Loyang Jin

Chapter 361: Competition

The emperor was very happy when he saw that Wei Yan and Taoist Yu had a "very happy conversation". He smiled and said: "Physician Wei, you have been with me for many years and you know my physical condition best. Master Yu Xian is preparing to practice. Regarding the pill, if I need to ask you something, you might as well tell me the truth and save yourself from the immortal master."

Wei Yan respectfully agreed.

The emperor smiled at the Taoist priest again and said: "Master Yu Xian is good at practicing alchemy and must be very proficient in various medicines. The Imperial Physician Wei next to me has been studying art since he was a child, and he has been studying art for twenty years now. He has superb medical skills and is incomparable. When Master Xian has free time, it is also a good thing to learn from each other's strengths."

Taoist priest Yu shook the whisk in his hand and said, "I will obey the emperor's will."

The emperor nodded with satisfaction.

King Yan wasted no time in flattering him: "Let Imperial Physician Wei and Master Yu Xian teach each other, complement each other, and make progress together. My father is wise! I admire you!"

The wise emperor stroked his beard and smiled proudly.

He also felt that this was a brilliant idea.

Practicing immortality elixirs is indeed very tempting. However, he is not so stupid that he just believes whatever others say.

The effectiveness of the elixir developed by Taoist Master Yu is still uncertain. In addition to letting people test the medicine, Wei Yan also had to let Wei Yan study it carefully. With Wei Yan's medical skills, he can at least check whether the elixir has any harm to the body.

Doing this can be regarded as putting people to their best use!

Wei Yan and Yu Daozhang were both smart people, and they quickly understood the emperor's intentions.

Of course Taoist Yu was unhappy. This is using him but not trusting him at the same time! What they were saying was that they clearly wanted Wei Yan to check his elixir!

As for Wei Yan, he was also stunned for a while.

The emperor's wishful thinking was quite good!

Of course, he will definitely cooperate "with all his strength"... lest the emperor be worried and dare not take the elixir.

After Taoist Priest Yu and others retreated, the emperor deliberately left Wei Yan behind.

"Mr. Wei, you have been by my side for so many years, and you are the person I trust most."

The emperor said kindly: "Master Yu Xian is almost ready to practice the first batch of elixirs. For seven to forty-nine days, the fire must not be interrupted, otherwise the elixir will not be produced."

"From today on, you will go to the alchemy room every day."

The emperor was afraid that Wei Yan would not understand what he meant, so he said more straightforwardly: "You should carefully look at all the medicinal materials and equipment used in elixir training. If there is any conflict or anything inappropriate among them, you must come." Report to me. Also, after the prepared elixir is presented to you, you and Dr. Zhou will check it before I take it."

Wei Yan received the order with a solemn expression: "Wei Chen will definitely do his best and never let down the emperor's expectations."

The emperor's expression softened: "Don't worry. The person I trust most has always been you. Now you are still young and not suitable for a high position. After Dr. Zhang retires in old age, the position of doctor in this hospital will be yours. Who will It can’t be taken away either.”

Ordinary imperial physicians only have a fifth-grade position. The doctor of Tai Hospital is a third-grade official. Being in charge of Tai Hospital is also an extremely prestigious position.

Wei Yan looked moved and grateful: "Your Majesty treats me so well. I really don't know how to repay Your Majesty for your kindness."

The emperor smiled and said: "How could I not know that you are loyal to me? You deserve this."

"Don't mention what I said to you today to the second person. Go back and have a good rest! Starting from tomorrow, go to the alchemy room."

Wei Yan once again received the order to thank him, and then resigned.

The emperor was quite proud of his arrangement, and he stroked his beard and smiled in a great mood.

Starting from the next day, Wei Yan had one more errand.

Every day, he first diagnoses the emperor's pulse and prescribes medicine to regulate his body. Then I have to go and stay in the alchemy room.

From the outside, this alchemy room looks pretty much the same. Chamberlain, maids, and other people are not allowed to enter. All the things needed for alchemy training were prepared by the Taoist priests themselves, and the person guarding the fire was the Taoist boy beside Taoist Master Yu.

Several Taoist boys take turns guarding and controlling the fire. The size of the fire needs to be carefully controlled. A strong fire is used for four hours a day, then a warm fire for four hours, and at night, it is changed to a small fire.

The dosage and order of medicinal materials for elixir training are also very strict. These were all done by Taoist Master Yu himself, and the other Taoist priests could only help.

Wei Yan was ordered to enter the alchemy room, apparently to "ask for advice", but in fact he came to supervise the process of alchemy practice.

Not only Wei Yan knew this, but Taoist Master Yu also knew it.

Even if he was unhappy, Taoist Master Yu never showed any signs of it and was very polite to Wei Yan. Let Wei Yan look around.

Wei Yan opened his mouth to ask a question, but Taoist Master Yu never declined and would definitely give an answer - of course, it was hard to tell the rough and detailed answer. Whether Wei Yan can understand it or not has nothing to do with him.

Wei Yan knew very well that he didn't like the Taoist Master's rejection, so he just didn't know. He came to the alchemy room on time every day and would stay at least half a day before leaving.

Those Taoist priests could not help but mutter several times in front of Taoist Priest Yu: "This Dr. Wei is very handsome, but he is too young. Is his medical skill really as good as some people say?"

"Being famous doesn't necessarily matter. I think it means that she is taking advantage of the good concubine."

"Relying on the emperor's favor, he came to our alchemy practice room to show off his power!"

"He keeps asking questions all day long, and he looks so condescending, which makes people uncomfortable."

"that is……"

"Shut up, everyone!"

When Taoist Master Yu opened his mouth, all the Taoist priests immediately fell silent.

These Taoist priests usually live in separate quarters, and they all have some reputations and backgrounds. Each one claims to be extraordinary and dissatisfied with each other. Now they are all invited to the palace by King Yan. They were originally a mess. Yu Taoist priest was a brilliant Taoist. He not only won the favor of King Yan, but also was highly regarded by the emperor. He became the leader of all Taoist priests.

Some people were unconvinced at first, but later they were secretly troubled by Taoist Master Yu several times, and had to bow their heads and recognize the leader.

Taoist priest Yu glanced at him, his gaze as sharp as a knife: "Where is this place? Be careful what you say. That Wei Yan's medical skills are really good, otherwise, how could he have achieved such a great success for the emperor just by relying on the virtuous concubine? Trust me! Don’t underestimate him!”

The Taoist priests were shocked when they heard this, and they responded submissively.

"Whether this elixir can be mastered or not is related to our lives and future. You all should be more attentive!" Taoist Master Yu said in a deep voice: "As for Wei Yan, let's leave him alone for the time being. If anything happens, please do it. Let me handle it. You don’t need to say too much in front of him.”

The Taoist priests did not dare to say anything and responded one by one.

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