Loyang Jin

Chapter 40 Surprise Farewell 2

Mrs. Ling led everyone and sent Uncle Ling Lu An and his party to the door.

Outside Ling's Mansion, eight carriages had been prepared and had been waiting for a long time.

There were three carriages for storing clothes and luggage. Among the remaining five carriages, Lu An and his son took one, Uncle Ling and his eldest son Ling Ji took one carriage, and the maids and servants occupied two more carriages. Ling Jingshu and Ling Xiao, two siblings, took a car with their aunt Sun and others.

Lu Qian also slipped into the carriage while no one was paying attention.

Ling was angry and funny at the same time, and said angrily: "A Qian, stop fooling around and come down quickly."

Lu Qian only said: "I will send my father and eldest brother to the dock, and I will come back when they get on the boat." After that, he said nothing. Ren Ling refused to get off the carriage no matter how coaxed she was.

Mrs. Ling had nothing to do with her willful and stubborn son, so she had no choice but to let him go.

The carriage in front has begun to set off slowly.

Ling Jingshu was sitting in the second carriage. Lu Qian looked around, staring closely at the carriage, as if he saw Ling Jingshu's figure through the thick wooden boards.

After a long time, Lu Qian withdrew his gaze and met Lu Hong's inquiring gaze.

"Second brother, didn't you know anything about the fact that cousin Shu was leaving Dingzhou for the capital?" Lu Hong hit Lu Qian's sore spot.

Lu Qian secretly gritted his teeth and replied calmly: "Cousin Shu must be afraid that if she told me in advance, I would feel sad, so she deliberately hid it from me. She went to the capital this time to seek treatment for Cousin Xiao. Eye disease, once Cousin Xiao’s eyes are cured, he will be back soon.”

"It doesn't matter even if I have to stay in the capital for two years. Anyway, I'm not an adult yet, so I have to wait a few years before we get married. In short, I will just keep waiting for her."

I don’t know whether to convince Lu Hong or myself.

Lu Hong couldn't do anything to add insult to injury. He clearly saw Lu Qian's anger and forced composure, but he didn't expose it. He casually hummed and said nothing.

However, Lu An frowned and reprimanded in a deep voice: "Ah Qian, you and Sister Shu haven't officially decided to get married yet, and there might be some changes in the future. Don't mention these words again in the future."

Lu An was so sophisticated that he could guess some of the truth just by looking at today's events.

If Ling Jingshu was happy with this marriage, she would definitely not deliberately hide the news that she was leaving Dingzhou. By doing this, he clearly wanted to avoid Lu Qian.

Looking at Lu An's handsome and graceful face, Lu Qian's heart instantly filled with hatred.

If it weren't for Lu An's behavior that was worse than a beast, how could Ling Jingshu have ended up in such a miserable end? Ling Jingshu hated the Lu family so much that she did not want to remarry into the Lu family, so she avoided him...

"I don't care if there are any variables. In short, I won't marry her unless she is her." Lu Qian pushed back hard.

Lu An's majesty as a father was challenged, and he was so angry that he opened his mouth and cursed: "You bastard! How dare you talk to me like this. Where did your filial piety and loyalty go?"

Lu An became angry, and Lu Hong suddenly became nervous. He winked at Lu Qian and said, "Second brother, why don't you plead guilty to your father quickly?" I lost my sense of proportion and asked my father to please calm down."

Lu Qian gritted his teeth and lowered his head to admit his mistake: "My son said something wrong, please ask my father to punish me."

How can I be punished in a carriage?

Lu An snorted heavily and stopped talking with a sullen face.

After that, there was no sound in the carriage, and the atmosphere along the way was oppressive and dull, making people breathless.


Ling Jingshu was in a very good mood at this time.

It was also the first time for Ling Xiao to leave home. He was both excited and a little unspeakably nervous. He subconsciously pulled on Ling Jingshu's sleeve and asked in a low voice: "Ah Shu, are we almost at the dock?"

