quickly filled up, and some of them were moved to the second floor.

Ruilian and others were among them.

However, everyone is separated by several cells. We can see each other through the iron gate, but we can't speak.

The maid guarding the second-floor prison kept staring at them with her eyes open! Having tasted the feeling of starvation before, no one dared to talk casually anymore.

Ling Jingshu lived in the innermost cell. At first, she was still thinking a lot, thinking about Bai Yu and Qiaoyun, thinking about the fate of Queen Xu, and wondering when Wei Yan would be able to rescue her...

As time goes by, these chaotic thoughts gradually become blank.

Staying in the sky prison, time seemed to be frozen, and I had no idea what was happening outside. It was like being cut off from the rest of the world, with only the silence of stagnant water.

This kind of silence is the most difficult thing to endure. Those with weaker minds will soon collapse.

"Come on, let me out quickly!" A trembling and crying voice rang out.

It's Luoyan!

"I have something to report to the Emperor! I have important news to report! Someone come quickly and let me out!" Luo Yan shouted hysterically, quickly alerting the guards guarding the prison.

The guard commander walked up expressionlessly and directed the two sturdy palace maids to open the door of the prison.

Luo Yan, whose hair was as messy as crazy, rushed out without thinking.

But he was stopped by two palace ladies.

"Let her learn some rules and be more honest." The guard commander said coldly, turned and left.

Of the two maids, one tightened Luo Yan's arm, and the other slapped Luo Yan's face hard. The slap sound was extremely loud.

Luo Yan's cheeks soon became red and swollen, and with tears streaming down his face he begged for mercy vaguely: "Spare my life! I don't dare to do it anymore..."

Unfortunately, the two palace maids were not moved at all and slapped Luoyan hundreds of times before stopping.

Luo Yan's face was swollen and the pain was unbearable, and he could no longer say a word. He was sobbing, but his voice was very weak. I'm afraid that if I cry too loudly, I'll get into trouble again.

Ling Jingshu saw this scene in front of her eyes, feeling cold in her heart and clenching her fists subconsciously.

A good man doesn't suffer the immediate consequences! Luoyan is the best example! Being beaten here, there is no place to complain.

After this incident, the sky prison became quiet again.

Ling Jingshu counted the days silently.

It has been more than half a month since I entered the prison.

With the current situation, I don’t know how long I will stay here...

The familiar sound of unlocking the door reached my ears. Ling Jingshu cheered up and stood up. She smiled at the visitor and said, "Sister Cuiliu, please bring me some food."

This Cuiliu is the name of the palace maid guarding the second floor of the prison.

Because all the prisoners in the sky jail are women, it is very inconvenient for men to get in and out. The guards are all guarding outside, and the ones guarding the prison are all palace maids. Cuiliu has a relatively high status among the palace ladies.

Ling Jingshu was very knowledgeable, usually silent and never caused trouble, and Cuiliu was also very kind to her.

"This is today's lunch." Cuiliu put down the tray.

There was a bowl of rice on the tray, as well as two vegetarian dishes, plus a bowl of soup that reflected the figure.

Lack of oil, salt, and tasteless. But I can always fill my stomach, and the food is clean, much better than the first layer of rice with a musty smell.

Ling Jingshu thanked her again.

According to usual habits, Cuiliu would lock the door after delivering the food. After half an hour, they will come to collect the dishes.

Today, Cuiliu stayed for a while longer.

Ling Jingshu was a little surprised and glanced at Cuiliu subconsciously: "Sister Cuiliu, is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Cuiliu twitched the corners of her lips, quickly took out a folded letter from her sleeve, and quickly stuffed it into Ling Jingshu's hand: "Burn it immediately after reading it."

Ling Jingshu's heart was pounding, and she put the letter into her arms without thinking, and nodded.

She didn't ask any more questions, Cuiliu didn't say who sent the letter, she just locked the door and left as if nothing had happened.

Ling Jingshu ate her meal indifferently, then pretended to be sleepy and yawned, returned to the bed, and fell asleep with her back to the outside and the wall.

She lived in the innermost cell, far away from the others. No one saw any flaws in this gesture.

Ling Jingshu suppressed the excitement in her heart, took out the envelope from her arms, and opened it quietly.

Even if Cuiliu didn't say anything, she could still guess who was trying his best to send the letter to the prison.

It must be Wei Yan!

She was right.

The moment the familiar handwriting came into view, Ling Jingshu's nose sore and tears almost came out of her eyes.

This is Wei Yan's handwriting.

Wei Yan had written several prescriptions for Ling Xiao and her, and his handwriting was clear, strong, neat and beautiful. She didn't remember it deliberately, but she recognized it after just one look.

"Ah Shu, you have been suffering for more than half a month. Don't worry, I will definitely find a chance to rescue you!"

"The situation in the palace is now chaotic. Queen Xu is seriously ill and is recuperating in the Jiaofang Palace. Princess Changping caused a scandal of killing her consort again. In anger, Duke Xu went to the palace to complain. The emperor was furious. Regardless of King Yan's plea, Princess Changping was sent to Ciyun Nunnery."

"This scandal has become a big deal and everyone knows it. Prince Yan, his mother and son, and the Xu family have completely broken up."

"Empress Xu is not strict in educating her daughter, which is an insult to the royal family. The emperor is determined to depose the queen. There are many people in the court who agree with her, but very few are willing to intercede for Empress Xu. King Yan is powerless to change the situation. The matter of deposing the queen is a foregone conclusion!"

"After this incident, Queen Xu will never have a chance to turn around. From now on, you and I can breathe a long sigh of relief."

"The emperor has suffered setbacks one after another. His old illness has recurred, and his body is extremely weak, so he has to rest and recuperate. Nowadays, all major affairs in the court are presided over by the prince. The emperor's grandson and King Yan come to the palace every day to take care of their illness, and I can't get away from it. Every day I have been staying in Zichenli to take care of the emperor. It is not appropriate to mention your affairs at this time."

"You can stay in the Heavenly Prison with peace of mind. When the Emperor's dragon body recovers, I will definitely try my best to rescue you from the Heavenly Prison. The guard commander of the Heavenly Prison knows me. I saved his brother's life in the past. He will understand Let someone take care of you secretly.”

On the thin letter paper, there is not a single word of lovesickness, and there is not even the slightest bit of transcendence.

But that concern and deep affection are clearly revealed through the lines.

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