Loyang Jin

Chapter 410: Heavenly Prison

Mrs. Ling finally got to the point: "Speaking of which, it's been half a month since Wei Yan returned to the palace! I don't know if he has mentioned anything about the Lu family in front of the emperor."

She waited eagerly for the good news every day, and she became really anxious every day as she waited.

Ling Jingshu had already expected that Mrs. Ling would ask this question, so she smiled and comforted: "Grandma, don't be impatient. For such a big matter, you have to find a suitable opportunity before you can plead for mercy. If you open your mouth hastily, I'm afraid it will arouse the jealousy and displeasure of the emperor." , but it’s not good. Since Wei Yan promised to do his best, he will never stand idly by.”

Anyway, Wei Yan was in the palace, so no one knew whether he had asked the emperor for mercy in private.

Ling Jingshu didn't feel guilty at all when she casually said a few words to deal with Old Mrs. Ling.

She and the Lu family had a sworn hatred, and she wished that the Ling family would never stand up, so how could she have the heart to save her? In the letter she wrote to Wei Yan before, she had already expressed her feelings clearly.

Wei Yan is also a master of drama. He came to Ling's house last time and made Mrs. Ling convinced by his remarks.

Sure enough, Mrs. Ling's expression softened a little: "I was too impatient. Wei Yan also said that this matter is not easy, so let's wait patiently for the news. It has only been half a month, and I am already anxious. , It’s really outrageous.”

"Care leads to chaos, and grandma is also worried about her aunt." Ling Jingshu took over the conversation empathetically: "Fortunately, I used money to buy people in the prison a few days ago to take care of my aunt, so she won't suffer too much."

Mrs. Ling couldn't help but sigh when she thought of her daughter who was locked up in prison and never saw the light of day.

As long as I can save my daughter's life, I won't hesitate to spend more money!

In the capital's prison, all serious and important criminals are imprisoned.

More than a hundred members of the Lu family were all imprisoned in the sky prison. Men and women were detained in two separate places.

There were more than a dozen people locked up in the small cell. The female members of the Lu family occupied a total of three such cells, and of course Ling was among them.

The sky prison was dimly lit and not very ventilated. Prisoners in prison are not given any treatment such as bathing and changing clothes. Everyone was unkempt and their bodies exuded an extremely unpleasant odor.

Ling, who used to love cleanliness the most, was now sitting on the ground with a dull look on her face, her eyes dull.

When the news of Lu Hong's accident came back to Jizhou, Lu An was heartbroken and Ling pretended to be sad on the surface, but secretly rejoiced in her heart. Lu Hong entered the temple and became a monk, and the only legitimate son in the family room of Lu's parents was Lu Qian. From now on, all the Lu family's property will also belong to Lu Qian.

Unexpectedly, before she could be happy for two years, the sky of the Lu family collapsed!

It's all Lupin's fault!

He dreamed of following the dragon's merits, but he dared to get involved in the assassination of the emperor and the prince... The entire Lu family was implicated by Lu Ping, and they became prisoners overnight.

Being locked up in a sky prison without seeing the light of day, the whole person began to feel confused. How many days have passed, or whether it has been more than ten days, or a month...

Ling couldn't remember clearly. All she cared about was Lu Qian.

Lupine is the culprit and cannot escape death. Lu An is Lu Ping's elder brother and the patriarch of the Lu family, and his chances of survival are slim.

But her son is innocent. He was only fifteen years old, and he hadn't had time to start a family and have children yet, so he was still a confused young man!

Ling's tears fell heavily.

Her crying did not attract any attention. These days, for all the women in the Lu family, it is like being in hell. The despair of precarious life and the fear of not knowing the future tortured them day and night. People break down and cry every day. Hearing Ling's cry, someone soon started crying too.

A sturdy prison guard walked over, followed by two guards carrying meals.

The cell leader had a fierce look on his face and yelled at the top of his lungs: "Crying is prohibited in the sky jail. Anyone who dares to cry again will not eat today."

Just two sentences immediately silenced everyone.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and the belly is the biggest. It is better to die than to live. A person cannot live without eating.

The prison boss was satisfied when he saw that everyone had calmed down and behaved. The jailer opened the chains and carried the food inside. Each person had a bowl of porridge with a human figure visible and a musty-smelling steamed bun. It was impossible to eat enough, just barely half full to avoid starving to death.

After the meals were all distributed, the cell leader took another food box and placed it in front of Ling.

The porridge in that food box is much thicker, there are two steamed buns, made of white flour, without any musty smell, and there is also a plate of pickles and vegetables.

In the past, even the little maid around Ling would have disliked such a meal. Now it has attracted the envy of everyone.

After the prison boss left, someone said sourly: "My sister-in-law is the luckiest. After I entered the prison, my mother-in-law's family took care of me. I spent a lot of money so that my sister-in-law could eat white flour steamed buns every meal." Pickles, green vegetables, and occasionally meaty vegetables.”

The one who spoke was the female member of the third room of the Lu family.

Mrs. Ling ignored her and ate all the food.

Her family has not forgotten her and will definitely save her! She will also rescue her son! Before that, she had to live well and not abuse her body.

Not only the Ling family, but also the meals of Lu An, Lu Qian and his son were specially "taken care of" in the cell on the other side.

The handsome and graceful Lu An has been tortured these days to the point where he is thin, embarrassed and looks gloomy.

He took the steamed bun and brought it to his mouth for a long time. He reluctantly took a bite, but it was like chewing wax and tasteless. It took a lot of effort to swallow it.

A person waiting to die will only have boundless despair in his heart. Not to mention steamed buns, even delicacies from mountains and seas are hard to swallow now.

Lu Qian wasn't much better. He took a few hasty bites and huddled in the corner. When no one was paying attention, Lu Qian's expression was so complicated and crying.

In the previous life, the Lu family successfully climbed up to Princess Changping and King Yan. Until the moment he died, he was extremely beautiful.

In this life, many things have changed.

The affair between Lu Hong and Princess Changping was revealed. Princess Changping killed Xu's consort and was imprisoned in Ciyun Nunnery. Lu Hong became a monk "by decree". King Yan was defeated in the competition for the position of crown prince. Now, even the second uncle is implicated, and everyone in the Lu family has been imprisoned...

Everything is different from the previous life!

The only change happened to Ling Jingshu.

He didn't know how she, a weak woman, could do this. Behind all this, there is clearly her shadow.

Ah Shu, do you hate the Lu family so much? Are you so angry that you want to see all the Lu family members die? Do you hate me so much that you never want to see me again?

Lu Qian closed his eyes, and two lines of tears slowly fell.

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