Ling Jingshu laughed in a low voice: "It's still very early! It's only been more than half an hour since we set off, and we still have at least two hours to go!"

Ling Xiao groaned and naturally moved a little closer to Ling Jingshu.

Ling Jingshu felt pity in her heart, so she simply held Ling Xiao's hand and started chatting with him in a low voice. Talking distracted her mind, Ling Xiao's uneasiness was mostly dissipated, and a smile began to appear on his face.

Sitting in the same carriage, Sun and others had a panoramic view of this scene.

Even though she had become accustomed to the closeness of the twin siblings these days, Mrs. Sun couldn't help but feel secretly surprised.

Men and women do not sit on the same table until they are eight years old. As they get older, even biological siblings should keep their distance. It is rare to find someone as close as Ling Jingshu and Ling Xiao.

"A'shu, you and A'xiao have such a deep love for each other that we can't live without each other for a moment." Sun joked half-jokingly: "I originally planned to let you and A'yan live together, but now it seems that it's better for you siblings to live together. A better place.”

Ling Jingshu pursed her lips and smiled, and responded calmly: "That's fine. A Xiao and I are together every day and night. We wouldn't be used to being separated."

If you arrive in the capital and are not familiar with the place, there must be many things you are not used to. Ling Xiao couldn't see, so if she wasn't around, he would definitely feel uneasy.

The Sun family had lived in the capital for a long time and was not familiar with Ling Jingshu's siblings, so she stopped talking after a few words.


Two hours later, we finally arrived at the pier.

The official ship had already parked at the pier, and the maids, women, and boys were busy carrying luggage. The masters only need to get on the official ship and wait.

Ling Jingshu got off the carriage first, and then carefully helped Ling Xiao get off the carriage as well.

A familiar voice sounded from behind: "Cousin Shu."

Sure enough, Lu Qian came after him!

Ling Jingshu frowned quickly, then relaxed her brows and turned around with a smile: "Cousin Qian, why are you here?" Her attitude was calm, her expression was calm, and she could even be considered very friendly.

It was as if the two of them were just a pair of ordinary cousins.

Even so, everyone around him still looked over curiously.

Lu Qian composed himself, forced out a smile and said, "Cousin Shu and cousin Xiao are going to the capital, and I'm here to give you a ride."

Ling Jingshu continued to smile: "Thank you so much, cousin Qian. We are going to the capital with my uncle and others to seek medical treatment. They will take care of us all the way. You don't have to worry about us."

Lu Qian had imagined Ling Jingshu's reaction, which would be shock, guilt, or avoidance. But I didn't expect it would be like this...

Calm, calm and smiling.

It's like wearing a flawless mask that hides all true emotions.

The weak and kind-hearted woman who cried easily in her previous life has been reborn and is no longer the same as he remembered.

Thinking of this, Lu Qian felt inexplicably uneasy. He gritted his teeth and said, "Cousin Shu, I have something to tell you. It's inconvenient for people to come and talk here. How about we go to the carriage over there and wait for a while." ?”

Ling Jingshu didn't refuse: "That's fine. Just wait a moment, and I'll help Ah Xiao get on the boat first."

With that, he ordered Bai Yu: "Bai Yu, you and Jing Yu will help Ah Xiao get on the boat first. Cousin Qian and I will go over and talk for a while and then come back."

Bai Yu hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice: "Miss, let me accompany you as a slave!" What happened to the lady last time when she was alone with Lu Qian was still vivid in her mind. If this happened again, the lady would be embarrassed in front of everyone. .

Ling Jingshu saw through Bai Yu's thoughts and smiled reassuringly at Bai Yu: "Don't worry, I'll be right back."

Bai Yu could only nod in agreement.

Ling Jingshu looked at Lu Qian again and said with a smile: "Cousin Qian, the ship will leave soon and there is not much time. How about we go there now?"

Lu Qian fell completely passive and nodded dully.


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