Loyang Jin

Chapter 422: Bridal Chamber 1

The bearers had already received the warning, and the sedan chair was carried quite smoothly.

Wei Yan, who was wearing a wedding robe, was riding a high-headed red horse, and his handsome face was filled with the joy of spring breeze. Forty-eight people carried the dowry, followed by the wedding team, and walked majestically on the wide street.

Both sides of the street were crowded with people watching the excitement.

"Divine Doctor Wei finally got a wife!"

"Yes, Divine Doctor Wei is twenty-seven this year. He used to be busy treating the nobles in the palace, and he also took care of the Huichen Hall, which delayed his life-long events. Now he is fine, and he has a wife. "

"I heard that the young lady from the Ling family has a beautiful face that is astonishing to the whole country. Divine Doctor Wei married the young lady from the Ling family. They are a match made in heaven."

"This is a marriage that the Queen personally ordered. The Queen will never cheat her own brother, and the bride must be good."

Amidst the buzz of discussion, the wedding team finally arrived at the Wei Mansion.

Outside the Wei Mansion, there were also many people crowding in to join in the fun.

The chief steward of the Wei Mansion ordered the servants in the manor to bring two baskets of copper coins, and asked the common people who came to watch the excitement to receive two each to feel happy. It immediately attracted a lot of praise and good wishes.

All these disturbances have nothing to do with the newcomers.

Wei Yan dismounted his horse and led the bride into the worship hall.

The Wei family has long since lost its high hall, and Queen Wei cannot come to the Wei Mansion in person. However, this happy event in the Wei Mansion was still very lively.

There are not many people in the world who are willing to provide help in times of need, but there are many people who are the icing on the cake. The connections Wei Yan has accumulated over the years cannot be underestimated, and there are indeed many people who come to the Wei Mansion to help Queen Wei.

Pay homage to heaven and earth! Two thanks to Gaotang! Husband and wife say goodbye!

After the ceremony was completed, Ling Jingshu was led into the new house while feeling dizzy.

Wei Yan had no time to stay with her in the new house. He didn't even have time to lift his hijab before he was dragged out to greet the guests.

The wedding day is actually quite a hard job for the bride. She doesn't talk or move, doesn't eat or drink, and sits all day long. No matter how busy it is outside, it has nothing to do with the bride.

Ling Jingshu didn't know how long she had been sitting, and her waist and legs were sore from sitting upright. She felt a little excited, but she was worried that the brides in the new house would laugh at her secretly.

The Xi Niang who went to Ling Mansion to dress her up and the several Xi Niangs who handled trivial matters in Wei Mansion were all sent by Queen Wei. Saying a few words in front of Queen Wei after returning to the palace was enough to make her, a newlywed, ashamed.

Forget it, let’s continue to endure it!

Time slipped away quietly little by little.

I don’t know how long it took, but there was finally movement outside the door.

The door was pushed open, and a group of people entered the new house with noisy footsteps. A strong smell of alcohol soon spread in the new house.

"Hurry up and lift the bride's hijab. We want to see the bride." Someone shouted with a smile while drunk, and many people immediately echoed.

Wei Yan also drank a lot of wine, and responded with a smile, half helpless and half expectant: "Okay, I'll lift the hijab right now."

Ling Jingshu, who was sitting beside the bed, felt her heart beating violently.

The hijab was lifted up by the red wedding pole and slid lightly to the ground.

Ling Jingshu lowered her eyes slightly, not having the courage to look at anyone, and her eyes fell on the hem of Wei Yan's wedding robe. Wei Yan stared at the shy and silent Ling Jingshu, feeling drunk.

The people in the new house were shocked by Ling Jingshu's stunning beauty. They were quiet for a moment before starting to make noise again.

"The bride is so beautiful! Imperial Physician Wei is really blessed."

"No wonder I haven't been willing to marry for so many years. I guess I knew there was a ****** waiting for me!"

"Drink a cup of wine! Hurry up and drink a cup of wine!"

Before Wei Yan could regain his senses, a wine glass was stuffed into his hand. He sat down next to Ling Jingshu in a daze, his arms around her, their foreheads touching, and their eyes facing each other.

At this moment, who cares what the people around are shouting.

He only has eyes for her.

She only has eyes for him.

From today on, they will be the closest people in the world. Let's hold each other together until we grow old, never leave each other.

"Ah Shu," Wei Yan called her name softly: "Let's have a drink together! Believe me, I will never let you down in this life."

Ling Jingshu's eyes were slightly moist, and the confusion, anxiety and nervousness she had felt all day disappeared in this short sentence.

Under the witness of everyone, the two drank a glass of wine.

The people who came to discuss the new house were unwilling to leave just like that. He just refused to leave.

Wei Yan's heart was all about his bride, so he couldn't care less about the people who came to join in the fun. He winked at the happy ladies again and again.

These Xi Niangs are all members of the palace, and each one is smarter and smarter than the last. How could you not see what Wei Yan was thinking? He immediately raised his smile and even coaxed and chased everyone out.

Only Wei Yan, Ling Jingshu and Bai Yu Qiaoyun were left in the new house.

Finally got clean.

Ling Jingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at Wei Yan. Just in time to meet Wei Yan's hot and eager gaze.

It was as if someone who had been hungry for a long time saw the most delicious delicacy in the world and wanted to tear it apart and eat it.

Ling Jingshu's cheeks began to heat up quietly.

Bai Yu bravely took a step forward and said, "Uncle, the young lady had some breakfast in the morning. She hasn't eaten all day and is already hungry. I want to go to the kitchen and make some food and bring it over."

Wei Yan came back to his senses and said hurriedly: "I have already left the food for you. You don't need to go. I will bring it myself. The hot water for bathing has also been prepared. After eating, let's take a bath first. Rest. You and Qiaoyun stay with Ah Shu."

With that said, he hurriedly walked out.

Bai Yu laughed dumbly: "My uncle is very considerate and even thinks of these trivial matters."

My uncle is really gentle and considerate.

Qiaoyun also laughed and said in a low voice: "Yes, my uncle is indeed very careful."

After such a hard day, Ling Jingshu was already tired and tired.

When Wei Yan personally brought the food in, Ling Jingshu ignored her shyness and drank two bowls of rice porridge, ate two snacks, and some exquisite and delicious side dishes.

Let Bai Yu and Qiao Yun go out and eat the rest.

Finally, they were the only two left in the new house.

Wei Yan walked up to Ling Jingshu, with a gentle smile in his bright black eyes: "The hot water is ready, the clean room is next door, and there is a door behind the screen that you can go through directly. I will lead you now past."

Ling Jingshu was so weak under his gaze that she bit her lips and said with a blush, "When Bai Yu and Qiao Yun finish eating, let them take a bath for me."

Wei Yan gave a low laugh, and pulled her into his arms a little rogue: "Bai Yu and the others have been busy all day, can you bear to let them work again? You are already my wife. It is only right that I take care of you to bathe." "

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