Loyang Jin

Chapter 350 New Year

Queen Xu cried for a while, then stopped and said in a low voice: "I have been in charge of palace affairs in the palace for many years, and there are always some available manpower. Although most of them have been eradicated by the emperor, there are still a few left. Attend to me Come here, I’ll tell you their names, maybe they’ll come in handy later.”

King Yan responded, lowered his head and put his ear close to Queen Xu's mouth.

Queen Xu named several people.

King Yan's eyes flashed, and he was slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, these people turned out to be the mother’s concubine!

What he is about to do is very dangerous and can be regarded as a desperate attempt. At this time, of course, the more help, the better.

After Empress Xu finished speaking, she seemed to have exhausted all her energy, and her voice became weak again: "Ah Qi, my mother-in-law is useless, I can only help you with these last things. If you succeed one day in the future, you will be a thousand Don’t forget Changping who is still suffering in Ciyun Nunnery.”

There was no unnecessary expression on Prince Yan's face, and his voice was firm and calm: "Don't worry, concubine, I won't forget."

Neither Queen Xu nor Princess Changping are good people. But they are his mother and eldest sister, and they are also the people closest to him in the world. Blood is thicker than water, and he can't let go of them.

For his own future and for theirs, he will never back down!

Next, Queen Xu didn't ask any more questions.

The mother and son spent New Year's Eve together like this and ushered in the new year.

When the morning light first appeared, King Yan stood up and whispered: "Mother Concubine, it's time for my father to get up at this time. It's time for me to go to the Zichen Palace to serve my father."

Queen Xu hummed and watched King Yan go away.

When King Yan's figure disappeared in front of her eyes, Queen Xu closed her eyes.

At the beginning of the new year, there are no major affairs in the government.

In the Prince's Mansion, people come and go, and officials and family members come to pay their respects every day.

Concubine Jiang Rongyue has been pregnant for five or six months, and her body is getting heavier and heavier, so it is not appropriate to worry and work hard. Everything in this mansion falls on the Crown Princess.

In the past year, the emperor has almost never been to court, and most of the government affairs are taken care of by the prince and the emperor's grandson. As the prince's reputation grew, officials from the neutral faction also moved closer. The number of people visiting the Prince's Mansion this year was more than double that of previous years.

Even though the Crown Princess is used to doing this, she is a bit overwhelmed this year.

After finally surviving the Lantern Festival, the Crown Princess fell ill due to overwork.

The trivial matters in the house cannot be left unattended, so Jiang Rongyue had to deal with household affairs with a heavy body. Within a few days, he had fetal motility, which frightened everyone around him.

The emperor's grandson immediately ordered someone to invite Dr. Wei from the palace.

Wei Yan diagnosed Jiang Rongyue's pulse and prescribed anti-fetal medicine.

After finishing their work, the emperor's grandson summoned Wei Yan to ask: "Mr. Wei, is Rong Yue's health okay?"

Wei Yan responded respectfully: "Concubine Taisun originally had a good foundation, but a woman is pregnant and should not work too hard. Concubine Taisun is now a month old, and she cannot waste her fetal energy. Otherwise, it will not be beneficial to the fetus. I'm afraid It will lead to premature birth. Weichen boldly suggests that Concubine Taisun should just lie down on the bed to have a good pregnancy!"

At this time, women do not need a doctor to give birth, but have experienced midwives. If something goes wrong during the production, it could lead to a tragic outcome of one body and two lives. It is not an exaggeration to say that production is a hellish gate.

After hearing these words, the emperor's grandson looked very solemn: "Thank you, Imperial Doctor Wei, for reminding me. I understand."

Wei Yan said what needed to be said and then resigned.

The emperor's grandson glanced at Wei Yan and said calmly: "I still have something to ask you."

Sure enough!

The doctors in the Imperial Hospital each have their own specialties. Wei Yan is best at treating difficult and complicated diseases. Jiang Rongyue had a fetal movement, but she invited him over with great fanfare, which seemed to be overestimating his talents.

Before coming, Wei Yan had a premonition. Now, this hunch has been confirmed.

The emperor's grandson specially summoned him here, and it turned out that it was more than just prescribing anti-fetal medicine for Jiang Rongyue.

The emperor's grandson led Wei Yan to the secret room.

"I wonder if His Highness Taisun has anything to ask?" Wei Yan was thinking secretly in his heart, but his face remained calm and respectful: "I must know everything and tell you everything."

The emperor's grandson didn't say anything. He only looked at Wei Yan steadily for a while before he opened his mouth: "Wei Yan, I didn't expect that you actually did what you said to me that day."

More than a year ago, in this secret room with just the two of them, Wei Yan confessed his affection for Ling Jingshu. The emperor's grandson still remembers how angry he was, as if something that belonged to him was coveted by others, and his face almost changed on the spot.

However, he never expected Wei Yan's next move.

Wei Yan knelt down in front of him and calmly stated Queen Xu's ambition for him. He also said that he would find a way to bring down Queen Xu in the future. Until that day comes, I just ask him not to force Ling Jingshu and let Ling Jingshu choose her lover.

He was surprised when he heard it, but he didn't really take these words to heart. I just agreed with the intention of recruiting one more person.

I never thought that so many things would happen in just over a year.

Wei Yan really did everything he promised!

In order to protect Ling Jingshu's innocence and safety, Wei Yan even took risks and dared to attack the emperor!

In the face of this desperate affection, his love for Ling Jingshu seemed so pale and feeble. He lost, completely.

But after all, he was still a little unwilling. Taking advantage of this time, Wei Yan was summoned into the Prince's Mansion.

Wei Yan smiled faintly: "Your Highness is overly complimentary. Weichen was in a dilemma, and in order to get out of trouble, he had to make a dangerous move. Fortunately, he had some luck and succeeded. If there was even the slightest mistake, what awaited Weichen would be an abyss. ”

The emperor's grandson was silent for a moment and then said: "She is in Lingbo Palace, and the Concubine Xian is very good to her."

With Qiao Yun around, Ling Jingshu's situation in the palace could never be hidden from him.

After arriving at Lingbo Palace, Concubine Wei Xian treated her with care and compassion, and she now had a peaceful and comfortable life.

Wei Yan nodded: "Yes. She is careful and thorough in her duties and neat in her work. Now she is the right-hand man of the Concubine Xian. The Concubine Xian treats her well not just because of Wei Chen's appearance. It is because she deserves to be treated like this. "

When Wei Yan mentioned Ling Jingshu, he was so affectionate and casual, and the gentle smile that flashed in his eyes stung the emperor's grandson's eyes.

He could hardly suppress the jealousy in his heart and asked coldly: "You like her, and does she also like you?"

Wei Yan raised his eyes and looked back with a calm look: "This is a matter between Wei Chen and Ah Shu. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for His Highness Taisun to ask these questions!"

Ah Shu! It's so affectionate!

The emperor's grandson clenched his hands into fists, and the expression on his handsome face became increasingly cold: "Why can't I, the king, intervene?"

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